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U.S. Tax Time Looms--Here's an Article for NCPs on Withheld 8332 Forms By the CP--thoughts?

thinkthrice's picture

And in my case, Girhippo has withheld the 8332 for Dominatrix despite the CO.

I will paste the contents here since if you have a browser that blocks flash plug ins, it is tedious at best:

[Edited by Admin to remove material covered by copyright law]


thinkthrice's picture

Interesting. In Chef's case (3 kids) he failed to follow the advice of others and got reamed sideways by agreeing not to rotate 2/1/2/1 etc. Instead the wording is that "Chef will be allowed to claim at least one child" And the Girhippo interpreted this to read: Chef will claim the oldest child and I will claim the youngest two.

Now that the oldest has aged out/emancipated, by rights, Chef should be allowed to claim either Dominatrix (will be 17 in a few days) or Prince Hygiene (stb 13)
She was presented with the 8332 earlier this year--which she promptly ignored.

I should include that when I was a CP BM, I claimed my bios as my ex husbands paid ZERO CS and I was 100% responsible for all expenses incurred with my bios.

Admin's picture


Sorry for the edit, but it's a violation of copyright law to post content in-full from other sites without their explicit permission. I've removed the Forbes content. Linking to their content is fine unless the site explicitly prohibits it.
