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MIL text Dh asking him to drop off BS

The4Nuggets's picture

When the fuck is this woman going to learn?!
I flat out told her - and emailed her that until she can have respect for our boundaries and family that she cannot be in it. What Dh does with his mother is out of my control but that toxic bitch is to stay away from me and my child until she can get her act together.

Go figure she would text DH. Mr Switzerland.
Does she think she is slick?

I'm a sahm. My son is with me every day all the time.
She text him saying "I'm not sure what your work schedule is but do you think you can bring (BS1) over one day?"

He didn't respond to her.
He didn't tell me she text that. I saw it.

I don't think he would sneak BS1 over there. That would be impossible since he's with me and Dh works a lot.
I wonder if he will finally put his foot down with her (doubt it). We need that. Once he starts putting his foot down, she may stop her crazy shit. I'm always the one doing it and that's his mother. He needs to grow some balls and tell her and she needs to make amends with me if she wants to continue to be a part of our family.

The fucking nerve.


notasm3's picture

I do not believe in allowing someone to just "make amends" with a short statement once they have crossed a line into total aholiness.

People can truly change and make amends - but that's a process that takes a lot of time.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

You must have my MIL's twin. DH made it clear to MIL that she can't watch BD3 because of a combination of her health and her passive aggressiveness and her inability to respect the boundaries we put in place. She tries to circumvent DH and call me directly (I don't pick up) or if she sees me, asks me if I can drop BD to her a few days during the week.

How about
a. I am not your goddamn employee, you don't ask me to drop BD off since it means I have to, at 8.5 months pregnant, go out of my way to do drop offs and pick ups.
b. Respect the fact that your son said no, and that you're making things worse by trying to go around him because I WILL TELL HIM and he will be PISSED.

Anyway, it ended up with DH telling his mother a week ago that she is in no way entitled (she believes she is because of some weird fantasy she has of being grandma of the year) to our child, nor the one I am almost done cooking in my belly. She is still stewing over that.

twoviewpoints's picture

IMO (and that's all it is, my 2cts), some of your anger is misdirected. You're hurling all you've got at MIL. Reading your few blogs here, a good share of your base issues are a direct result of your husband's actions.

Your MIL couldn't have told your estranged father diddly-sh*t about your marriage if DH hadn't fed her the info. Why would MIL think your marriage woes and counseling are top secret if your DH is spilling it all at her doorstep?

Same with the crib. Why give a person a key to your home? She tried to surprise you and do something nice by gifting you a baby crib. Whether you wanted it or appreciated it or not, she never would have been able to deliver and set it up without your DH giving her a key.

This woman isn't going to kiss your *ss and jump to your demand nor tune. You can withhold yourself and use your precious little nugget as a pawn all you please, but this woman isn't a dog in training. Your 'Mr Switzerland ' isn't as neutral as you proclaim in all this.

"I don't think he would sneak BS1 over there. That would be impossible since he's with me and Dh works a lot.". *shaking head* Yeah, kept treating your child as personal property where his father doesn't count and has no say. Yep, you'll whip 'em all into shape (snark intended) .

You need a new game plan.

The4Nuggets's picture

Mil has a long list of being disrespectful to me and going against our parenting when it comes to sd and my son. I don't have a say in SD so I do not bother. But I'm not subjecting my child to her. Just because she is grandma means nothing to me.
She says really messed up things. Once she said my son looked "gay" because of a hat he was wearing. She makes fun of SD's clothes saying they look trailer trash or dirty and makes her change (clothes BM sends her in). She says racist things that SD repeats.
SD had a minor fever once but it was her birthday and MIL insisted we come over. I said no but Dh said yes so we went over and I set up for SD to lay on her couch and relax. Well mil was getting impatient waiting for her to get better that she ripped the blanket off of her and told her to get up so we can sing happy birthday to her.
Then she let her eat cake - which is fine - but sd wasn't feeling good. I kept trying to get SD to drink more water and MIL kept telling me she doesn't want water. Then she went upstairs and got some sort of adult pills. I can't even remember what they were. And she gave SD one! (Without me being there). I went off on her because she's not a fucking dr and doesn't know dosages and you don't just give a very small child (SD is 8 but she is TINY) medication meant for an ADULT.

I'm not using my child as a pawn. I'm simply keeping him away from her toxic ass. You wouldn't hand over your children to someone who doesn't respect you, would you?! Just because she is the mother of DH does NOT give her free reign to do as she pleases and get away with it.
And yes. I already stated that DH is part of the issue and we discussed that and are working on it. So like another poster mentioned, I will let it play it and see how Dh handles it. Which knowing him, he will most likely just ignore her.

