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Therapy worked with SD10. Now SD5 is acting up.

Tranquility's picture

Update from my last blog entry. Even SD10 said to me the other day when I praised her for being obedient and not bursting out in anger "I think therapy really works!" after the first session. Awesome!

Now SD5 is rocking our world: reaching into a hot oven, playing with knives, razors, lighters, climbing on counters-you name it. Last night she almost broke our bedroom door because she didn't want us to close it (it was midnight). Granted- she needs a better bedtime routine (like brushing, book read, prayer, song, etc. at 9 pm instead of do-whatever-you-want-until-midnight, but still, she was raging, not just acting up. I had to hold her for 10 minutes and sing to her until she calmed down). Today, she snuck into the kitchen by herself while I was still sleeping and started chopping a tomato and cut herself-WTH??? Then, later on, she went to the kids' bathroom and with a sweep of her hand she swept EVERYTHING off the counter on the floor. I asked her to pick it up and of course she never did. I told her I am about ready to put her in time-out and she looked at me like she was gonna murder me. I love her and she is little and will learn, but I am afraid to be with her by herself. She is restless, like she is always looking for something up-to-no-good. I am literally scared-and I have a lot of babysitting experience, coaching experience, mommy experience, etc.

How many of you think a 5.5 year old should have a little more censorship at this age? My challenge is that she has had no parenting at all, so when you even look at her, she starts crying and acts as if I am slaughtering her. She looks at me like she hates me. I am WAAAYYY stricter with my biological kids her age, BTW.


stormabruin's picture

But you do recall the shitting rainbows? I guess rainbows & glitter are similar in that they're both colorful, & pooping & shitting are similar in that they're both...well, the same. Could it be just an innocent mix-up?