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New baby and sd

Tbh1125's picture

I am expecting a baby girl this month with my fiancé. Our first daughter together and he already has a 6yo daughter of his own. She honestly drives me crazy. She is very loud and rambunctious. When she comes over she spills things, doesn't eat over the table, (even after I correct her) she also has weight issues and eats everything in sight. I don't have the heart to tell her stop eating everything. I don't want to upset her and I feel it's not my kid not my place. her dad doesn't either. He's not good at disciplining her at all because he hasn't been in her life. He was young when he had her and didn't man up and do the right thing. As he got older I guess it finally clicked and he filed papers in family court and now sees her every weekend for one day no sleep over thank god. I'm really happy for him that he gets to be a part of her life as  every girl needs a dad. But I can't help these ill feelings I have to her. She does little bratty things like pull the whole roll of toilet paper down in the bathroom so we have to roll it back up if it's not ruined. Knocks stuff over spills stuff I caught her writing on the wall one time with my makeup. This is my home and his home we both pay our way. I don't want her here honestly and I think he knows that. I'm just scared when my baby comes and the days she'll be here. I don't think she knows how to be quiet. The bm had her while she was on drugs/methadone whatever and now they think the kid has adhd which probably stems from her mothers drug use while she was pregnant with her. The bm is sober now, good for her. I  dread every weekend that she's going to come here disturb the peace is regular but now that means she'll disturb the baby or hurt the baby. I feel that way because I've seen the way she treats his niece (her cousin) whose the sweetest little girl in the world. She's very jealous and mean to her. She's like this with all kids. I don't know what to do. If you can only see how rambunctious she is and the thought of having a new born around her scares me to death. Has anyone experienced a similar situation before I don't know what to do. 


SteppedOut's picture

Be prepared for sd to wake your baby every time she is sleeping. If you plan on nursing, do it in your bedroom, with the door locked - sd still may interrupt feedings with loud noises. Never let your baby out of your sight when sd is there. You will likely be toting your baby to the bathroom with you.

God speed. Hopefully your husband will step the eff up and insure your shared baby is safe, but don't count on it.