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broken hearted

used up 29's picture

well once again we had a war in this house yesterday with my sd15 whom i have raised as my own chid since she was 5. she has been very bad for a long time boy crazy talkin bad refusing to follow rules. to make a LOOOONNNGGG story short this time she was caught stealing money $60 from my purse over a course of a couple months so that she could put it down on a 70 dollar year book at school. we told her a few months back we didnt have the money to buy yearbooks his year times r tough. well being that we r strict parents we dont let our kids run the street i dont let her use the internet unsupervised because of last years porn drama with her. we have to meet parents before she spends the night places. we have a lot of rules but thats the way it is parents are crazy these days what they think is acceptable for a young lady to do. anyhow so i guess our house is a prison and she hates it here and has never wanted to live here. she has this half sis that lives with bm who is emo and has her face pierced shut basically and who her bm drops off in a different town to spend the night with her 18 year old boyfriend :sick: so bm is the shit!! shes so cool and not as strict. the sis is 16 btw. anyhow so she decided for the millionth time shes going to live with her and so she did. so now im broken. tis better to live with this bm who left her years ago then to not be able to run wild. im sitting here wondering why and how was this child able to do wrong again and turn it into how shes in prison and we r horrible because i screem at her etc. from the simple fact that she stole money from me during our 2 youngest bday party btw and was yet again grounded. but it is somehow our fault and she just cant be good. i dont know what to feel or think im broken but im starting to hate her. her dad cried his eyes out when we took her and all she could say when he hugged her was your squeezing me to hard it hurts...and walk away. did i mention the piece of shit 16 year old bm other daughter comes running out smiling clapping her hands and taking my daughters suitcases out of the car? not giving a damn that our family of 8 has just lost a very important member? please help me to cope and those of u who pray please lift our broken family up Sad


N8tiveButt3rfly's picture

Awwww, you honestly sound like a good and fair stepmommy. I'm so sorry this has happened to you. Sometimes children can be so mean with their selfish need to grow up so fast. Give her some time and I pray she'll come around. Most times they think they want to be allowed to do whatever they want but she won't like it so much when she gets that feeling that she's free falling. They also like to feel secure and safe and it sounds like she won't get that where she is now. Praying for you. BIG HUGS

used up 29's picture

Thank you so much I am really feeling like i could fall into some depression over this but with 5 other children the youngest being 3 months ive really got to put on foot in front of the other. i have been really strict with her and all of them but never out of hatefulness. it is hard to be a good parent its easy to be their friend those moms get all the glory. thank you again i dont know what to do.