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toomuchstresshere's Blog

I went back on my word

toomuchstresshere's picture

and feel like sh*t for it! I had told DH that I would no longer be bathing sd3 anymore because he had told me last week that all of a sudden "I didn't do it the right way" But I caved this morning after 3 days without a bath she was starting to reeeeekkkk! So yes I gave her a shower. Plus she's going back to bm tonight and I didn't want her to smell that bad. I have all kinds of reasons to justify it but damn I just wish I could say it and really stick to it! Oh BTW HAPPY EASTER all!

When did he start to expect these things?

toomuchstresshere's picture

I am really angry. DH had a dr appt this am leaving me home alone with sd3 and bs1. This is not the first time he's had an appt or had to go to work and I have watched sd3 and bs1. So it's wierd as to where this is coming from. Anyway he calls me on his way home from the appt and tells me that I better be making sure sd3 has been using the toilet (we are training her). This is odd to me because I am the ONLY one even when he is here that makes sure she goes.

"I Hate Pee" blog comment

toomuchstresshere's picture

After reading this I thought wow what a great idea for ss7 who pees his pants virtually everyday no matter where he is. Today is the day we are doing it. He put the diaper on and we made him go outside like he would normally do on such a pretty day. Of course he refused he made it to the garage and because my bd8's friends were right there he hid behind DH's bike. We left him out there for like 20 minutes and DH told him he could go inside if he wanted to (like he needed the girls laughing and asking questions anymore). So he is so embarrassed that he won't even come out of his room.

There must be something wrong with me

toomuchstresshere's picture

I can't understand why I can't like (forget love) my ss7. I mean I have tried to think of every reason I SHOULD like him. His mom is on the other coast and she doesn't call or write or anything much so I am his "mother" model. He's not a bad kid really, I just find everything about him annoying to the point to I get sick to my stomach when I have to be around him for more than 15 seconds. I don't know why when he talks I cringe, when he laughs I cringe, everything he does makes me cringe. I don't get it, I don't know why I feel like this.

What do you do with a 7yr old that pees his pants everyday?

toomuchstresshere's picture

My ss7 pees in his pants every day. It doesn't matter whether he is at school or home. My DH has tried yelling, spanking, taking away toys and priviledges. We have been to the pediatrician and also a urologist who all say it is not medical. I am tired of him peeing all over the place on furniture and the floor. It's just gross. DH has started to ignore it cause he doesn't want to believe it is not medical and that ss7 is just being lazy. What would you all do?

Follow up to *Am I being Selfish?*

toomuchstresshere's picture

I had my friend over and guess what? I had to watch 4 kids all the while. Go figure! My mil is here, staying with us and is unable to at the very least watch her 3 bio grandkids. She says "your friend is here to see you not me" and so she sits in her room and reads the bible or watches Clean House on tv. I was the one making sure sd2 was going to the potty and reminding ss7 to go as well all. I guess I wasn't as angry at DH as I was mil for not helping.

Am I wrong here?

toomuchstresshere's picture

Today a friend of mine is coming over to visit. I met her at the hospital when I was there for attempted suicide (that's a story for a later date). It has been scheduled for over a week. Now my husband is being pissy cause he had to work last night and I have a friend coming over. Yeah I know he financially supports us and he had to work from 10pm-9am so he does not "feel" like watching the kids all 4 (3 of which he helped create) while I hang out with my friend.

I am pissed

toomuchstresshere's picture

as usual I suppose. I am not sure if mine and Dh's marriage is going to work. Granted we have a lot of obstacles in the way and that definetly makes it tougher than normal. My ss7 is in the process of being evaluated for Aspergers Syndrome. From what I have read and the advice I have gooten on here about it, the process is usually a long one in order to get a correct diagnoses, medications, counseling...etc and that he will never really be "normal." So in the midst of all of this, I have recently been diagnosed with Bipolar I disorder.

Anyone know anything about this?

toomuchstresshere's picture

My Dh thinks his son, my ss7 has asberger syndrome. All I know about it is that it is a very mild form of autism. Honestly I don't think ss7 has this problem but am curious as to how the testing goes. SS7 obviously has some issues and anything we can rule out gets us that much closer. Please respond if you all know anything about the asbergers. I have looked it up online and can see a few of the symptoms in ss, but it's like occasionally he acts that way, shouldn't it be all the time? Also he only has like 1 or 2 of the symptoms shouldn't he have more to be diagnosed?

How to disengage when DH refuses to let me

toomuchstresshere's picture

For some reason DH thinks it is MY responsibility to take care of HIS kids. We have tried to do the "family" thing, nothing we did worked so I have tried to disengage. DH is absolutely not allowing it. He has a son 7 from an ex girlfriend and a daughter 2 from an ex wife (not the same women). I have a daughter 7 with my exhusband and my current DH and I have a son 1 together. Anyway, all day today DH has been playing video games and pretty much just hanging out. Normally that would be fine (well what I'm used to anyway) but he left all 4 kids for me to take care of.
