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SUCCESS!! The Registrar for SD, stb 19 School Called Us.

thinkthrice's picture

He is very pleasant and easy going. He was more than happy to keep Chef clued in as to SD's attendance status and even stated that at any time Chef can phone him up and ask her status! So if she drops out of Podunk Community College during the first few months, Chef will know!!

He stated that it didn't specifically specify GPA in the CO (which it doesn't) but I'm sure, if the time comes, Chef can go back to the attorney and add some stipulations for the Girhippo receiving full CS for SD.

I'm sure the Girhippo will try and FORCE SD to stay in remedial grade school/community college for the next six years to keep milking the CS cash cow. My concern is there is a lot of phrases in the MOU that states "whichever comes LAST " and "for other good cause" which is truly disturbing.

Now OSS (stb 21) signed up for community college and dropped out 1-2 months later. Anyone care to place a bet as to how long SD will last (she truly hates school even MORE than OSS)


thinkthrice's picture

How long does it take for TAP and PELL to come in? I'm betting for as long as it takes TAP and PELL to come in Blum 3

WalkOnBy's picture

they are usually there before classes start Smile

Typically, a week or two before classes start, the college will post the tuition to the student account and the loans/grants/whatever will post as a credit to the account.

I think you are 100% correct!!

DaizyDuke's picture

I'll give her the full semester at the end of which she'll be booted out for super crappy GPA

thinkthrice's picture

Daizy, that could happen too since, in this case, the Girhippo is shoving SD into school to keep CS at maximum level. When OSS went to school for the 1-2 months, he was already emancipated so the Gir couldn't care less about making him stay in school.

That's why I think we should wait before trotting off to Chef's lawyer and paying all those lawyer bills. Odds are she will soon bomb out/quit.

Oh and the Gir also wants SD to have HER college experience, i.e. re-live vicariously the drunken sorority parties, the whoopsie abortions, the repeated locking oneself out of the car at odd hours after consuming massive alcohol, the stealing of stop signs on rural roads and of course, the plagiarism.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

This is why I'm so thankful the state I'm in doesn't automatically assume parents will pay for college. There is nothing in SO's future agreement about college.

CS ends when the child turns 18. If still in high school it will continue till the graduate or drop out.

Me and SO did talk about college already since it's never too early. He joined the military. I went but it was fully paid through scholarships. So both of us expect the kids to find their own way. We agree that we won't be paying for their school or taking out loans for them. As long as they comply with basic rules they could live with us while going to school since we currently live in a really great college town.

But this idea that some agreements have CS continuing during college is a joke unless the money is going directly to the kid. Then some even go as far as the parents forcing each other to pay for college? No way. College isn't needed. Sure it helps but there are plunty of options that don't require college.

thinkthrice's picture

"there are plenty of options that don't require college."

Yep. In their county, she can become a corrections officer with a HS diploma and being the age of 18. Full benefits, salary and retirement in 20 or 25 years.

After all, SD wants to be around prisoners because she likes the show "Orange is the New Black" and has vacillated between being a counselor for pooooooorrrr piiiiiiitiiiiiful CODs or a probation officer which requires a degree.

This is just a cash grab, plain and simple, by the Girhippo.

Tuff Noogies's picture

i can't. i just can't.... can't possibly imagine her in any role in corrections of any sort.