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thinkthrice's picture

. . .in which the ENTIRE school year of skipping classes and not doing homework will be made up by a few sessions of snacks during the summer. Miraculous!!!

It will be Dominatrix's (SD stb 17) tenth season of summer school in a row. A new low, I suppose.

Pumpkinhead (OSS stb 19) went to summer school pretty much from grade 7 onward. Pretty sure Dom won't graduate HS in four years--which I hear is a more common phenomenon nowadays. She failed both the Algebra Regents and the "special ed" Algebra Regents/or "do-over."

Ditto for the Biology regents and Global Studies regents. Unbelievably she received a "40" on her Gym final exam--I'm surprised as she's been deemed "athletic" by her parents for the last ten years. Athletic being Swahili for "huge for one's age." The English regents has yet to be posted but I think it's pretty plain as the chip on the Girhippo's shoulder that she's going to fail that too.

BTW we are not talking about just missing the grade which is 65 to pass. We are talking crater failing; the average grade being 42.

There were 11 tardies the 2nd semester. She managed to receive 5 credits with an average grade of 68. This is factoring in all the fru fru classes, of course.

Some of the usual comments showed up:

Inconsistent work affected grades
Does not complete independent reading assignments for book reports
Comes to classes unprepared

Well! Homework and classwork are not FUN so why should mommykins make her precious poopsiekins do ANYTHING that is not FUN??!! Don't these educators get it??!!

Prince Hygiene (YSS 12.5) is going down the same road. This is his 4th year of summer school. He barely passed English with a 65 and failed math with a 42 on the final exam.

Same ol' comments:

Inconsistent effort has affected grades
Inconsistent effort on completing assignments
Has not completed many of the in class assignments
Attitude in class is indifferent.

Chalked up 17 lates this year and three unexplained absences.

No fear. He's getting labeled as "learning disabled--other" this year; just like big sis in which special allowances will be made. Test questions can be read out loud to such individuals, a designated school note taker is put into place so that the student doesn't need to take notes, etc. etc.

Which has not helped Dominatrix one whit! The provisions were meant to help students with REAL learning disabilities and not simply student and parent laziness.

Ahhhh your tax dollars at work!


thinkthrice's picture

The summer school in the Gir's district is only the Gir's district. Same underachievers every year. No new kids to meet. But then again, as the Gir so aptly put it when CHEF suggested the Dom be held back in the 6th grade. . . "BUUUTTT WHAT ABOUT HER FRIIEEEEENNNNNNDDDDSSS?!!!!!"

School is nothing more than a social club for the children of the MOTY Girhippo.

thinkthrice's picture

Well she does have a "steady" older boyfriend, however to look at her FB account, you would think she hits for the other team.

thinkthrice's picture

Probably her underachieving girl crush that she's had for about 5 years or so now. I'm sure her parents don't care about academics either because Dom is always staying overnights at her house during the school week.

thinkthrice's picture

I didn't go to summer school, but I did do course overload. I had 21 credits both in Advanced Placement and Regents by the end of the third year. I had just turned 17 as well. My father thought kindergarten was a waste of time so he sent me to 1st grade when I was 5.

thinkthrice's picture

You never know if they'll show back up. Quite often they do--to ask for money of course.

thinkthrice's picture

And will you be on this forum four years from now? I guess you're just a better person than I am. Your halo is burning my retinas though.

Disneyfan's picture

Have they shown up or called since dad walked away?

It's hard to believe we live in the same state. Summer school down here is no walk in the park.

thinkthrice's picture

"Have they shown up or called since dad walked away?"

And your point is other than to play devil's advocate?

"It's hard to believe we live in the same state. Summer school down here is no walk in the park."

Why am I not surprised you'd say that?

. . .desperately waiting for HRNYC to chime in. . .

From what I've seen of the latest interns around here, anyone having gone to public school in this locality under the age of 50 got ROBBED in the education department.

Having said that, this is a great series:

thinkthrice's picture

I too enjoy empty nest syndrome. I think that the Girhippo thinks that will magically happen. The skids have been trained since birth that life SHOULD be a bowl of cherries. That is not in my vocabulary having raised two independent adults on my own.

Chef is conflicted but I'm sure that he would make less of an excuse for their abject apathy as they get older.

BTW YSS makes great grades in Band. The Girhippo has filled his head with dreams of being a star on broadway or a famous musician much the way she did with OSS.

Who is going to community college part time, living off his Uncle and his partner and working part time on a food truck owned by one of the Gir's relatives making smoothies. And he was the most promising child of all three!!

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Why put in the effort and pass your classes during the school year when you can sit through 6 weeks of summer school, do basically nothing, and pass anyway? SS16 has had this down to a science every summer since sixth grade!