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5 minutes PLEASE!!!

TBabygrl1's picture

Ok so spring break has not been that bad, if it wasn't for the constant whining. It seems every hour there is some sort of tragedy. A slip and fall is cause for full on tears and all. These kids are so coddled it is ridiculous. I never fully appreciated what my brother did with "shake it off" till now. I will have to say my kids will be brought up with "shake it off" because this is ridiculous! Btw it has been ss7 and sd5 WITH 2 female cousins, and the 2 cousins have only cried 1 time in 5 days where as as ss and sd 100+ each for each day!
I am so tired of the tears I am ready for a break. If you wanted to know this has taken 3 hours to write because of the tears. This needs to stop.


AndSoItIs's picture

I know this isn't funny. But I chuckled to myself as I read this. My SD5 is SUCH a drama queen that every time she ALMOST MIGHT have fallen or begun to slip she feels the need to report it as if it actually happened and was a tragedy. Last weekend while playing outside in the back yard I heard a SCREECHING, like the kind of cry/scream/yell you would do if someone was trying to kidnap you type thing so I ran outside and you know what it was? Mind you she's still standing, frozen, her head upside down, and she's still screaming...a "big fly" (according to SS7) flew by didn't even land on FLEW...BY...HER. I have never in my life shown such restraint when I didn't pull her by her hair through the yard and inside. Instead, I told her quietly to go to her room until she could pull herself together. That took over an hour. Oh well, it was an hour of peace. Good luck with yours, and you're definitely not alone!!

Lalena75's picture

SO's kids were like that (well his dd mostly) when they first started coming over. I went with what I did to my kids and was done to me "Is there blood gushing? Is there bone sticking out? No? then knock it off." If her drama continued or she started to pout (she'll curl up on the floor in a ball and whimper working up to a howl) SO would tell her "knock it of or you can go to time out and time out starts when your quiet" (he learned that from me with my son) after 2 or 4 or so times of time out not even starting for a good 10 min due to crying/whining/saying sorry can I get out now etc then having to do their time in age were mostly without drama. Both SO and my exH had to learn if time out starts when their quiet then you cannot say anything to them but "Time out starts when your quiet." Anything else and your arguing with a child and your lowering yourself as an authority figure.
Whining sucks but consistency works.