Dad watching daughter give birth.
Ok here goes. I feel completely repulsed by the fact that FDH just watched my SD give birth to her first child. I have tried to be understanding of the fact that this is my husbands first biological grandchild. I still cannot stop feeling creeped out. He was in the room at my SD insistance from beginning to end for 21 hours. Even the BM was able to sleep a little before the big event. My SD was persistent that he come in. I was not at the big event because I had severe case of bronchitis, although I would have still opted out of being the fifth wheel. I just cannot imagine my father watching me give birth. My husband has had a strained relationship with his daughter over the years. She has large gaps where she decided not to come see him. Recently, in the past 7 years their relationship has gotten better. I fear that some of my repulsion is due to the fact that he has chosen to drop everything each time she beckons to race to her side. I feel many times he does this disregarding whatever is going on with me. Does anyone else feel the same about a father watching their daughter give birth with a ring side seat to be a little over the top, or am I being a jealous bitch?
- tricky101's blog
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I wouldnt mind him being
I wouldnt mind him being there, unless my vagina was clearly visible for everyone in the room to see. So if he was just sitting there, giving her moral support for these long hours, and he didnt peek down there, i think its ok that he was there.
Where was SD's husband/boyfriend at the time?
At the hospital sure
At the hospital sure absolutely - in the room - yuck!
Umm - gross-!!!!! TMI to the
Umm - gross-!!!!! TMI to the dad-!!!!! who probably doesn't want to see that anyway, just trying to please a crazy SD in labor-!
"Is everyone who is
"Is everyone who is witnessing just assumed to have some out of body moment where they forget they are looking at their grown child's genitals? "
LOL! My own fear would be that that is the ONLY thing I'd NEVER be able to forget. Some images burn themselves into your brain. They're always the ones you WISH you'd never seen.
Seriously, I'd be mortified to see those parts of my dad. I wouldn't ask him to suffer that for me.
Oh Come on. Just because he
Oh Come on. Just because he was in the room, doesn't mean he was in the driver's seat watching EVERYTHING unfold.
I wouldn't want my dad in the room with me. However, I don't find it creepy ordirty if someone else has their dad in the room.
I love my dad dearly, & quite
I love my dad dearly, & quite honestly, don't know that there has ever been a better father.
That said, I wouldn't DREAM of asking him to watch me deliver a baby. I was raised to be modest, & with that came the idea that my dad doesn't see any part of me that any other man doesn't see. In my opinion, the birth of a child is something to be shared between a mother, a father, & the new baby.
I was with my sister when she had her first child, only because her husband wasn't able to get there on time. Had he been there, I'd have taken a seat in the waiting room.
Who cares? Having a parent
Who cares? Having a parent (either parent) there with you when you give birth can be a great comfort. I don't think there is anything wrong with a father being present at the birth of a grandchild if that is what both want.
Dang, people just lack
Dang, people just lack boundaries...girls today lack boundaries, especially those from divorced homes.
You know-i'm very in love w/my bf....but the whole lack of boundaries sometimes just makes me never want to marry. WTF is wrong w/these girls?? And is it them or is it how dads raise them??? I also find it almost emotionally incestuos.
I have never met a dad as straight and moral and with strong boundaries as my father. NEVER did he do anything to make me uncomfortable EVER!! And I was a daddys girl, closer to him then mom-mom was close to my brothers.
BUT-CLEAR boundary lines, we'd go places together, and he was affectionate when I was younger, but as I grew and before I hit puberty there was defined line. Less affection but not starved for it. I did not sit in his lap, or want to sleep in his bed, or want to shave his back, on and on...I would cover up if around him at the beach or pool out of respect. I never saw him even walking around in his undies after a certain age. He'll give me hugs a kiss on the cheek, the man has taught me what proper boundaries and father/daughter relationships should be. And he is my rock no doubt.
Who would even DREAM of having their dad there during delivery?? My dad came AFTER I had the mom was there while I was in labor but left come delivery time.
IFL-have to say this but your stepmom was right...and i know your dad and you are close but sorry...definately some blurred boundary lines between you and dad. From outside looking in...just sayin'-quite clear. He rejected the boys to do guy stuff w/you? Wow
Even though I was very close to my dad-he ALWAYS did guy things w/my brothers and bonded.
