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Stuck in a rut

Unhappy's picture

So last night Dh got mad at me because I was trying to talk to him about why we don't have a sex life anymore. The things that I was bringing up were the same things that we have talked about before in regards to our relationship but we never really talked about them affecting our sex life. I was trying to explain to him that it's hard for me to get in the mood after having to compete with his 7 year old BD for wife status for months not to mention everything else. We're going on three weeks now.

Of course DH doesn't want to talk about it. His explanation is that we have already talked about it before which we have. But we have never talked about it in regards to our sex life and how and why it affects it. So it goes from I don't want to talk about it to DH getting defensive. This is his usual reaction. "I don't want to talk about it until it's gotten completely our of control." I did point out that not talking about is not helping the situation. So from there it goes to DH telling me that I have ruined the week. (MIL and FIL have taken all three kids for the entire week.) That was pretty much the end of the convo other than when I went out into the living room and told him that just because the kids are out of site doesn't mean that everythings changed and it's hard to feel sexually attracted to him when I have to compete with a 7 year old. He doesn't even sit with me when his kids are there. Maybe occasionally, but hardly ever. I feel like I'm just waiting my turn.

This is how our week has gone.

Sunday: I did drink a little to much wine but the arguement was about when his brother and his firend were over for the 4th and I was trying to tell them a story that I found funny. I couldn't get more than a couple words out before DH would jump in and be like they don't want to hear this story, they've already heard this story, it's not a funny story over and over again. It got to the point that I lost my place several times and by the time I got to the end it wasn't funny. I talked with him out in the garage about it and he did appologize in front of hi brother and friend but it still irkes me. I would have never treated him so disrespectfully. I was so embarassed while he was doing it to me. (on a side note right after his brother left he told me that all I do is repeat the same stories over and over again and that I was rude to his friend which I wasn't. I feel like sometimes he's tearing my selfesteem down by doing this.) So this is how I ruined Sunday.

Monday: DH had a migraine.

Tuesday: I had a horrible day at work.

Wednesday: Well, that was last night.

I'm getting so fed up with all of this. I don't feel like I ruined the entire week. DH feels that way because we haven't had sex. I'm just not in the mood. Would you guys be?


Invisiblestepmom14's picture

There are times when I can't be in the mood either when the skids visit. But last night, I took a shower, then asked DH if I could speak with him in the bedroom...shut and lock the door. Kids are watching tv. It wasn't hours long but it did the trick, sometimes that's all we have the time and energy for. But I can understand competeing with a SD, mine is 10 and she can get on my nerves and then I'm not in the mood either. Hope you can enjoy the weekend! Smile

Unhappy's picture

We leave Saturday to pick the kids up and then we drive back with all three of them for 6 + hours.

Unhappy's picture

Are you competing with a 7 year old girl for wife status? Are you being tattled on and threatened by a 7 year old girl? Have you walked out and caught that 7 year old girl cornering your 7 year old BD saying mean things to her while your 7 year old is crying and holding her hands up over her ears? How about walking on the 7 year and hearing her telling your 7 year old BD that nobody wants her around and nobody loves her? How about said 7 year old girl going to Dh and telling him that she has bad thoughts about stabbing him and I while we're dancing naked in the living room? How about when said 7 year old girl lies to a CPS worker and a cop about DH abusing her?

This is just a small portion in a long list of why I feel the way that I do.

stormabruin's picture

I don't think the issue is actually so much with the 7-year old behaving like an entitled 7-year old as much as it is about the DH's attitude toward it & enabling it.

I couldn't respect a man who allows his child to play wife as the woman he took vows with sits on the sidelines waiting for her turn for attention. I sure as hell wouldn't want that man touching me & cuddling me ONLY because his child isn't there shoving her way in between us.

The 7-year old isn't the one ruining it. The DH is. She isn't taking custody of him & his time. He's all too happy just to give it to her.

stormabruin's picture

I don't really see it as her giving sd7 total power & control when she's not around, though. SdD7 isn't the one who has the power & control. It's DH. He is in the position to control the situation when SD7 is around & chooses not to. DH controls the relationship. Just because the interference is gone doesn't make things good & well between DH & OP when HE is the problem.

Never would I be expected to take a backseat to a child, watching my DH dote & preen all over her & then have him think it's fine to cozy up to me in our bed. If I'm expected to behave like his wife in our bed, I expect him to behave like my husband outside of our bed.

This isn't about giving kids power. It's about expecting respect from our partners.

Simple respect works wonders in a relationship.

