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tankh21's picture

I found this article and it says some of the stuff that you are telling me. Thank you posters


ESMOD's picture

Number 4 is key. He is the one that made a baby with the Let HIM deal with the fall out.

Also, don't expect appreciation... from her. I mean, she should be down on her knees and thankful that her EX is with someone that cares about her child and is helping to keep them safe and happy. But, they just can't.

Hennypenny's picture

It will get easier with time and practice. My life got so much better when I reached the point where DH would complain about some interaction with BM and my response would be, "huh, sucks to be you." I assume there are still plenty of ridiculous interactions but I honestly have no idea. Ignorance is truly bliss.

Pharlap's picture

Ahhh yes, I mean I COULD fully embrace the evil step mother role and not do jack for SS but I have a conscious. Guess BM can't stand the fact that her ex is remarried to a woman her child likes and treats him well. I get referred to as "your wife" in a nasty derogatory manner on a regular basis by BM, even about things that I had no knowledge or part in. Yes BM, I am his wife, something you had a chance at and completely blew it and it's obvious it just kills you.

ESMOD's picture

I remember seeing something on her FB page once that was talking about how she was so proud of her girls.. raising as a 'single mom'... since her marriage ended "not my choice" she wrote.

In my mind, I'm like .. lady,believe me, from what I understand, he had a very good reason to show you the door... don't act all innocent.

tankh21's picture

God know what BM refers to me as because she has a picture of a demon or satan as DH's picture on her phone. I am thinking really mature BM. She copied and sent my DH a series of text messages of them going back and forth and you can see that BM had a picture of this horrible looking creature as his picture. I thought it was hilarious.