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Follow up to *Am I being Selfish?*

toomuchstresshere's picture

I had my friend over and guess what? I had to watch 4 kids all the while. Go figure! My mil is here, staying with us and is unable to at the very least watch her 3 bio grandkids. She says "your friend is here to see you not me" and so she sits in her room and reads the bible or watches Clean House on tv. I was the one making sure sd2 was going to the potty and reminding ss7 to go as well all. I guess I wasn't as angry at DH as I was mil for not helping. I know it was hard for him to get off work at 9am, come home, give the kids breakfast (ss7, bd7, and bd 1) then go pick up sd2 at 10am. Then he gets back and I am still not out of bed, but was not up due to new medication. Yeah I am usually up by at least 8am but over the last few days I have had trouble due to a new medicine the psych gave me and I am getting used to it. I just told him that I would go to my friends house with bd7 and then he would not have to worry about me having a friend over. He of course doesn't want that god forbid he have to watch his own kids for once! I just hate having to have all these fights right in front of mil! Arrrgghhh! Now that this kids are in bed and DH is at work I am going to take a bath and relax as much as I can before I have to get up and do it all again tomorrow.


Most Evil's picture

if that is how she feels. I am sure she resents you for the same unfathomable reasons mine resents me. Why can she not contribute? Is she sick?

But really though too, I do feel that DH should not be excused from childcare, since they are his kids.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

melis070179's picture

I understand that he's the one that works and supports you all, and I see where he's coming from after working all night...but I don't understand the MIL AT ALL .Why is she there? Is NOT to see the grandkids? Why didn't you take your kid, go to your friends, and let MIL watch HER SON"S KIDS? She's been there WAYYYYY too long! Go home MIL!!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

toomuchstresshere's picture

After our big blowout fight last night I told him that next time I would be taking my bd7 over to my friends house then I don't have to worry about the kids. And that is what I will do. MIL or not I don't have much time for my friends so when I schedule something a week advance I expect it to happen and me not have to worry about all his kids as well as my own. Thanks for your comment, I realize through all the comments so far that I was not in the wrong here!