Just a note to add: I'm not trying to speak on behalf of OP. Just sharing my thoughts.

Unhappy's picture

Well, I disagree. She has a week alone with DH and she's still so angry about the dynamic between DH and SD that SD does, indeed, continue to let SD control her personal relationship with DH. It's sad. She's the only one this is hurting.


This is not what I'm saying. What I am saying is that I just don't feel in the mood for sex recently and I think that this is the reason why. What I need to do is get out of the house and find myself a hobby. Work, house, and kids are all that I do. I don't go out. I don't go hang out with friends. Maybe doing something ouside of all fo that would help me.

Unhappy's picture


He is working on it. We just had a talk with all three kids last weekend about what's not going to be tolerated anymore and how it's going to be handled. And he has mad huge improvements with is parenting. It's just that it's taken it's toll on our relationship.

Last night he mad a comment about me saying that he should spend more time with his BD and that's why he's sitting with her all of the time. My response was that I never asked him to make her his mini wife and what I had actually said was spend more time with her doing things that she likes such as painting nails, playing her dolly dress up game, and playing barbies. Something to rebuild the bond between the two of them. Apprently that was taken the worng way.

Annanymous's picture

You are not a Stepford wife, what does he want, for you to stand still at the wall while they eat the dinner you cook around the kitchen table, and for you to worship his shitty little brat when she is there, but then when he deems it time, you flop to your back and spread your legs for him with a big smile on your face while singing "yippie fucking doo daa I am so happy to serve you and Princess; yes, please have sex ON me while I sing both your praises lalafuckingla". Fuck that. And yes, he IS manipulating and tearing down your self-esteem with that shitty behavior putting you down in front of people and then going back and putting you down again after they leave?? It is probably so you will be more compliant to him and Princess's demands. Again, fuck that.

I bet SD7 really is feeling and thinking those things about herself. Because I bet you money that SD7 is having those feelings about herself and turning them on BD7. STILL not okay, but kid needs therapy.

Why is it that it seems like Stepkids must be worshipped at all times by SM and SM's kids (previous kids and ours kids), whereas the DH's darlings can abuse SM AND all of SMs kids, even babies, and are still delightful cherubic gifts from God to the DH, BM, grandparents, and society in general with "poooor SK, parents divooorced, blah blah blah".

Yeah, I am pissed off FOR YOU, and I don't even know you!

Unhappy's picture


Actually Dh cooks dinner. I get homw to late from work to cook. And he doesn't expect me to just lay on my back so he can have sex. Other than his little ahole moves like when his brother was here on the 4th he's actually made a huge effort to change his parenting style.

What he doesn't understand is that it has taken a toll on our relationship. I have been treated so sh!ty by his BD for the last almost three years that's it's hard for me to be like, out of site out of mind. And he allowed the behavior for a very long time before he started making changes.

What's frustrating is that when I tried to talk to him about it last night he flat out told me that I don't want to talk about it, we're already talked about it. And yes we have. But not in this regard. He's frustrated that we're not having sex but won't listen to me when I try to explain why because it's the same stuff we're already talked about.

Unhappy's picture

DH's darlings can abuse SM AND all of SMs kids


I never thought about it that way. Maybe that's the toll that I'm referring to that's altered our relationship.

Not_what_I_wanted's picture

LOL, dont blame you one bit.

This AM, DH is grabbing me, trying to be flirty and sexy. Ok, I like it, but, since SD9 kept us up until 11:30 and we have to get up early for work, I wasn't into it.

I said, "how about we set the alarm for 2 AM and do it then?"

DH: "why so late?"

ME: "because thats when SD will finally stop her whining and crying and go the F to sleep"

DH: rolled eyes and walked away.

So no, I dont feel like doing it when YOUR kid is a brat and I get no sleep.

Unhappy's picture

Yes we did. A couple of months ago. I knew that there wasn't going to be a honey moon period after that wedding.

Most Evil's picture

I would not be in the mood after that either!!

He needs to be bought back to reality - how is every little thing your fault????

Its hard because you don't want to reward this attitude - I say wait for him to do something, anything, good and try to reward that - if you can!

Sorry dear - hugs!!

SharonT's picture

Even been stuck in a rut? It's unpleasant, understanding that you would like to be on a path toward wellness, innovation and inventive happiness, but in reality you are spinning your wheels in some kind of quicksand. Occasionally, a small attitude adjustment can get you going, or a little inspiration. But quite often, altering your routine is not enough. Here are some ideas for how you can get free from a rut, seated in observation and action. You can pay for your vacation with a personal loan.