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I cared for ten minutes tonight

Toastergirl's picture

And then I remembered that I have no rights to SD, no control over hex and her decisions, and if DH wants to make a move parenting wise it's up to him. Not me.

I feel like I'm much more self aware now than I was a year ago. I can't change SD. I can't fix her when she's been broken for years. So there's no point in caring. Sometimes I feel like disengagement is a warm blanket. I feel comforted knowing I don't have to care.


Indigo's picture

I'm sad for you. You have a little one who is one+, right? You also have a SD who is 8 ?

Calling Bullsh*t (Dawn alert) on your attitude. Pissing and moaning about how your life isn't as you pictured is good. I think you're blowing it up a bit.

No 8 year old is so broken that there is no hope of recovery. Throw in that metaphoric towel on a kidlet who may or may not believe in Santa, enjoy the Polar Express? A year ago, you were birthing her half-sibling. Don't tell me that factoid didn't f*ck up your steps world for months on other side. Been there and held the hands.

Ego-centric melodrama. Is this how you want to raise your little one? Toaster, give the "dis-engagement" a rest.

fakemommy's picture

I agree but did I miss something? Where did her rant come from? So bizarre. It's easy to make generalized statements about how a kid "that young" can't be messed up, but until you live with one or know one, you really have no idea.

Toastergirl's picture

Indigo you are usually very supportive so I don't know what's with you today. Don't take out your frustrations on me.

The kid is almost 10. I have no idea why you are inserting another situation into mine? But take it elsewhere. I go through enough stress with hex and her mini-me. SD was broken before my daughter was born, and before I came into the picture.

Than tou everyone else for the support!