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Karma Bus Swings VERY Close to the Girhippo!

thinkthrice's picture

Her bestest buddy (Gir's boss) was taken off the job for gross incompetence but she fought it with the union and now is demoted. This is the stellar woman who hired the Girhippo!! Lots of nepotism involved suffice it to say. I can only imagine what has been going on. Dominatrix herself told us that "mom has a DREAM job and the nicest boss in the world" read: the Girhippo gets paid for doing nothing due to the massive corruption in that county.

And this is in the CPS dept btw. Not unlike the Girhippo, her kids are also running wild on the streets. In addition, the Gir's boss goes after everything in trousers.

A while back, a co-worker who now works in our county, told me she and her hubby left the Girhippo's county because the Gir's boss was constantly coming on to her husband (let's just say the Gir's boss is FUGLY to say the least) The woman who left the county and her husband are an attractive couple but got sick of the sexual harassment of the Gir's boss.

Then the Gir's boss started harassing one of the women CPS workers under her (not the Girhippo) because said worker married a man that the Gir's boss had HER eye on--who happened to be an attorney for the county!!

It was found out that this boss's allegations were completely trumped up and baseless. Seems this boss had a little crush on this county attorney and was angry that he married her underling. Now the attorney just slapped the Gir's boss with a discrimination suit on the basis of marital status!

Break out the popcorn!


StepLady's picture

Good county workers always get bad names due to the lazy and entitled coorupt ones! It is a real shame. Can you ask local media to expose this? I would try.

kathc's picture

Wow, I hope that Gir does something to help her friend and goes down in flames with her! }:)