The4Nuggets's picture

Yes. I get that. I try to remember/mention everything. My son is only 1 so for a while it was just DH, Sd and me.
She went against our parenting so many times with SD. I have more stories of that than I do my son because he's a new family member.
The list is long. SD is small and I still have her in a high back booster seat. Mil gave me shit for that saying that SD isn't a baby and doesn't need a car seat *eye roll*. I've sent her studies and pictures and everything explaining why our tiny SD needs the seat. Then she would ask to take SD but refuse the seat. DH put his foot down for that one. Now she takes the car seat when she has SD but she makes a point to act annoyed about it. I just ignore her because it's for SD and to keep her safe so MiL can stupidly be upset about it all she wants. She's an insane driver too so I feel more comfortable when she has the seat for SD.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Lol how about when we found out my MIL wasn't doing the between the leg straps for BD when she was taking her out because she forgot how to do it even though we had shown her and she showed us she could?

Or that she had chest pains (heart attacks run in her family and her sister just passed from hitting a tree while having a heart attack on the road and MIL is on heart medication) and threw a fit saying she has a right to have BD when DH asked her to get checked out before she resumes watching BD alone since she lives alone.

Yeah, my MIL also tries to use money and buying things to get us to be cooperative. I not only stopped DH from mentioning my birthday but any time she tries to give me a check I just don't bother cashing it. Sorry, I will not take anything from someone who I know has no respect for me and possibly secretly hates me. Buying a crib for OP means nothing to me about whether or not she's a "good" grandma. It screams of using material things like mine to allow her to continue her toxic BS without consequence.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

I actually knew the moment that she posted about her MIL demanding to watch her child that her's and mine are cut from the same cloth--people who don't respect boundaries and believe they are entitled to not only disrespect you as a parent but that they have some sort of right to your child. Only they think they can demand this.

Yes, I know with JUST BD she's a good grandma and loves BD3. That was where most of my guilt about no longer letting her watch BD without supervision comes from. That, however, is NOT enough to negate the fact that

A. If she's mad at DH for some slight she's thinks happened, she'll make snide comments in front of BD about DH and then clap and laugh if BD refuses to hug or kiss DH, as if he deserves it.
B. Give BD things we specifically say she can't have immediately to be the "good guy" (like cake right before we're about to go out to dinner.)
C. Say we're abusing our child by asking her to eat vegetables and will loudly announce it to everyone who is willing to hear.
D. Will promise BD things like "you can come to my house this week and I will give you x if your parents would only drop you off."

This is a form of PAS, but the perpetrator is a grandmother and not an ex. This is not a healthy environment for our children to grow up in and because she can't help herself (she did the same thing to DH and his brother against their father, her exH) and so unfortunately she lost any privilege to be the grandma she pictures herself to be.

My parents simply say they would love to see BD more but totally understand we're busy so they'll see her when they do and not have us go out of the way. Not only that, the first time I had my parents watch BD, my mom asked if there are any rules and things that I would like them to follow while BD was with them. If I am disciplining BD at my parent's house, they will back me up when BD attempts to go to them to escape the time out--my MIL just coddles BD and tells her "mommy and daddy are mean so you should come over more."

We are not using our children as pawns, if I was, I would have done so simply based on the issued between myself and MIL--but I wanted my daughter to have a good relationship with her father's mother, which I did not have because mine was batshit. Then she started trying to turn BD against us to get what she wants, not caring how detrimental this is to our child's development, and that's when DH put his foot down (he blames his mom for his lack of coping skills growing up because she liked doing this shit) even when I was willing to give her more chances. I will not override my DH--if she cannot agree to his stipulations that she stop trying to emotionally manipulate BD, she doesn't get to be around her alone.

Edited to add: the hell is with them and thinking they can give our kids meds willy nilly?!?

MIL once gave BD an aspirin without consulting me and DH when BD had a cold. Aspirin can cause Reye's syndrome for children and that shit KILLS. I FREAKED and almost hyperventilated when she told me later but remained calm just so I didn't seem "ungrateful."

The4Nuggets's picture

yesssssssss! She said that same thing about my son eating veggies. Which he LOVES! He loved veggies before he liked fruit. He only recently started liking fruits.
She made it out like I was depriving my BABY because I wasn't letting him eat chocolate or candy.
Which I don't all the time. Once in a while maybe? Birthday parties and holidays, i let him have some deserts. I'm not evil.

I finally got down to the bottom of my son's skin issues and it turns out he is allergic to dairy and eggs.
When I told MIL she acted like I was making the shit up. "ugh. he ate eggs before and was fine"
But he wasn't! He would form rashes and scratch them so much they would bleed! So now I feel like I can't even trust her to not feed him things with his allergen in them. It's ridiculous.

