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Radio Silence

thinkthrice's picture

On social media as regards SD(19) and yes we are still forking out mass quantities of CS, which according to the CO, is contingent on her being in college.  Grades came out on 5/24 and the semester was officially over on 5/18. . .   Even though Chef qualified via FERPA to see her grades, we also got the silent treatment from the initially cooperative registrar.  Haven't heard a peep from him since the Girhippo and SD found out that Chef was trying to have college performance stipulations for CS.

All there has been were a few memes posted by SD on how horrible her grades have been in a joking manner.  Pretty sure she is on academic probation and is failing if not already dropped out.

YSS15 is also failing with truancy detentions and will no doubt attend summer school for 6 weeks of snacks and "I've made up the entire school year in six weeks" crappola.  Both SD and YSS ALWAYS attended summer school every.single.year right through grade 12.

OSS(21) has been on a selling spree--selling his video game components and hamster habitrail accessories on FB.   Apparently OSS was unaware that you had to share your post in order for people to see it.   The Gir chimed in with "share it, babe" to OSS.  After all, street drugs ARE expensive and working at Taco Bell/KFC doesn't quite cut muster.

Oddly enough the kid that the Girhippo fostered for about five seconds for the cash is quite successful and has a luctrative job in remodeling.  Good thing he got out of the Mothership as he would have been given pipe dreams by the Girhippo only to fail later on in life as OSS is now doing.




bearcub25's picture

If he is qualified under FERPA, he should be able to get her log in to the school portal or get a copy of the grades for himself.   He should physically go to the school with any documents to prove he is entitled to see a transcript.  

I have the whole FERPA training class but too lazy to go thru it all again to see for sure, boring videos..  Google the laws and then use them for your advantage.

thinkthrice's picture

qualified under FERPA in that he claimed SD on his taxes for year 2016.  That is what we waved in front of the registrar.  All of a sudden the registrar went into the "I dont' want to violate SD's privacy rights. . .etc. etc"  and then we heard nothing after proving Chef claimed SD 2016 AND the copy of the CO.  Methinks that SD/the Girhippo got wind of it and shut that down claiming that Chef is some kind of maniacal abuser and they don't want any info given out to Chef.

Thumper's picture

Once kid is adult it is all about  privacy no matter what. Now I bet ya BM has the info. Right?


thinkthrice's picture

Definitely.  Just like the Gir is with HER BM, Battleaxe Galactica, SD is so far up the Girhippo's butt it is hard to tell where one starts and the other stops.

bearcub25's picture

Ok, I see what you mean.   Yes, unless your SD has given the school permission or given your DSO the log info, he can't do anything.


twoviewpoints's picture

I'm surprised that BM doesn't have to prove to CS office that the young lady is actually enrolled and attending school. Kind of how parents use to have to show proof of fulltime student to keep young adults on this or that perk. 

I wouldn't be violating the skid's privacy, it would merely verify she is in college and attending. 

I fnd it ironic that somehow checking a skid's attendance and/or grades may  violates kid's privacy, but yet the 'child' is not so old Daddy still has to hand over CS. It is called 'child support'. 

thinkthrice's picture

but then again this is BM-centric NY where CS goes to 21 w/o a CO in place even if said "child" is playing vid games in mommykin's basement straight through to age 21...and you can be on your parents insurance until age 29.  Pretty sure that's why that NY couple waited till their "child" turned 30 before evicting him.

Thumper's picture

twoviewpoints there is a lot of that going around. ie collecting adult child support but refusing REFUSING to allow ncp access to anything. 

In my opinion it would be right and just to withdraw ncp cs obligation on that action alone following 6 continual months of blocking by the BM and/or the adult kid.

always_anxious's picture

This is actually what i was just thinking. If they don't provide the verification, then that warrants CS to be in question.