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The weirdness continues...SD17 and boyfriend (ex)

Thisisnotus's picture

So her boyfriend broke up with her about a month ago...they are still "friends" he is playing her and hanging out with her when it's convenient and still telling he the loves her...and she is hoping by being friends he will take her back....typical teen stuff I'm sure. She's not allowed at his house apparently but he comes over BMs 2 days a week after school and then SD drives him to practice. BM tried to ban him from coming over but SD cried and screamed and it's allowed.

here is where it's weird....she's crying to DH and BM and MIL over the BF...missing school because of it...grades suffering because of it....DH and BM are discusssing it.... I would honestly say that SD is obsessed with this boy....

this is weird right? She does not have one single girl friend......other than my DD15. I mean....I just feel like most teens don't cry to daddy and mommy and grandma over this for weeks and typically have a friend or friends to vent too.  

MIL is in tears daily over it....DH is beside himself and I'm like WTF?  This was a year long relationship.....and people are losing their minds.


Stepdrama2020's picture

Your step daughter has abandonment issues. I actually feel bad for her. Trust me feeling bad for a step daughter is not something I do often. Especially after dealing with my ex step daughter. Yours needs a good therapist. 

It is weird she has no friends, and she clung heavily to the boyfriend. Again therapy would help with these issues.

I get how this is hard to watch. She is being coddled like a toddler who lost their favorite stuffed animal. 


Thisisnotus's picture

I feel bad for her also. I really's just bizarre that her outlets are only her parents and grandparent....not friends. She's never been anything but kind to me....and I'm kind to her. it's really DH and BM and MIL who drive me nuts the way they act toward her which enables her to remain like a small you says

she definitely needs a therapist but her whole family are rug sweepers who look the other way on real problems...including DH.