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I AM SO EXCITED.....we my be moving out of the same town his ex family lives in.!

tryingtomakeit's picture

Ok so heres the famous words....If I had know then What I know now then things would have been different.

So, basically, I am married to my husand and his ex-family. They talk ALL the time.. THe ex-gramdnother always comes over to my house and brings pictures of my husband and the ex family, back before the divorce....I know weird! I asked him to try to break away fromthe ex family, and he said he would.....but now they only come on his day off and I'm at work. It only gets weirder! Im not even going there.

My husband recently made a job change and we may be moving closer to his work. Which is far enough away that the ex family cannot run over to our house all the time, THHHANK GOOOOOD!!!!!