I didn't want either of my
I didn't want either of my parents there but I find it perfectly plausible that plenty of mentally healthy people out there have far better relationships with their parents than I do and may want one or both of them there to help them through a very difficult and important day.
I really don't feel any need to judge. I don't understand why you all do.
It's not sexual - it's the first moments of the life of a new family member. If someone wants to be there and the mother wants them there, that's wonderful.
It IS the first moments of
It IS the first moments of the life of a new family member! It's an intimate experience, NOT a family reunion!
Give me a break, that is NOT
Give me a break, that is NOT the same thing. This was a decision made by the parties involved who are adults.
Lol giving birth to my
Lol giving birth to my daughter was by far the LEAST sexual event of my life.
LOL!! I concur
I concur
I understand it's not sexual,
I understand it's not sexual, but it is a private, intimate moment. Some people like more people in the room, that's fine...a DAD there is creepy, don't care who thinks it's normal. I doubt in any tribal nations or less industrialized countries this is even acceptable. I know a lot of times there are a lot of midwives, sisters, aunts, mom, etc....but it's normally a woman thing.
it's only recently that our men/husbands/partners started participating in the event. To be perfeclty honest I know plenty that would prefer to have skipped it entirely-and I'm fine w/them feelign that way. But your dad, seriously???
Chewing with your mouth open
Chewing with your mouth open isn't sexual, but that doesn't make it appropriate.
I'll betcha that DH wanted to
I'll betcha that DH wanted to be there for SD at CONCEPTION as well knowing these weirdo guilty dads with no sense of adult/child boundaries!!
I would not have wanted my
I would not have wanted my own dad at my birth.
It does not mean this was a sexual or gross thing though. Sounds like the daughter has had an off and on relationship with dad and this may be her attempt to reconnect at a "deeper level" no pun intended ;). Maybe dad would have rather not been there but did not want to lose this chance to reconnect. Who knows, so many details and nuances that we are unaware of.
When my father was dying, and I went back to my country to be there for him and my mom, I was home alone with him for part of the time. He got up to go to the bathroom, his kidneys failing him, he stumbled and fell and his PJs were down. I had to pick him up and clean him and lift his frail body like that of a child's and bring him back to bed. It was very hard to do that and see my strong dad in that way. Sure, it was gross too.
I know this is a very different situation, but when our bodies go through such extremes, there is very little sexual about it, if anything at all. Maybe its just two people's attempt to reconnect in a way that, while it is disturbing to us, did not mean any harm.
I don't blame you for being uncomfortable with this either, though.
Grandpa is supposed to be
Grandpa is supposed to be there to take the kid FISHING, not to watch the kid pop out of his daughter's hoo hoo.
Simple as that.
OK, I have a very good friend
OK, I have a very good friend that had a "home birth" in a little pool. Sick :sick: (to me). She invited her entire family to attend. Including her dad, and her 15 year old (at the time) little brother. And they were all there. She shows the video to anyone and everyone that is will to watch, and had my kids over one day and asked if she could show them... ummmmmm NO WAY IN HELL. But I love her dearly. She is just a hippy, and I don't think her dad was "all up in her kool-aid" when she was pushing the kid out. If you know what I mean.
Me personally... my dad was there alll day and in my room every minute with the exception of when I was getting checked, and when I started pushing. He stood outside the door.
I think it really just depends on the people. I don't think my friend lacks "boundaries" because in her family, that kind of stuff is the norm. They are just different.
Ok, there is nothing sick
Ok, there is nothing sick about a homebirth in a pool..what is sick is this nations c-section and induction rates and approach to child birth in a medical way then a natural way as it should be.
Personally I hated my hospital deliveries and would definately do a homebirth if I had more. THAT SAID-and I know peeps are different....but it would just be me and midwives, maybe the bf-not my kids...the could come in after I'm cleaned up.
SOME do make it a family thing...a group thing, a little odd but more understanding to me then this "only daddy" thing and in a hospital setting.
Plus one big time on the
Plus one big time on the entire post.
I don't care if other people
I don't care if other people want to do the pool thing... I just personally would not. I can't handle the thought of laying in water filled with birth fluids. To me... that's gross, to my friend it was natural, and more power to her. I didn't have a c-section. But I was induced because my babies were getting to big for me to push out and I was past my due dates (WAY PAST and I have a very small frame) and I didn't want a c-section.
