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Ode to ASS. .. Sung (very loosely) to the tune of "Roar"

thinkthrice's picture

Sung to the tune of "Roar" by Katie Perry

I used to tape my room and make a mess
Always rocked the boat and held my breath
So-I-yelled noisily, protested angrily

I guess that I forgot I paid no bills
I said you push me all against my will
I stood for in-sol-ence; so I fought on everything

I dis-obeyed,
At every chance (HEY)
Just stood there and blew off some gas
I kicked the cat,
Blamed Baby Voice

Just ran off cause I made my choice
I dis-obeyed,
At every chance (HEY)
Did my special little snowflake dance
I Epic Failed,--Me-dusa Bailed. . .


I got the boot of Medusa, a lo-ser, skipping on her CS
'Cause I am a lo-ser,
And I'm gonna eat some cr-OWWWW
Chompin', faster than a weasle
'Cause I am a lo-ser,
And I'm gonna eat some cr-OWWWWW


thinkthrice's picture

Hmmmm. No thumbs up from HRNYC, Disneyfan, "River"...?! Come on CP BMs you gotta admit this is catchy. And ASS is hardly a pooooor wiiiiiidle tot.

Disneyfan's picture

I saw "Hmmmm. Thumbs up" under Recent comments.

See, I stopped reading/commenting on your blogs awhile ago because I believe you're trying to bait people. Your last comment just confirms that for me.LOL

I don't do the passive-aggressive thing.