I sit in the bedroom crying... sorry long
Today at work, I was talking to an older woman (maybe 50, I am not yet 30) about work. She asked me if I was ok. THat she had noted the last three weeks or so I seemed not myself. --I almost started crying right in her cubicle...
I explained how I was considering leaving my boyfriend.
And that it was soooo much more involved than just a break up because if I left him, it would mean moving out of the home I helped design, build, and now live in... it would mean leaving my job, leaving this city, because I have no friends or family and I could never afford rent on my own and pay my student loans, and other bills... That he has talked of promises and of the future, but he isn't acting on it. And I've mentioned ALL of this to him and he still is doing things without thinking of me.
I told an example that actually happened LAST NIGHT:
He came home and informed me that he told his brother and sister-in-law that he would watch their 16 month old overnight.
And I wasn't ASKED, just told me she would be there for the night...SO he left to go get her and TOLD me to clean the floor and "babyproof" the house while he was gone... then when he brought her back HE LEFT WITH THE KIDS TO GO FOR A WALK AND LEFT ME WITH THE KID! He then woke me up early to watch the kid while he took a shower...
I told the woman it's nothing BIG happening that I can say WOAH to right away, it's all these little things that if I point to one little thing it looks like nothing, but when they all add up it makes me feel like he NEEDS me to be around, doesn't want me to leave him because he knows he NEEDS ME...
She basically told me the same thing my mom has been telling me, and the same thing all of you have been telling me,...
I am way too young to be taking on this situation. I may love him, but I need to love myself enough demand his respect....
She told me I don't have to tell him all the little things that bother me, HE WAS THERE AND LIVED THEM TOO, and if he can't see what he is doing is hurting me, then he won't change, and he does not want to change, and that makes the problem HIS not mine, and if it's not my problem, there is nothing I can do to fix it...
So I come home from work and am obviously bummed,... myboyfriend corners me in the bedroom and asks if I am mad at him.
I said, "no i'm just sad, just about my life"
And I started to tell him about this woman at work and I moved around the room (I was changing out of work clothes, and was not fully dressed)
"what?" he says
"Nothing, nevermind, leave, obviously you don't care about what I was going to say"
"I was just leaning"
"no leaning is a flat palm against the wall, you have your hand on the door knob like you were ready to turn it" (he is a very tall man he has to stoop in posture to bend down for his hand to reach the door knob--it is NOT natural looking)
he rolls his eyes and just stands there, "finish your story"
I put my lounge clothes on and laid down on the bed and got my phone out "no it's ok, go"
he stands there a bit looking at me and we are both in silence, then he leaves
this was about 30 min ago and he keeps coming in the bedrrom for various reasons and leaving without saying anything.
He just said they were going to go for a walk, did I want to come, I said "no" then they were going to town did I want to go "no"
"are you sure you don't want to come?"
"yes, I am very sure I do not want to go"
- theoutsider's blog
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The little things grow into
The little things grow into HATING and RESENTING every single moment of every single day. Don't let that become your life. I hate the house I live in my home, my house because it represents my exH and his affairs I will leave it in a heartbeat but it's my capitol in a few more years. I have my own student loans, debt out the butt and if it weren't for my kids a small nice 1 bedroom place would be fine with a used car I paid cash for, all the big shiny new crap is really unnecessary. You have a job stash away money find a new little place near your job, you don't need family go make new friends, start a hobby outside the house stop being home to be used start living for you.
Thank you, it is so hard to
Thank you, it is so hard to pull away. I've been with him for 3 and a half-almost four years,... so much of my life(I was 24 when we met, almost 28 now) it feels like he has robbed what could have been my best years,...
40 and fabulous! I must
40 and fabulous! I must agree with Tog!
I was with my ex-husband for 10 years, no children.
I was with SO for over 3 years, 3 skids, no kids of my own.
I will be 40 this year and have resigned myself to the fact that I will not have children of my own. Yes, yes, I know that physically I could STILL have them, but it is not in the cards for me. This has devastated me as I always thought I would have kids, I love kids and I wanted kids of my own.
If you are only 28, you have YEARS and YEARS left to decide what you want to do with your life and you have plenty of time to do it. So no more of that "wasted the best years of my life" nonsense. Pull yourself up and demand what you deserve. Being with the wrong person is MUCH more lonely than being by yourself. I love living on my own. I look around each day and think, "I worked for this, I built this home for myself and my furbabies and I am PROUD to have done it." You deserve nothing less than that.
Awee Sweetie..please try and
Awee Sweetie..please try and get out while you are young..don't wake up one day and find you are 65 years old and your whole life was dictated by a men..like me.You can never get those years back.This man has no respect to do what he's done to you...assuming it's your job to look after someone elses kid..I don't like the way he treats you in general..good luck and keep us posted.