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please help!!! I hate my sd, and I don't want to lose my hubby

momtomykidsonly's picture

I have the most wonderful husband in the world, but I have the most hateful 18 yr old step daughter. She is in the dictionary under hateful. My hubby and I have been together for 8 years and I have tried to do everything possible to be friends. She has a mom and does not need me to be one. This girl has given my 6 yr old meds to make him go to sleep when she was being paid to babysit him! She had sex in our bed and MY car!! She talks to my 13 yr old about sex. But it is the total disrespect she has for me and my husband that I hate! At this point I am done with her and her mothers lies and games. In the last week both of them told my in laws that I keep her from her dad, I talk bad about them to all their friends (which I don't talk to anyone about this but my husband...unfortunately I do not trust any women!) They have lied and stirred up so much drama that I am almost ready to walk away from the best thing that has ever happened to me and my kids! My husband agrees it is the ex and his daughter, but I feel like he does not stand up enough for me. I just don't know what to do!!! There is soooooo much more to this story, but I just need some help!!! I feel like life is hopeless right now.........

stepof 1nitemare's picture

I have a feeling I will be in your shoes in a couple years. My sd8 is allowed to reign supreme when she comes to our house, and her BM is the dragon lady herself. They lie, they manipulate, they are going to be the downfall of DH and I as well. He and I could not have a more perfect relationship when they are gone, We have not seen or heard from BM or SD since last Wednesday and it has been bliss, but SD comes tonight to stay and he and I are already tense with each other. It is sad that children can have so much power over our adult emotions, and attitudes. I hope you are able to get through the SD behavior, just think she is nearly out of your life, she is nearly an adult and if DH and BM are doing the right thing, she will soon be self sufficient and have her own life and be less of an impact on yours. I long for those days. 10 more years of hell and child support for us, but you are nearly done!!!!! Best of luck and hang in there!

If the Broom Fits, Ride It!!!!!

soverysad's picture

Calm down. First, know that you aren't alone. There are so many people on here with adult skids that are hateful and are trying to break up marriages. Second, the good news is that your dh actually agrees that the problem is his ex and daughter (trust me this is better than some situations where the dh is totally cluesless and thinks the sm is being selfish. Third, you need to forget about what sd says to her mother or what either of them tell others. You (and dh) can not control this. Try to let go of the things you can't control and focus on the things you can control. If the inlaws believe the nonsense that says more about their character than it says about you. Fourth, protect yourself from the people who believe this nonsense. If that means ignoring your inlaws, do it. Let them all live in their drama and remove yourself from it. Fifth, once you've figured out what is controllable talk to dh about it calmly. Remember you can't control what she says or how she behaves. What you can control is what you're willing to tolerate in your home. Figure that out and explain it clearly to dh in non-accusatory terms "I love you and I want us to have peace in our relationship. I feel like we're getting swept into all this drama that shouldn't be our problem. I want you to have a good relationship with your daughter, but it pains me to see her disrespect you and I won't watch it happen. I also will not tolerate being disrespected. It is unfair of me to have to bite my tongue in my own house and it is unfair that I have to stress over what she says to 13yo. If you do not address this behavior, I will have to ask you to visit her somewhere other than our home". Tell him that you're so sorry it has come to this because you love him so much and you've been trying very hard for 8 years to not step on his toes, but you can't continue because it is making you not like who you've become. Take it slow. He won't change overnight and let him know that you support his relationship with sd (never make it sounds like you are competing with her) and your hopes for her were that she would grow into a young lady with manners and class and you think there is still hope but it is his responsibility to teach her what that means with respect to her treatment of others and respecting their boundaries.

