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Another Pet Escapes

thinkthrice's picture

More like runs for their life from one of Chef's ferals.  This time it is Pumpkinhead  OSD28 and his wife.   Indoor cat made a run for it.  Skids were always mean to animals and neglectful.   The Girhippo would give animals back to the shelter for jumping up on people at the drop of a hat.  Pet ownership was never taken seriously. 

SD26 had MANY  cats that ran away from her.  Frankly some people should NEVER have animals.   Chef's ferals should all be banned from having them. 


MorningMia's picture

I really hate people like that. I hope all the runaways found good loving homes.

AlmostGone834's picture

We NEED a registry just like we have for $ex offenders for animal abusers. Then make it public for all to see so that we can band together and make these people's lives miserable. I'm alllll for a bit of vigilante justice when it comes to people who harm animals.

Little Type Amy's picture

I have honestly been hoping for something like that to come to frution for years! 

thinkthrice's picture

There should be a registry for guilty daddies, animal abusers, and thoughtless procreators.   They could all have various tattoos across their forehead.   The guilty Daddys could have "Unfit for Adult Relationships" across their forehead, the animal abusers could have "Worthless Slime" tattooed on their foreheads, and the irresponsible procreators could have, "Do Not Bang" on their foreheads followed by immediate sterilization.

I'm pretty sure the ACLU would have a problem with all of this though.

grannyd's picture

What a great idea, AlmostGone! When I think about how loving and devoted our pets are, how dogs in particular adore their owners (even if they're unkindly treated), I want to cry when I hear stories of neglect and abuse. Worse still, is the fact that few abusive pet owners are brought to justice.

TT, I recall your nasty little shit of a SD entertaining herself by shooting frogs with a BB-gun and fear for any children that (heaven forbid!) she might spawn. Chef's thoroughly unattractive brats were a trio of sociopaths! Ugly inside and out. Bad

Little Type Amy's picture

Granny D & TT. that is awful. I will never understand the appeal of wanting to shoot or, torment or  harm animals just for the fun of it. You would have to be a sociopath to derive some sick pleasure out of killing those creature for No other reason. Just Ugly. 

Little Type Amy's picture

Just goes to show that some people just are unfit to be responsible enough to commit to caring for pets. Its already bad enough for society that those kind of trashy humans who mistreat animals actually Procreate

I have to try not to even think about SD's status , if she still has her dog or acquired other pets. I dont have any proof of her harming them, but her being fully accountable isnt her forte. Plus she complains about how she finacially struggles as a single mom with two kids, whom Im surprised are still alive and not completely feral ..yet. I can give her that much), so I shudder to wonder how adequately she can take care of a pet on top of that with food, vet bills, and hope the dog isnt neglected. Fun fact is that my little 8 pound Chiuhuhua belonged to her ( well got it for her then 3 year old and infant daughters. who werent quite old enough to assist in  the tasks of caring for the dog), but guess that wasnt considered of course, that would involve SD applying logic)  , so you know how that went hence why we adopted the dog instead of sending him to a shelter like Sd was about to do.

 SD and Baby Daddy who was actually in the picture then, apparently couldnt handle the tiny dog. He is so much better off with us anyway so it worked in our favor.  ( My MIL actually begrudgingly admitted that, which also shocked me since her darling only golden grandchild usually cant not do any wrong! I thought Id faint lol. thats got to tell you something!). It did work out for the  best, since my dog did get a serious  upgrade and spoiled to the max  by DH and I in a loving home as deserved. 

Lord knows how he would end up if he stayed under SD or Baby Daddy's "care" or did get dumped at the shelter. 

So, with that being said, you know what SD eventually turns around and does. Just decides it a great idea to get a Pit Bull. nothing against the breed.. Just saying. A teeny pint sized dog coudnt be taken care of, so by all means lets get a larger one. And maybe others.  ( her reason was that she suddenly found out the landlord didnt allow pets. which from what I recall from renting, that rule is usually laid out from the start) I want to say there might be a hole in that story since she obtained the aforementioned Pit while still living in the same place, so who knows whats true. Doest matter in the end, just hope that any animals she has in her possession now arent completely neglected. 

Winterglow's picture

Get your DH to convince he she needs a border collie. She might have a fighting chance of eventually being a  decent human being if she has a border collie to train her ... I've seen what these dogs can do ...

Rags's picture


Get the smartest breed to train the dumbest humans.   

Great idea.

grannyd's picture

Border Collies, Winterglow!

We had a retired, trained Border Collie when I was a child, waaay back in the late 1940s, early 1950s. Her name was Cookie and she (as difficult as this is to believe) herded us 6 (at that time, 2 more to come) children around the yard, unwilling to let us stray beyond the hedge. Although a loving dog, Cookie would actually snarl and nip at our heels (although she never bit us) to prevent us from sneaking  past that hedge boundary.

 Mom's friends would watch Cookie circling her charges, performing her 'babysitting' duties, laugh and beg to borrow her. When she died, aged 15, we grieved her like the family member that she was. To this day, I love dogs and thank Mom for having included them in our young lives. It taught us so much about responsibility (we took turns, feeding and walking both Cookie and our subsequent dogs). 

Those who abuse dogs (or any helpless animal) are disgusting human beings; no exceptions, no excuses.



Winterglow's picture

My parents had a (non-border) collie when I was a child. Mum was very popular among the other mothers at the park/kiddies playground. They never asked her if she would be there the next day, only if she'd be bringing Skip with her. Why? Because when it was time to go home, he'd round up all of the toddlers and herd them towards their mothers. He solved the most stressful moment of the afternoon. 

grannyd's picture

Thanks for sharing, Hon. Skip sounds awesome; much like my beloved Cookie. Unlike Skip, however, Cookie reserved her childminding skills for her immediate family; forgivable, since she was in her 9th year when she joined our household.  

♥️ All the best