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Xmas is coming...

unbelieveable's picture

So...Xmas is coming faster than we think...My "not so" steps and I have been counting the weekends and this weekend we made Xmas lists...things have been GOOD with fsd10 and I...which is unusual...I think she is starting to "appreciate" the things I do for her but I won't hold my breath...

So - fsd10 asked for ONE thing on her Xmas list...nothing else ...she was really sincere and said - I know we get lots of things because we have SO many people that love us and now we have 4 sets of grandparents but - I don't care if I get anything else but this...and she left me her list on the bed and went back to playing...she ONLY asked for a Nintendo 3ds - we bought her the Dslite about 3 years ago - and her not even 2 year old brother snapped it in half a few weeks ago...BM let him play with it? huh? Anyway...not so step8 asked for an American girl doll and a DS...we found an alternative to that doll and special ordered another - she said it doesn't HAVE to be "the" american girl...just something similar. And she asked for the Nintendo 3ds so she and her sis can connect and play games together...good idea kid. So...tonight...

Not so DH gets a text from BM..."Don't get them N3DS's for Xmas. They are not responsible - they have broken their old ones and lost all of their games..."

*** First off - if they've lost all of their games - MAYBE it's because you've moved them into uh 7 houses in the last 3 years???" I'd lose things TOO!

Dh: "We've already put them on layaway - they were the only things they asked for..."

BM: "Well - they aren't responsible - get them Nooks so they can read and download games."

Okay...let me get this straight...they aren't responsible enough for these Nintendo's...BUT you want us to get them Nooks? What? And whose credit card will a nook be hooked up to when they buy books and games? Who is going to monitor their usage on a Nook? Are you serious? Mind your own beeswax woman...we will get them what we see fit...if they are SO irresponsible then these game systems will stay here. Usually kids go through the Toys R US Big book and write down everything in the thing! They had pretty much NOTHING...why wouldn't we get them the one thing they've asked for?

Okay...sometimes I feel better just venting about something stupid...haha!


12yrstepmonster's picture

Get a good carrying case as well to keep their games in.

My older dd was very responsible with her things. But I taught her that. Younger dd not as much. I have more on my plate and don't teach as much responsibility.

I hate Christmas time. My DH and his kids no how to wreck a holiday.

SMof2Girls's picture

It never fails at Christmas and birthdays with our BM .. she claims to want to know what we're buying so she doesn't buy duplicate gifts. DH has historically ignored it and did what he wanted for the skids.

The ONE time he actually told her what he was planning to buy SD5 for her 4th birthday, BM not only went out and bought it first, but she gave her the gift a month early.

Never again. If BM buys duplicate gifts, that's fine. The kids have two houses and the crap from their mother's house stays there .. not allowed in my home.

newtothis03's picture

I would suggest the girls keep their games at your home. Maybe let them take home one a piece but keep the rest with you.

unbelieveable's picture

I don't mind working back and forth to make sure we don't do the duplicate thing - and we've both decided they will be staying here...I guess she actually went on a rampage tonight with the girls because she is SO livid we are getting them? I don't know what her problem is! I guess she was being such a beast that the girls actually called and asked if they could come over tonight (he had to say no because he was working late and they have school tomorrow) so we will do our usual weekly dinner thing since he works this weekend. She is just losing her mind...I am hoping she does something really stupid like calls and gives the "I can't stand them get them out of my face" fit again so we can just take them...she's a nut job!

I am glad we don't have some of the issues listed above! haha! this is the first year in 5 she's ever tried to dominate what we do for gifts!