I lost it today!
Last night DH got a call from his attorney that the court hearing has been postponed yet again. The next court date is 3 days shy of a year since BM filed her motioned. How fair is it that there is so much delay.
We both took the day off to go to court....but then it is our anniversary so no need to go to work either. We picked up the boys and the oldest said something that triggered a year full of anger and resentment on him. I get tired of hearing how he is "confused". I told him, WTF! He is 15 and knows better. We all had a talk for a good 2 hours and DH is finally consenting for him to go to his Mom. He even called the GAL that his Dad had been yelling at him regarding the case. In 8 months he's never called her but decided a few days before we go to court! Whatever!
After things calmed down I did apologize for yelling. DH then found out from the attorney that he and the bm have to meet again with the GAL to resolve this. BM doesn't want to pay $200 a month in child support because DH has 2 kids wanting to live with him.
I want this over and I want my life back!! And if dealing with the devil is going to get me there so be it!!
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I feel you...
Our case keeps getting postponed as well. BM filed allegations of abuse an is trying to stop visitation and get more money.... BUT keeps having the case continued.
It is amazing to me how low these bad BMs will go and then not face the music when the time comes.
It never ceases to amaze me
It never ceases to amaze me when I see someone one here with a similar problem. I hear you on dealing with a BM that is more interested in the money.
DH told me in the past, BM (Uber-Skank) would have her hand out the minute they left the courtroom for CS. Ummmm....DH, Step-Demon needs her money right away!
When he received full custody 2 years ago, she walked away from us too fast to even ask about arrangements for CS. He waited about 2 months then asked her "Ummmm, are you going to send me a check any time soon for child support?" Uber got really nasty and said "Put it through the STATE!!!!". So he did.
It took nearly a year to start receiving payments. Because of the nearly 12 month delay she went into arrearages. When she couldn't pay the entire back CS amount to the CS Enforcement Division, the case was turned over to the DA's office and they finally started garnishing her wages.
Even though she's been working nearly the entire time, payments have been sporatic at best. Now we all know damn well that if the situation were reversed and it was a FATHER owing the MOTHER, it would have been a matter of minutes before CS started pouring into Uber's bank account. AND there would be no arrearages. The state would have been up his a$$ before we cleared the courthouse steps.
Funny thing now.....custody is being transferred back to Uber (long story that I promise to blog one of these days). She and DH recently discussed CS. DH had already contacted the DA's office about their policy when custody is transferred back to the NCP and they still have arrearages and unpaid medical expenses. The DA explained there are two options:
1. DH would pay CS up front and Uber would continue to have wages (now unemployemnt) garnished to pay off the arrearages/unpaid medical. The DA and DH would continue to hold the lien on Uber until she is paid in full.
2. DH would receive a credit on his child support. His payments would be deducted from the amount Uber owes until it's a zero balance. At that time, DH would start paying CS and the lien would be removed.
DH left it up to her. She started accusing him of not wanting to pay CS! :puzzled:
He said "Uber......I'm leaving it up to you to decided how you want to proceed, I didn't say I wouldn't pay any CS. You have to make up your mind if you want to clear up your arrearages in about a year. Or do you want to continue to have your wages garnished and a lien on your credit report for the next 3 or so years until the balance is paid in full. I don't care either way!"
Oh....did I mention she's accruing 9% interest on the balance? :evil:
“Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.”
Michael Caine
Boy BM sure is quick, isn't
Boy BM sure is quick, isn't she!!!
Money money money
That's all it's about for my SS's BM. She started a lawsuit about 1.5 years ago, trying to sue BF for more CS because at that time she had been unemployed for about 6 months and thought that they would increase his payments to make up for her lack of a paycheck. She's been told this whole time that it doesn't work that way, but she keeps the case open. When we had our first child, they told her that the CS amount was actually going to go down - she refused to consent to that, and the case got put off again so that it could go to court. Now that we're having our second child here in two months, the CS amount will go down even more, which she still refuses to believe and still will not drop her case. It doesn't make any sense to me. Everyone is telling her the lawsuit is a waste of time and money, yet she keeps it open anyway. BF told her a long time ago, if you drop the case, I never had any plans of trying to decrease the amount that I pay because of my other kids and I would just leave it alone, but if you keep the case open your amount will go down and that's not my fault! I think the only reason why it's gone on so long is because everyone in our court system knows BM and how she is, and is having fun pissing her off more and more with every continuance instead of just getting it over with. Really I wish they'd just get it over with one way or another. Maybe they're just waiting on BM to drop the case, but I don't think she ever will.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*