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NYS Child Support Enforcement Agency Stupidity

thinkthrice's picture

As you may be aware of, Chef's last feral aged out at age 21 last week.  Instead of getting a letter from the New York State Child Support Enforcement Agency saying "Your last child has aged out at age 21 and you are no longer obligated to pay CS," Chef gets the following letter and I will paraphrase:

Unfortunately we couldn't give the Girhippo an automatic CS cost of living increase because of "some information received" (nebulous alluding to the fact that the last one aged out).



 New York State Child Support Enforcement Unit




AlmostGone834's picture

Probably because there's some government paper pusher sitting at his desk right now going over Chef's case with a magnifying glass trying to see if there's a loophole he can exploit to keep CS (and the government's revenue) going. I hope not but you know how NY is. The only good thing that ever happened concerning LI was she joined the military and automatically emancipated herself in doing so. 

advice.only2's picture

Did he close out the bank account they are drawing from?  We had the same problem here in CA, DH only owed for one month of CS and for two months after Spawn was 18 and graduated, they kept trying to pull more money.  DH had to get his lawyer involved who called CS services and funnily enough once they spoke with his lawyer, they were able to "fix the glitch" in their system.

thinkthrice's picture

Just closed out today!

Rags's picture

Congratulations on the end of the womb rental payments.   Great move closing the account to keep the idiots in the CS office out of your pockets.

When SpermLand shifted from the NCP paying the CP directly to having the NCP pay the CSE office then forwading the money to the CP via direct deposit to individual CP CSE accounts,  DW set up an auto transfer of that money from her individual CSE account to a blind passthrough account that tthen ransfered the money immediately out of her CSE account to the passthrough account then immediately to our bank account.  They offered either direct deposit to a CSE account or .... a debit card.  DW refused the debit card and went with the immediate transfer of all money deposted by CSE model.  They did overpay once and tried to back the overage out of the CSE account but... it was instantly gone upon deposit and there was nothing in the CSE account to take.  For the next several months the deposits to DW's CSE account less than usual until the amount of the overpayment  was recovered.  Apparently SpermLand was not allowed to take  a CP's CSE account negative and then could not recover more than a small amount per month to recover overpayments so it would not severly impact the CP receiving CS.  I do not remember how much the monthly overpayment recovery amound was but it wasn't much.  Apparently not providing the CP with nearly full CS each month by agressively recovering over payments had caused major issues for some low income CPs who had spent the overpayment before the CSE could reverse the mistake.

We never let CSE remove money from our accounts because we never had any money in accounts they had access to. It was moved automaticallly  as instantly as possible upon deposit.

Rags's picture

The SpermClan never read the CO, could not figure out that SS's belingings came home with him at the end of each visitation, continously "forgot" his travel schedule at the end of visitation, insisted that any cash SS had they could take and use because it was "the CS they paid", etc, etc, etc..... They could not figure out how to get out of a wet paper bag while holding clear instructions on how to do it.

But they made damned sure that CS ended on SS's 18th B-day.   Funny how that worked.  POS toothless drooling moron shit puddle gene pool people that they are.

Funny how the idiots at any level in the CO world always seem to screw the quality side of the equation.  The toxic opposition, the courts, the CSE organization, etc, etc, etc.....

Not that I begrudge the SpermClan for stopping CS.  I would have done the same thing had we been the NCP side.  I have a shit eating grin ace in the hole though.  They paid 6 years of extra CS because they never petitioned to end the after school care portion of the CS order when SS turned 12.  The Judge was clear that either party had to notify the CSE office on SS's 12th B-day to end the after school care portion of CS. We damned sure weren't going to do it and never did. They... never read the CO. So... thanks for the extra $50/mo for 6+ years. Morons.  That paid me back for most of the income reduction credit they got due to the moron Judge's order that "StepDad makes a significant income and BioDad should not  be punished by having to supplement an excessive artificial standard of living for the child.". Which lowered their CS obligation by .... $50/mo. The Judge stole my money. pr at least gave them the benefit of my money ... and the idiot SpermClan gave it back unbeknownst to them.

DW and I got a lot of grins out of that $50/mo.