Ok-it's fine you're grossed
Ok-it's fine you're grossed out, I'm not that squemish I guess lol
That said "But I was induced because my babies were getting to big for me to push out and I was past my due dates (WAY PAST and I have a very small frame) and I didn't want a c-section."
I'm sorry but I have heard this repeated so many times if I had a penny for each one I'd be a rich girl. This is BULLSHIT doctors sell you that we all take as truth.
The small frame/too big to push out is mostly bullshit-do some research. How much did they weigh, and how past due were you out of curiosity?
I've heard it all...all the bullshit excuses we listen to from drs that are practicing CYA liability-make more money then do what is best for woman/child.
The were both over 9 pounds,
The were both over 9 pounds, and over 2 1/2 weeks overdue. I trust my doctor with my life, if he says he was worried about the size, I trust that. I have a small pelvis and MAJOR back problems it was getting hard to carry them around as well. I weighed 140 lbs at delivery and I am 5'7" tall. I now weigh 108. I am a small person and those were big babies for me. With my first daughter, I couldn't push her took HOURS. They finally had to attach the suction device to her head to get her out of me and her heart rate kept plunging every time I would push. It was a very traumatic delivery to keep me from having to have a c-section. I didn't want to go through that again with my 2nd. That was all the research I needed.
It's ok, you don't have to agree with my Dr. I am ok with that. My kids are healthly and happy.
Your pelvis got narrower ?
Your pelvis got narrower ? Did your dr xray it? Small women w/small pelvis are capable of delivering very large babies. The 'overdue''s NOT uncommon for a pregnancy to last over 42 weeks nor abnormal. I know -you trust your dr, we all do, hence you got talked into a 2nd induction. Hence all the increases in inductions and c-sections. This comes from someone that was induced. It was me having a horrible birth that made me research this.
I'll take one guess as to wny your first labor was tough, and took that long-and it wasn't to do w/babys size I doubt. Research pitocin/epidural/position during birth, interventions...all in relation to labor being stalled. Research how many inductions end up being c-sections.
Don't believe all your drs say-they cover their own asses. Sometimes it sucks to admit we were cheated so we prefer to defend our drs and choices.
I've done my research-I know the stories-the lines-the bs we're sold by drs and nurses and the modern way-i know the "my case was different, I could have died, etc etc" when we feel guilty. TRUTH is most women do NOT do their research and have been made to NOT trust their bodies, nature, but by all means lets trust the drs and pharma companies w/our bodies..because they have our own best interests and babies in mind..not their pockes, schedules, tee times, and insurance liability.
My sil was induced for "high bp' another crock of shit, suddenly we have 20-40pct more induction rates and so many more women with dangerous levels of blood pressure...she ended up w/a labor from hell and c-section. Next one will be a c-section i'm sure since drs won't risk a HVAC. My best friend having a c-section now for a breech-plenty of babies have been delivered breech or turned before birth -but THIS dr won't take the chance because of liability...i can go on and on.
I know every woman thinks "there case was different" but how do we have THAT man who ALL REALLY did need these interventions compared to decades past? Suddenly EVERY induction and c-section was 'life saving'.
Again-coming from one who was lied to and induced, and they attempted another one.....
Wow, you must have really
Wow, you must have really been screwed over by your Dr.
I am not going to argue with you over MY birthing experiences. I am just saying that in some cases, it is necessary. You can agree with me, or not. It doesn't really make a difference to me. I have had the same Dr for 14 years. I do trust him with my life. I don't think he had a "tee time" as he stayed with me for a few HOURS after my labor, he has become a family friend since my first pregnancy and I will continue to take his advice and trust it for as long as I need a GYN. Not all of them are out for blood, or money, or tee times or whatever else people assume. There are still good people in this world. He is one of them.
I have also had my dr for now
I have also had my dr for now a little over 13yrs...doesn't mean I don't do my own research for my own health.
I do understand it's necessary sometimes-but you can't tell me that all these 'necessary' defenses were actually necessary.
