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Therapist recommended

trying to deal's picture

My therapist, yes it has gotten so bad i have had to start therapy!!!!, has recommended that in addition to seeing her i need to find some outside support. I do not have a support network. It has been just me and my wife for the past 5 1/2 years. Her 19 yr. old moved in with us 3 mnths ago and it has been pure hell for me. She has 2 sons that she didn't get to raise to to mental health issues which are better now. Ex husband took them from her. So the 19 yr old got kicked out of Dad's house 3 mnths ago so Mom to the rescue. The only discussion we ever had on the subject of sons living with us was that we could not handle teenage sons. That went out the window with one phone call. I knew next to nothing about this man/child because all visits for her and sons was/is supervised. Never even had conversation till 19 yr old was 18. Still do not talk to younger son that still lives with ex. Anyway, all i knew of 19 yr old is he steals, had to pay fines for theft from walmart, he steals money from his drug dealer friends, he is a drug addict, steals meds from mom here at house, no job, goes to school when he can get out of bed. Not alot to inspire confidence. Can't leave him home by himself, have to hide meds, money, and valuables, and now, now he's been accused, and for the 4th time, of touching an underage girl while she was sleeping!!!!! Really don't know how much more I can stand. Mom sees what is going on, but guilt is keeping her from doing anything just yet. I have confidence that she will eventually, but will my marriage still be intact??? Anyone else dealing with anything similar???? Need all the advice I can get


notsurehowtodeal's picture

How has he been in a position to touch girls while they are sleeping four different times? Are any criminal charges going to be filed?