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Three years left - the countdown begins

strugglingSM's picture

As of today, we now have three years...36 months...left of CS. Yes, DH will likely have to pay some postsecondary support, but in our state, it appears as though that will be limited to covering educational expenses and can be paid directly to whatever institution SSs might attend. I'm betting that neither will actually attend anywhere because they don't really like school and without money flowing directly to her, BM will not have an incentive. According to state law, other child support appears to be advisory, not mandatory. 

I know that the drama won't go away, but I'm looking forward to DH not having any legal relationship with BM. Then we can also move away and not have to deal with MIL, either. Three years may seem like a lot, but I feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, so my countdown starts now. 


CLove's picture

Here in California, Child support ends when child turns 18 AND has graduated high school.

YAY. We also in about a week have 3 years to go. Husband has promised he would happily block Toxic Troll BM. As a thanks to me.

Who knows...

But YAY! I will be having a big party...somewhere...

hereiam's picture

I know that the drama won't go away, but I'm looking forward to DH not having any legal relationship with BM.

I have debated about what was best about the end of child support (which was almost 12 years ago). The money or the cutting of the legal relationship with BM, which in our case, was the end of ANY relationship with BM, as DH has refused to have any contact with her since CS ended.

Seriously, I think it was the end of any ties with psycho BM. Oh, she thought they would be bonded for life but my DH said, "No, I don't think so."

Three years is definitely towards the end of the tunnel. Have some wine!

CLove's picture

For ME, is definitely the End of the Relationship with Toxic Troll. For Husband its the money.

tog redux's picture

DH just finished paying in January when SS turned 21. We had a countdown on a chalkboard-painted wall we have it the kitchen for the last 2 years- it was fun to change it for each passing month.

I don't care about the money, we are frugal and have plenty. But knowing that never again can BM summon DH to court was priceless.

ESMOD's picture

We were super fortunate in that my DH's CO just called for a set amount of CS for both his kids and it continued at that same amount until the younger was 18.. that was it.  no post secondary ed.. no adjustments were ever filed by BM.. despite many threats.  She really didn't realize it was all ending until it was pretty much too late.  She decided after CS ended she would go back for spousal support because their decree said it was "reserved" so could be revisited.  But.. in our state you aren't entitled if you move on to another relationship and she had been living with a guy for almost 10 years at that point.. plus the guidelines would have only allowed it for something like up to half the years they were married and that deadline had also passed by then.  

But.. since then.. we have had blessed few interractions with her.  

MissK03's picture

We are pretty sure BM thinks she is still entitled to part of SO's retirement. Unfortunately for her it was voided when she got remarried. 

I am certain when SO goes to retire in 11 years she will come out of the woodwork looking for money. At this point SD (the youngest) will be 25 and I highly doubt there will be any communication between SO and BM. Can't predict the future though lol. 

thinkthrice's picture

Turns 21 in 2 yrs 7 months.  GAWD i hate NY!!!!!!!

MissK03's picture

Countdowns give you hope that there is light at the end of tunnel.. gotta have something to look forward too I think! 

In our case I'm just waiting for SD14 to be 18 and hopefully that will be it with the communication with BM. Like everyone has said.. the legal bounds to them is officially over. 

WwCorgi7's picture

Yes, I can't wait for this as well! SD will be 14 next month and then we will just have 4 years left! She is PAS'd out but as soon as she turns 18 childsupport and insurance will be dropped. Dh paid childsupport without a CO for 11 years then finally after some pushing by me he told BM he wanted it through the courts. She got angry filed a motion and said she never received any childsupportand wanted back pay. Dh kept track of every payment until we moved in together then I took over for him. BM was shocked he had every single receipt. She thought she was going to bleed him dry but her childsupport was garnished by the state for the medicaid she "provides" so she doesn't have to pay the co-pays.

Wishing you and everyone else a quick 3-4 years!

TheAccidentalSM's picture

DH's CS commitment lasted until MSS graduated from Univiersity (4 year programme).  The really annoying thing is that if the money had gone to MSS he would have graduated debt free.  As it is he has HUGE loans. Disappointing.

justmakingthebest's picture

It is 18 and graduated in KS where SS lives with BM. As of about a week ago- 24 months for us! He will be 18 yrs old in 17 months, but knowing that there is an end date and knowing what that date is feels amazing. Knowing that we can cut all ties and leave it up to SS 100% to keep a relationship with his father in a mere 17 months is so relieving. I am so tired of jumping through all the hoops, faking a smile, pretending that I care. BM has managed to make sure that there is no hope for any real relationship past what is court mandated. 

halo1998's picture

and yes we are counting down the months/days till DH no longer has to talk to Beaver in any way.   In our state 18 is the cutoff or 19 if they are still in high school.  But 19 is the end no matter what.  No mandatory paying for college etc.

I gotta say..I do enjoy never having to talk to the Village Idiot aka my ex ever again. I savored the moment he tried to engage in the name of the "kids"...and I was able to tell him..NOPE ..not talking to you.  Kids are adults and I will have that conversation with the directly.    I had to say it 4 times before he got all kinds of pissed off and hung up.   It was GLORIOUS I tell ya.

Now...when SD turns 18 I will relish the moment I no longer have to hold my tongue and can say exactly what I think to old Beaver there.

ICanMakeIt's picture

We have 14 months for SS to be graduated and then turns 18 - 2 months later. At that point we are down to 1 kid.

That one turns 18 during her senior year but graduates 6 months later. It's going to be annoying to be paying the other parent for an adult vs. paying directly to kid but it seems like the light is getting brighter at the end of that tunnel, I just hope it is not a freight train. 

FinallySkidFree's picture

We have 12 weeks to go before SD turns 21 and BM is off our payroll. DH cut off all communication with BM for the last 5 years, he blocked her number and POOF away she went. She then would go thru SS28 and DH had to tell him that he had nothing to discuss with her because they were grown and could deal with her themselves. It's been heaven. I cannot WAIT for that last check to go out.



missgingersnap2021's picture

I started my countdown 4 years ago. As of today I have only 16 months!!!!!! So the years do go by quickly.

And trust me its more about the alimony ending then the CS that is going ot make me sooooo happy!!!! 

TwoOfUs's picture


I remember starting my countdown. Last week marked 3 years post CS for us. Woot, woot!! 

A $1000+ per month raise is always a nice thing :-)