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BM told SKids that DH and I are going to hell...

tigerlilly00's picture

Here is a good question...what do DH and I do about the Skids religion? Should we take them to church? DH and I are both Agnostic. BM is a born again Christian and is basically fanatical. She is bringing up the kids the same way. DH and I never try to sway them from their beliefs even though we dont agree with them. SD10 asked us why we "hate god"....yeah, I jaw dropped the first time. She told us that "MaMa said that you and daddy are Satinists and you are going to hell". OK!!!! WTF?! Oh, there is so much to this story, but I will save that for another time.

Thoughts...anyone??? haha


aug2010's picture

sure take them to church and sit down with the pastor as a family and discuss what was said. Betcha when they go back to mommy's and tell her that the pastor at a christian church said they're not going to hell and that they don't hate god will set her straight...or make her look like an idiot.

no fairytale's picture

Cause all of your friends will be there ..LOL

I can not stand the new bible bashers!! Very Christian for her to say this to her kids. :jawdrop:

dragonfly5's picture

Being judgmental shows someone's lack of experience or intelligence. It is good to have an opinion sometimes they even hurt. But being judgmental has a "evil" spin on it. It is very negative.

We Christians do more to hurt our faith than anyone else could ever do. I am sorry she said this about you. It is not her job to police you and your DH. Unfortunately these people can only see other peoples "flaw and faults" and can't see their own.

I tell my FSKIDS, God did not put me in charge of XXXX. He told me to take care of me and to make sure I do what I should. It is a full time job for me! lol!

disneymom78's picture

My SSs BM is a "born again" Christain as well. She would even comment about how me and my fiance lived in sin by living together (even though she did the same thing). And everytime we go get the kids for summers and breaks its always Jesus this and that. Which I don't mind too much. I've started to try to find some spirtuality back in my life as well. I was raised LDS or Mormon (havent been since I was 17)but it's all I know so i've started to go back here and there. I bet if I took them to a mormom church over the summer she would FLIP OUT!

donna123's picture

I think you should take this concern to BM's priest. Explain that she is telling the children that you two are going to hell because you are satanists. Pure Crap, but very damaging to a child. We all had some pretty funky and usually terrifying ideas of what hell is as a child.

BM should be called on the carpet for this one.

donna123's picture

Don't know, but I wouldn't think they do. BM is just fervently self-deluded and trying to distance herself from her wicked past as having allegedly received forgiveness from God. Sorry BM, it doesn't work that way. I doubt very much the church, even born again, would approve of what she is doing here. She is presuming to be God's right hand man who has the inside track on who will and won't enter his kingdom. I bet as any patriarchal god he would be mighty upset about a mere mortal deeming themselves to be his equal.

iwishyouwould's picture

I would sit down with the kids and have a talk about how everyone is different and how this is not a bad thing; talk to them about tolerance and how part of being christian is seeing the good in others even if they are different from you; tell them that in no uncertain terms are you and daddy-o satanists but rather you have found your own spiritual path which is different, not bad. Then i might take them on some field trips - to a synagogue, a mosque, a baptist church, a catholic church, a buddhist temple, a presbeterian church, a history museum, a science museum, a non-denominational worship center, etc... widen their life experience, put them in whatever the equivalent of sunday school is at the different places and let them play with children their own age who have different religions, they might make some friends and hopefully learn something about diversity.

alwaysanxious's picture

You and DH do whatever you think is right. I'm in the same boat and have gone through the same thing. Except now BM isn't as hard core as she used to be. I'm an atheist which really raised eyebrows at first and caused a whole movement to save SO's soul from the Devil. Now they have some "interesting" non-christian things going on in the BM's home and BM believes "its best to believe, just in case". I'd be more worried about what BM's beliefs are doing than yours.

If all goes normal, your skids will hit those teen years and question things. I would worry just yet. Basically, I think they will grow out of it.