It is much harder than I've made it sound. Always is, but there is hope and you are not alone on this path.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

momtomykidsonly's picture

thank you....I guess I feel so bad about hating her because he is so wonderful to my kids. But my kids have never disrespected him, and they love him more than their own father!!! I am just so mentally drained. To make matters worse mommie dearest is clearly trying to get back in good standing with my husband. This is a man that she cheated on and broke I mean BROKE his heart and stepped on it and crushed it into a million pieces...I am the one that put his heart and life back together and now she is telling him how much she and his daughter need him! His daughter is 18 and only comes to see him at Christmas bday or when we bought her a car....also they are using a non serious health issue and making it look like to the world that the girl is dieing!!! I have read the reports she is 100% FINE!!! I love this man more than I could have ever imagened but between mom and sd how on earth do you stick around for the next side show.....

stepof 1nitemare's picture

My DH is WONDERFUL to my boys from previous marriage. He has steeped in and he loves them, yet he never crosses the boundary of dad, because they have a great father too. I often feel horrible for not liking SD because he is so good to my boys. He coaches their baseball teams, goes to all school functions, and I dont want to go to any of hers. I truly beieve its because her mother has said such horrible things about me both in front of SD and to other people that I dont want her to see me and have more fuel for her game of words. I have met her 2 times in 2 years and hope to NEVER see her again. As far as SD goes, I wish she would just come by for holidays, birthdays, or for money. For me that would be wonderful. I would write her a check and send her on her happy way, but instead she comes and stays and goes through or bills and my personal stuff, including MY bathroom. We have 3 bathrooms in this house, kids bathroom, DH bathroom, and MY bathroom, and I caught her going through my things in there. Plus she has searched through our computer. I am sure her mom puts her up to it, we think she wantsto take DH back for more child support and has SD up to looking for a pay stub. Thats how crazy this bitch is, and SD just does what she is told by BM. We have SD going to a psychiatrist, but its not helping. It really just plays into her needs for all eyes on her and constant attention from an adult,BM is also an attention whore, and she is a lesbian and flaunts her choices in front of everyone, and BM coaches her what to say so she never really opens up to the dr. I HATE being a step parent. If God forbid, anything ever happens to DH or we for some reason end our relationship, I will stay ALONE or only date men with NO kids. Its just too much drama.

If the Broom Fits, Ride It!!!!!

momtomykidsonly's picture

haha I have to agree completely!!If my hubby and I were to ever split the only man I would date would be 90 and dieing with no kids...then I could drive that Lexus!!!

adva25's picture

Don;t let her break up your marriage. You love each other and she could be 12 right now (6 more years) LOL. I think she is just emulating what her mom is telling her abt you and it is what it is. I would def not let her babysit again and I would tell my 13 year old not to talk to her. Now, your Hubby is in a though spot: he loves you and cares abt your relationship but he also love that eveil SD of yours... He can't choose and don't ask him too ever. It is tough i am sure, but try and take deep breaths when it happens. Be honest with the in-laws: they know you well enough by now and let it ride... unfortunatly, that's all you can do!
Good luck girl!

badlinz's picture

My heart goes out to you -
I found your post after posting (copy below)in the forum under Adult Stepchildren. I know what you are going through because my story is so like yours - except, my husband has told me to go. My husband was the best thing that ever happened to me. I am still reeling in shock - how do these SD sleep at night.