MIL would do the PAS thing with SD. And she got away with it a lot because I didn't fight her much about SD. I tried to keep out of it and let DH run the show (which he doesn't). SD LOVES going over to MIL's (she lives like 2 miles away). But SD gets to eat junk and watch tv at her house all day. AND MIL is always buying her whatever she wants. SD made a comment to me once while we were at the store. She was asking for some toy and I told her not right now and she pouted and said "fine! I'll just ask MIL for it!"
MIL got it for her the next day :/

MIL will ask SD if she wants to do this and that without consulting DH first (since the only time she sees SD is during HIS time). So sometimes we will have plans and MIL will just ask SD if she wants to come over or go somewhere. I had to tell mil that SD is 8. She does not make the decisions and if she wants to make plans to have SD she needs to talk to DH.

I also sometimes feel like I can't even bond with SD because when SD gets here she's always asking for MIL. Money is tight for us right now so I can't go out and buy SD's love or take her places. I do fun free things or stuff with her at home but she's a tv kid. She rather watch TV all day then go outside with me and play or paint or do our nails.

At least your DH puts his foot down. Mine is a total puss about it. It drives me insane. My sister has the same issues with her MIL and her husband had no problem putting his mother in her place. Since then, everything has been so great between my sister, her husband and her MIL.
I just feel like if my DH didn't have these mommy issues with MIL that things would be good by now but it just keeps dragggggingg!

Aspirin. KMN! I would have flipped.

moeilijk's picture

I have made a different choice than you. Granted, I doubt my MIL would ever give DD medicine, and certainly not irresponsibly. But in my case, by all means, if DH wants to play chauffeur, then DD can spend a few hours with MIL. I can't have a positive relationship with MIL, but that has nothing to do with MIL and DD.

The4Nuggets's picture

To my surprise, he called me this morning and told me about the text (which she sent yesterday at 2).
Apparently she called him this morning to discuss a work order my husbands job/boss was paying her to make.
In that conversation she slipped in him dropping off DS. He said that at the time that will not e happening considering the situation between everyone. That we (us 4) have been doing great as a family and working on things and things need to be corrected/mended and trust built with her, etc for that to happen. She said she did not understand. (Again. I told her to her face AND sent an email stating why we are not talking and it's also in the best interest of our son to not be in her care at the time)
He said she was not happy about it.
He called me upset. Not with me but he said he felt horrible for his mom and never wants to do that again.
He said he understands it's her fault things are like this but he wants everyone to be cool and felt bad telling his mom that.
I sympathized with him though, I really don't sympathize with him.

Ya know. If he put his foot down with her a long time ago, we'd all probably be fine by now.
I get this is his mom but he acts like she's a saint and does no wrong and when she does wrong (multiple times) he tries to justify and say she didn't mean to. Enough is enough. She's a grown ass woman

twoviewpoints's picture

Have you talked to your DH about therapy? Not for you as a couple, him. There seems to be 'glitch' in his 'mommy/son' relationship.

No grown a** man stands there letting his mother do the things you describe. Example, the medication incident.

As I said earlier, you aren't going to change this woman. You getting in her face isn't going to fix anything. You've just became the b*tch in her eyes. Don't bother with sending her research on this or that.

Because your husband stands/sits there like a scared little boy she sees him as approving of her ways/actions.

He needs someone professional and neutral to help him sort out this 'mommy/son' thing and to help him learn how to cope with and handle her. He's feeling all upset today, ashamed and guilty over defying his mother and acting like a man and a true parent. In other words, the guy has 'mommy' issues. He needs to discover them, face the and conquer them.

The4Nuggets's picture

I have not but it has become quite apparent that he has mommy issues.

What I know of their relationship:
His father cheated on his mother. MIL's father is rich, hired an expensive lawyer to deal with the divorce and she moved across the country and got away with it.
MIL always talked shit about DH's father. Said he didn't pay support (found out a couple years ago after he passed away that he did till DH and his younger brother was 18)
DH never saw his father again after age 7.
MIL has been sober for 20 something years. When DH was younger, she was a drug addict alcoholic and was never around. Then she started getting help and going to meetings all the time so she was STILL never home.
DH says himself that his nanny raised him.
DH always says his mother is a saint. He cheated on his ex girlfriend before (years ago) and apparently cried when he told MIL about it because he felt so sorry for her since thats what his dad did to her, etc etc.
He thinks she knows everything and her advice is gold.
Seriously, he would have an issue with him and I would tell him my opinion on how to deal with it and he wouldn't listen. Then he would talk to his mom and she would say THE EXACT SAME THINGS I told him and he would follow her advice.

Maybe you're on to something. I'll see if I can try to talk to him about that