I know dr's, mine included that push certain meds, birthcontrol because of kickbacks they get from big pharma. Look-he's been trying to sell me on mirena iud for years now...not budging. I guess i'll take my chances. I trust him to do my pap smears, and prenatal control, etc....but my induction wasn't necessary-and I heard the same thing you did about baby size/narrow pelvis
28hrs labor and coming w/in minutes of a c-section...and post hemorraghe and incredibly bad after birth had EVERYTHING to do with the induction. THAT is the truth-though I defended my dr at first also.
Just sayin'-you dont' have to justify anything to me though and I know we're way off topic! sorry!
It's ok, we aren't going to
It's ok, we aren't going to agree on everything all of the time. We can agree to disagree on this one. I understand what you are saying. I believe in my situation it was the best decision, and no one can change my stance on that.
We are wayyyy off topic here.
Back to the vigina viewing daddy... JUST KIDDING.
Not much over 5 ft. 100 lbs
Not much over 5 ft. 100 lbs when wet. Baby was 9.5 lbs and 22.5 inches long. A lot of work. Part of the problem is how out of shape people are.
And that was exactly the
And that was exactly the problem. The SHAPE of my pelvis, it gets narrow instead of widening as it normally does.
I couldn't push her out. It
I couldn't push her out. It got scary. They had a crash team in the room with me because my daughter was unstable. I don't expect anyone to understand, you all weren't in my position. That's ok. Until you hear your Dr tell the nurse to get the "crash team in here STAT" I don't expect anyone to understand. She was half way out the canal and stuck. It was frightening and intense. Every situation is different. Who am I to judge?
I am sorry if I somehow
I am sorry if I somehow implied that you did anything wrong with your birth choices. Birth is tricky and it took me 72 hours...
We all do it differently and I am glad that all came out ok in the end. Sounds like the right choices were made in your case. Again, sorry if what I said came across that way.
No, no worries. No one was in
No, no worries. No one was in my shoes. I was just stating that not all inductions and c-sections are done for selfish reasons... a lot of them are necessary. I was not offended.
SFF-aging is different then
SFF-aging is different then childbirth. TOTALLY different.
Seems the way of nature-our kids wiped our asses when we were newborns and a lot of times we end up wiping theirs when they get old lol.
BUT-a young healthy adult/and relatively young father...what reason is there to be in eachothers private physical space.
I honestly say this is all about lack of boundaries.
Yeah, I agree that aging is
Yeah, I agree that aging is different and this seems weird to me too. I just wanted to point out that weird does not necessarily equate with incestuous.
Also, in reply to another
Also, in reply to another post on this thread, stating that vaginas are for sex and babies being pushed out are the result of that.....strictly speaking, vaginas exist mainly for reproduction, which is achieved through sex. At least that is how we were made. Thankfully these days we don't have to reproduce to enjoy sex.
As far as birthing in water, I see nothing wrong with that, to each their own. Amniotic fluid gross? I have a very different view of what gross is. Viewing birth as a gross process seems odd to me. To most men, yes, I can see that. Personally I was so thankful to be able to hold my baby while she was still all sticky, instead of someone handing her to me later, all cleaned up and wrapped. I think that in our societies we have lost something by hiding from all the dirty bloody business of life. In the end, as always, to each their own.
Yes to each their own. Let me
Yes to each their own. Let me be clear that I don't think it is gross that my friend did it, I don't care what she does... I just woudn't do that myself. That is why I said gross TO ME. I held my babies all sticky and bloddy after they were born, I am not so nieve to think they come out perfectly clean and swaddled in a blanket. I just can't do the water birth. That seems gross TO ME. I prefer a birthing bed, no big deal... I don't think.
Ok, let me try and explain
Ok, let me try and explain what I think, in a different way. Birth is so personal and different for each person. To some it is indeed sexual and almost orgasmic. To some it's that line between life and death. To some it's mechanical. To some it's gross. And a million more. As with anything else, to extend our experience to everyone else is not fair. Same with sex itself. To some it's intertwined with love, to some with power or violence or fear or a million more combinations. If the mechanics of birth equate with sex for one person, it does not mean that it's wrong, and it also does not mean that everybody else feels that way or should. This is just what I think; I am not pontificating here.
Good points. Thanks.
Good points. Thanks.