A year ago SD moved in with my husband and I. She decided she wanted to live with her dad. Husband (Dad) and I have been married for 13 years. For 12 of those 13 years we had a good marriage. SD has never liked me - poisoned, I guess by her mother because her mother has always hated me. Tension in our home, coming from husband as piggy in the middle between SD and me is so bad I said to husband - either SD must return to her mother or I will leave. Husband says he cant tell SD to leave ... so its me that has to go. SD is 19 and she has a mother living in another country. SD has a passport to live in her mothers country. I am, I believe in my heart of hearts not a wicked stepmother, just a stepmother who was never given the chance from day one from the SD. I am also a big softy - SD at present rules our house. She sees herself under her dad, and I fall under her. She has no respect for me. I feel as if my husband has betrayed and abandoned me, tossing me out like a sweet wrapper. Husband says I brought this on myself by asking him to chose between wife and daughter - and he goes on to say, ask any man - and the man will do what he has done, the man will chose his daughter over his wife. The man will tell his wife to leave. We are seeing a divorce Attorney on Tuesday morning. I am moving out of our family home in 14 days. My husband has asked me to move out, he has rented me an apartment. SD, will continue to live in what was my home, with her Dad. I cant stop crying - I love my husband very much, I really thought his choice would have been me. I love my home, that is no more my home. Why this post (1) I want to warn S-Mothers not to do what I have done - never to ask their husbands to chose between them and their daughter, you might, like me be the one who is told to go (2) Feel free to tell me that I was a fool (or not a fool) thinking after giving my husband 13 years of my life that he would me to stay with him.

momtomykidsonly's picture

My sd is actually 18 my kids are the 14 and 9yr old, sorry for the confusion...but this girl does everything she can to twist and turn my words and actions into stuff they are not at all. She is a liar and a manipulator. My husband knows it but he doesn't know how much her actions have hurt me. I am DONE with her. I am tired of being used by her. she has her head so far up Mommy dearest butt I am surprised the poor girl can even breathe!!! I would not make him choose between us, but I have choosen to not acknowledge her. 8 yrs of this is enough. If my love is not enough for him, than I don't know what is. I have tried and tried to do the right thing but it clearly does not matter. I just give up!!!! On her not him!!! From here on out she can look to mommy and daddy for money and whatever else she wants but she will not get it from me. I told him from now on she can stay at his moms when she is here because I don't want her around my children. She drinks parties, lies, steals, has sex when my kids are in the house. Drugs my 9 yr old so he will sleep while she is there!!! The list goes on and on, but it is my house, I pay the bills so I say who stays and who doesn't and she is no longer welcome until she changes. I don't know how my hubby feels but he did talk to her about it, so we will see where things go from here. But luckily the house and farm are mine, he doesn't pay a dime to help with it. I know this all sounds so harsh, but I truely am fed up.

TattooQT's picture

Have you considered just laying it all out to your husband? Tell him that you can't take it anymore and that your sanity and peace has been shattered and you really feel that he doesn't quite do enough to stop it. Further you could ask that she not be allowed in the house alone. The issue with giving the sleeping medication to your six year old is actually assault and you could press charges. She is an adult and maybe that would have some impact on her behavior. Also have you explored the reasons she might be doing this? Has anyone ever addressed her feelings about the divorce? She probably views you and your children as her competetion and is acting out because of it.

Just some thoughts, I wish you luck. I don't think that this needs to destroy your marriage though, don't give the kid that much power.

Take care,

hooliejulie71's picture

All I can say is... I am so sorry! I am totally in the same situation. My 17yr. old SD has her daddy wrapped around her little finger. She tells outrageous lies about us both and my bio kids too. Daddy (my BF) is very wishy-washy about discipline when it comes to her..... punishments (when they occur) are forgotten almost immediately.

Choosing your own sanity over her drama seems like the best thing to me. Don't worry about sounding harsh, sometime reality has to kick in and take over. I have decided to ignore my SD rather than be caught up in her circus.

I wish you luck and peace as well... hang in there and don't let her ruin your marriage!!

lisas61's picture

Well don't wait for SD left the day she graduated High School...went to live with some boy's family, they asked her to leave, then she lived with a cousin, they asked her to leave, then she lived with another boy, they asked her to leave, then she went to live with her Mother and her significant other...they are now fighting and have asked her to guess what? 21 and coming back to Daddy...kill me...

jojo68's picture

Hang in there and know that you are not alone. We are here for you. I know that one day I will be in your shoes. My BF daughter is 10 now but it is coming. She will never have a successful relationship because she's too self centered and never hold a job very long because she is too lazy and doesn't take authority well and has no resepct for others.