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So Annoyed!

TwoOfUs's picture DH just walked out with SS17 who is on his way to work. They took two cars.

I text DH...ask him what's going on. His response: "SS is almost out of gas and doesn't have any money."

Gah!!! We've talked about this. SS has a job. He's only responsible for his own expenses, not even including his phone, which I pay for. SS goes shopping at Old Navy and Goodwill weekly...always walking in with new clothes. In December, he had no money to buy anyone presents, and we bought him nearly $100 of gas that month. We must have paid for ALL of his gas in December. I'm sure he's not asking his mom for anything. I know it's just $20 or so, but I'm so pissed right now.

Also, same SS drank the last of the coffee before I could get any. I made new and couldn't find my cream in the fridge...turns out SS used the rest of it. There was A LOT left. Now I'm just sitting her choking down black coffee feeling steamed.


TwoOfUs's picture

SS just walked in with a new container of cream.

I'm sure DH bought him gas, like he said...but now I'm feeling bad for being annoyed.

TwoOfUs's picture

Lol. Fair enough.

I was slightly annoyed about the cream...because that's far too much for that little bit if coffee he had.

But I should have clarified. I'm pissed at DH for buying him gas AGAIN after I showed him the numbers from December and we agreed that SS has to buy his own gas bc we can't afford to do so in addition to paying CS and doing phones. I'm not upset with SS about that.

I'm guessing DH registered my annoyance about the cream and knew I'd be upset about the gas...and so got the cream on the way back from getting the gas to make up for the gas. He's observant...which is good...but maybe a little manipulative Smile

But really. I am so tired of paying for things that SS should be paying for. SD is only 15 and never asks us to cover her expenses...she budgets well.

TwoOfUs's picture

Yeah. SS will be 18 in a month and a half...and we have taught him to budget, just like we've taught SD15. Or, we've tried. Hasn't taken to it as well.

I agree with you that it's typical teen boy stuff...and that my DH bears the majority of the blame...but there's just no reason that a nearly 18-year-old can't remember to save enough for gas when it's literally his only expense. He got a totally free car for his 16th birthday (from his grandparents) with insurance and maintenance covered until 18, we pay for his's absurd. I'm also worried that he's in for a rude awakening regarding the car when he hits 18. We've been telling him to start saving for two years now.