I'm just going to mention
I'm just going to mention that in ALL of the women I have ever discussed childbirth with in my life, I have yet to encounter one who mentioned feeling that it was a sexual or oragasmic, or even almost orgasmic experience. Did I misunderstand what you said?
No, you did not
No, you did not misunderstand. I have helped over 50 women birth and I have encountered that experience. Unfortunately not during my daughter's birth : )
Storm, actually I HAVE heard
Storm, actually I HAVE heard of this-there's a movie about it. Some can describe it as sensual, very intimate, private, bonding moment. Some women do not fight labor nor see it as a medical practice or to be feared. We HAVE been given the wrong idea about birth and it's quite sad. Personally I rather have it be a wonderful, sensuos experience then the hell most of us go through because of fear, society's views and medical interventions.
No Maux, this was not "just
No Maux, this was not "just in response" to that. I try and not tit for tat in my replies. I am capable of doing that but I try not to. I have given you some thoughtful responses and instead of acknowledging that, you move onto other sly remarks. I am trying not to make our disagreements a personal matter and it would help if you tried also. There probably are things we even agree on. This should not deteriorate like it has.
SFF-I understand people view
SFF-I understand people view it differently-it's obvious by this thread alone. BUT I guarantee you that in THIS OP case it has to do w/lack of clear daughter/father boundaries. VERY common in children of divorce. Particularly with a Sm involved. AND based on the history of dad/daughter beign close then not (Tatum and Ryan anyone?)
My dad was there. Both of my
My dad was there. Both of my parents were there... and I've had few babies.
My dad left the room when they "checked" me (what fun!) and his "spot" was up by my head. He didn't want to see my hoo-ha anymore than I wanted him seeing it!
Back when I and my siblings were born, we were all C sections and the Dad had to wait outside. He'd never seen a baby coming into this world. Neither had my mom (she was totally knocked out back in the day.)
I don't think you're being a jealous bitch, but I DO think you and BF just have a different perspective on this. And that's ok.
I hope that tricky comes back
I hope that tricky comes back and wasn’t scared off by MishL’s first and very hostile response. MishL watch your tongue or at least bite it when you feel the urge to say/write something hateful. If you haven’t got input of any real value best advice is to stay out.
I know, as others have also said, that some folks want their whole family present during a birth, usually these births are done at home with the assistance of a midwife and it is a bonding experience for the entire family. It’s not my cup of tea but I have no problem with others engaging this practice. To me the bonding experience should occur among mother, father and baby.
But in this situation, it seems that the entire family wasn’t present. Where was the father of the new baby? Were his mother and father also invited to attend the birth to signify that it was inclusive event for the entire family or was it just another opportunity to rub certain noses in SD’s shit of who is in and who is out? Why is the birth of a child seen as more important to the mother than the father?
Is this “gramps going to the birth” an up and coming trend among the semi romantic father/daughter set? No wonder these girl’s marriages fall apart. They are emotionally married to their dads and it must be very emasculating for their husbands. Shame on all dads who refuse to wean their daughters thus damaging them just to keep them bound to themselves for life.
In my opinion is if the main person there was dad, then it is indeed very creepy. No, you aren’t jealous you are feeling normal anger that anyone would feel when continuously shoved to the side as an unwanted intruder.
Wow... so because my dad was
Wow... so because my dad was there you assume that we have a "semi romantic" relationship and that I have not been properly "weaned?"
If I breastfed my babies in my father's presence, does that mean it was somehow sexual? Or that my dad was trying to get an eyeful?
Your experience is creepy
Your experience is creepy only if those looking at it think creepy thoughts.
I'm not a hippie (not even
I'm not a hippie (not even close) and I'm not what we call "granola."
I happen to think childbirth, breast feeding, etc. is all a VERY natural part of life, and the only people who get "weirded out" by it are the ones that either have "weird" thoughts or are culturally designed to think it's gross.
It's having a baby. Women have been doing it for ages and ages...
I never said anyone was
I never said anyone was stupid.
There was a time, not too long ago, when the FATHER OF THE BABY wasn't supposed to be there for the delivery.
Who are you to say what fathers "normally" do? I don't think any of us should judge another's birth choices. Being individual is what makes the world go 'round.
OK, well, our PRIVATES are
OK, well, our PRIVATES are also "natural and part of life"...that doesn't mean I let my dad see them...yuck!
