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A friend of mine sent me this today & it made me laugh. She was working on a project and was asking a writer friend for a positive, warm fuzzy definition of holidays & this is what she got.

holidays -- that time of year when you spend money you don't have, on people you don't like, for stuff that they will never use.

holidays -- that time of year when people get maudlin over stop and go lights.
holidays -- that time of year when the airlines jack up their airfare prices, all in the holiday spirit.
holidays -- that time of year when you fatally injure a perfectly good tree and bring it inside your house and watch it slowly die.

holidays -- that time of year when the local theater, once again, puts on that stupid play about an old guy who might have Alzheimer's and talks to ghosts and ends up being brainwashed into giving away his hard-earned money to a bunch of slackers who need to practice birth-control.
