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In This Day And Age.....

Sweetnothings's picture

In this day and age, I am SOOO done with the stupid old excuses that, no doubt, my skids use, but ALSO my DH is quite happy to recite over and over again.

In this day and age with the Internet and Technology as it is, you are never alone and you are never unavailable to speak to or reach with an email, Skype, etc etc. Hell, my skids LIVE on the Internet !!! DH can believe all he likes that they are BUSY everytime he tries to contact them..... Yes, oh, sooo busy.....

Busy, dissing him online.....
Busy, posting on Fakebook......
Busy, taking stoopid nasty photos to post on the above......
Busy, looking for work.......

Do ADULT SKIDS really believe these excuses still work ????
Will my DH EVER even SEE a little bit of truth ????

And while I'm venting..... SHAME on you BM !!!! You are a middle aged faded woman, who thinks she is SOO clever with her snide remarks posted online, pouring this entitled crap into your kids ears, so DH is a loser, sad, hopeless man ??? Purlease !!! Your own jealousy is SHINING through, he has made a succeessful, professional happy life, is married and happy with me...... and by the way, all that crap you installed in the skids, well, eventually it will land on you, too !!! Turning them into entitled, lazy Adults, well done, you must be soo PROUD !!! Your karma tran crash is speeding towards youuuuu !!!! With both skids at the controls !!! LOL!!!


DeeDeeTX's picture

My DH does this too. It is a self defense mechanism. If he just can't get ahold of his kids, well, that's just cuz they're so busy. If he admitted they just didn't want to talk to him, he would have to be really upset.

Deep down he knows, but he just doesn't want to make himself sad and say it out loud.

Sweetnothings's picture

I know, I hate the excuses my DH comes out with for them, blah, blah, blah. He's even said now they're older and adults, they are busy.... Well aren't we all ?? Then ten minutes later he'll be "defending" them saying " well, what do you expect me to do, they are my kids " Annoying !!! What I do expect is some truth to be spoken, what I do expect is to you to lead your views from a clear, precise and never changing constant.......

Sweetnothings's picture

Just updating my post, DH tried to ring sd21 over the weekend...... SSDD !!! Of course, the phone rings and rings and is not answered, what a surprise !!!! DH really doesn't see through this little manipulation of hers !!!
That phone never leaves her bloody hand, she is forever updating her social networks on it, or taking blurry photos on it...... Yet, never answers it or is somehow indisposed EVERY time he rings ???

Sometimes, I just want to shake DH and say, please wake up and smell the coffee, LEAVE her alone, because I can guarantee she WILL contact you when she WANTS something......sigh !!!!