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AT LAST!!!!!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Our extended visitation for the summer is OVER!!! I literally wanted to yell and jump up and down when they left but I contained myself in front of my kids. SS was excited too, of course. No one likes these extended visits but DH feels since he is allowed the time and since he pays cs then he should get him the 30 days. Anyhow, regular eow visits resume but no more extended visits for awhile!! Even DH said that now our house can get back to normal. Exactly.


Tx mommy of 3's picture

Ha ha! It's ok. That's what this place is for. Idk how stepparent with custody do it.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Aaahhhh....yes...the phone calls. SS doesn't put it on speaker but he texts and talks to his mom ALL the time while here! His phone used to have a ringtone everytime he got a text and phone call from her. It was so annoying hearing it go off all the time. DH finally told SS to put it on silent. And yeah, he last few days he's been missing mom so the calls increased. He tells her he's so bored or he's doing 'nothing'. Really, because last DH took him and the kids somewhere EVERY day while he was on vacation then took him and DS on a mini overnight trip. Whatever. Oh! And the other night SS hurt his finger while playing. All of a sudden last night while talking to BM he's complaining it still hurts and we've done nothing for it. (roll my eyes) An hour later he's playing again.

tugofwar's picture

Me also! The month with the brat is over, the unfortunate thing is we still have her every other week ugh! Better than all month tho! :barf: