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SD and homework

theoutsider's picture

SD 12 is incapable of doing homework on her own. She asks for help every night.....

Her dad gets home at the latest 4pm, and he tells her to do what she can by her self and he will look at it later and go over hard stuff... In the past she has not done anything, then we he comes back she wants to have him site down and walk the whole thing over with him,... This did not go over well, so now when he says this, she texts me at work "when are you coming home?"
I don't get off til 5pm,... Then she texts again, why aren't you home? I repeat the same thing her dad says "you need to do what you can on your own"
Then she texts and calls grandma ams grandpa "can you come over? I need help on my homework and dad and (me) aren't here"
Usually if they aren't busy they run right over...



SMof2Girls's picture

Is there any consequence to her for doing this? She's been given the same instruction by two different adults and blatantly disregarded it. Sounds to me like she needs to start losing priveledges if she can't listen to the adults in the home.

Anon2009's picture

I agree with the others. She needs consequences. If those don't work, perhaps she needs to be tested for a learning disability (if that has not happened already).

theoutsider's picture

I have asked for testing to be done to determine learning disability, it has never happened. FDH said he was the same way when he was younger... if it didn't come quickly and without effort the first time he saw something, he had no desire to put effort into trying harder to learn it...

(side note: he passed high school but barely. he went into the electrician apprenticeship and now makes close to 80,000 a year. When he was asked to help with physics he said "I never took that in school---only to find out that he deals with extremely complicated physics everyday, he just never had someone call it "physics")

So,... I think it's more a psychological barier the word "school" and the word "homework" just make the 12 girl shut down,...

But no, there are no consequences,...
I came home tonight at about 6:00pm and grandma was there,... she walked away from the girl, but stayed at the house doing other things until just now.
It was 8:30pm before the 12FSD was done with her homework.
All I said was in a very calm even toned voice, "In the future, when you know you have this much homework, you need to start it was soon as you get home from school. If you had had any more homework tonight you would not have gotten done before bedtime."
Grandma calls from the other room, "She started it at 4 o clock" (She gets home at 3:30pm)
I ignored grandma, but spoke louder, "Also, if you know 52 definitions are due in two days, you can't wait until the night before to do them all. Split them up 26 and 26, or like last night you had a lot of extra time, you could have finished them all last night and still had extra time, and then you wouldn't have had to do them tonight and would have had extra time too..."

What the Hell?! Was I attacking her that grandma felt she had to rush to her aid???

Newstep's picture

Consequences are needed. She sounds like she needs constant attention. My SD was like this. She gets home before SO and I and she has to do her homework in her room at her desk. If not then she gets no TV time that night. Works really well for us if she needs help she will save it and ask for help but that is not to often.

Before she was similar to your SD and would wait until we got home. Now she is on a schedule and does very well with it.