I also never said my dad "saw
I also never said my dad "saw my privates." Matter of fact, I'm pretty sure I said he didn't want to see them anymore than I wanted him to see them.
He got the "G" rated view.
I'm pretty secure with my
I'm pretty secure with my boundaries. And I'm incredibly modest.
Sounds like some posters are pretty uptight.
Hey, to each her own, right? Jus' sayin'...
"the original home of your
"the original home of your grandson"
Oh Em Gee
You are my favorite person. We need to get this to Hallmark.
Well gee whiz, I learn
Well gee whiz, I learn something new every day...
DOH. Not referring to you
DOH. Not referring to you deary, it’s a metaphor. But now I could think of a few good similes.
Not sure about yall, but I
Not sure about yall, but I would have let the janitor take a look at the hoohoo if I thought he could have gotten the baby out quicker.
I guess I just don’t’ see the big deal in this. I did have c-sections , but I don’t’ think that it would have bothered me for my dad to see his gkids born. Which I doubt he would have watched it, but he would have defiantly been up by my head for moral support.
LMAO!!! The janitor!! Trust
LMAO!!! The janitor!! Trust me, after the hours and hours of pushing, I am sure if my dad had the miracle up his sleeve to get my daughter out I would have welcomed him with open legs in to that room!!!
I find it repulsive...I can't
I find it repulsive...I can't ever imagine my father being with me while I was giving mom, husband, yes...and heck, my mom didn't even look my dad? That's just another disgusting daughter of divorce crap...they are truly sick...truly sick...
WOW! That was extremely
WOW! That was extremely judgmental of you to say. I know I'm not mentally ill because my dad was there.
And I know I'm not a "disgusting daughter of divorce," either. My parents just celebrated 45 years of marriage!
This is all so dependent on
This is all so dependent on the culture and to act as if what is ok is only what this particular culture permits at this time, is pretty limiting. Many European cultures find male circumcision to be a backward, brutal act upon a child. Some African culture completely cut off a girls labia, or just part of it. Some cultures prohibilt and punish any homosexual acts. So, sure, not everything should be viewed as ok, but maybe draw the line to where no one is abused or hurt. All other lines are constantly changing.
I am not accusing the OP of
I am not accusing the OP of anything. I am just throwing my thoughts in the mix of it all. O already said that I can see why she would be uncomfortable with this.
WHAT?!!!I agree... pretty
WHAT?!!!I agree... pretty repulsive. The only people that belong in the delivery room are the PARENTS of the baby being delivered in my opinion!!! My MIL once told me she wants to be in the room when I give birth one day. HAHA in her dreams!!!!!!!!! Even my own Mother understands why I only want my husband in the room.
See, to think that what we
See, to think that what we think is ok, in this country, at this time in history, is the end all , has been cause for some pretty horrific persecutions. I am not accusing you. But when we think we can impose on everybody what we think is ok, we have a problem. I know no one here is saying to pass a law against it, but it is a slippery slope. Draw the line where one person's freedom crosses with another. Kids should be protected. No one should be hurt. That's what I think.
See, to me, people that engage is any kind of even mild, consensual S and M is kind of weird . But that is me. I won't accuse others of being sick. I just won't do it. So it's ok that the OP haa a problem with her situation and her concerns should matter to her husband. Telling her that he us sick and gross, will not help this family whatsoever.
This will be one of those
This will be one of those things to agree to dis agree about. Some are ok with it and some are VERY against it.
I can't understand why some of you are getting a bit angry though? lol
Willow, let me put it this
Willow, let me put it this way. The reason many are angry is because it's a reminder of the very blurred relationships and boundaries they experience daily between fathers/daughters. THAT's the outrage, and they are ENTIRELY CORRECT!
ehhhh. I just don't think
ehhhh. I just don't think this would be one of those things to get outraged about. But if it floats the boat...more power to ya.
Edit to add. More power to ya...mean a collective you, not just overit. lol
It sounded funny when I wrote it, but mean when I looked at it.
Good lord woman-it's the
Good lord woman-it's the first time we agree! LOL
My spouse has had a strained
My spouse has had a strained relation with his girl over the period. She has banging gaps where she decided not to move see him fathers day facebook status.