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We invited them out separated..

vikki0's picture

..And they accepted.
Basically we invited SD14 to go to the 3D demonstration in the mall-she's been saying she wants to see it. There's a free version that you can try for a minute and you can pay to watch a movie or something. So she's going to pay for the longer version. We offered to pay but she refused. She didn't want to go, but we insisted that she should see it if she likes 3D stuff, and since she is interested in seeing it she accepted. But insisted that she pays.
Well actually we asked her what she likes and then asked if she wants to go.

We invited SD17 out too, and she decided she just wants to go to a Chinese restaurant since she never did. So that's it.

W're taking SD14 first- from 15:00 to 18:00 , and then SD17 from 18:30 to 21:30. (When it's winter she's allowed to be out untill 23, and since SD17 wants to see her friends.. We're taking her back before 22.)

So do you think I should try to talk to them about their behaviour and our relationship, or I should just see how they act?
Should BF go with us, or he should just drive us? Or should he be alone with them?
Maybe we should switch it - some time alone with him, some with me?


Lalena75's picture

I think both of you should go as you'll have each others backs, but if anyone should say anything about the robot behavior it should be dad, it should be blunt. "So what the heck is up with the stepford child, robot responses, it's bizarre behavior and not you so where's it coming from, we're not moving another inch till I get a straight honest answer." hands on fatherly hips stern look stare right in their eyes boring into them till a real response it received. At least that's what I would do.

whatwasithinkin's picture

Nope just have a good time and watch and see how it all turns out before talking.