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After court Date March 20 2012

uniccco's picture

I am still not able to get copy of court order other side is angry because of loss in family court they want to change pick up times from when temporary court order and wont let me pick up on the start of my long weekend but will let me pick up on next day I think ex is counting days for fear of child support reduction can they do this THE JUDGE RULED IN MY FAVOR I have my son 145 days a year now she has put eveything i do under a microscope its like we didnt even go to court ! My attorney said she was calling the judge to tell him something is wrong with court order is this bad for me or her !

beyond hope's picture

Keep at it. Get the documentation. sometimes the only way to get some peace is to have EVERYTHING spelled out and make sure you document every deviation from the CO. Eventually the other side will get the picture and it will get "easier". It is also good for the kids to know when and where visitation will be. I had to do all of this with my first wife. Talk about psyco. look up the word in the dictionary... her picture is right beside good luck!