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DH finally gets it - OR well, duh!!

WalkOnBy's picture

I know you guys think this is going one way, but it's totally another direction.

This morning, I was in the kitchen getting Sheba's breakfast ready. She was doing her usual howling and dancing on the counters, like I had no idea that it was morning and that the Diva needed to be fed. I also had to pee - so I was doing the potty dance as well.

DH comes into the kitchen and sees me doing the potty dance and asks me why I just don't go to the bathroom? After all, it is literally two feet from where I am standing...

"I have to feed Sheba first."

"So, the cat runs the house?"

FINALLY HE GETS IT!!!! It's only been 8 years since DH has been on the scene.

I swear Sheba looked at him and smiled as soon as she heard him admit the New Cat Order Smile


Sweet T's picture

At our house it is the Wiener. I bought her Frosty Paw ice cream treats. I swear when we have ice cream she goes nuts until I get hers. I know she is thinking scoop faster bitch when I am dishing everyone up.

Sweet T's picture

Wiener dogs are awesome. Ours is 9lbs and 8 years old and she is the perfect dog. She travels well, doesn't shed, is so sweet. She is very cat like in a way though because things are on her terms always. The only negative is she gets a little stinky, but she is great about getting a bath and having her hair blow dried. She is ok about getting her teeth brushed an nails trimmed.

WalkOnBy's picture

DH took the skids to see ASS last Sunday. He posted a picture on FB of ASS at a game competition with his team. Apparently, it was a class assignment to develop and then play in competition a computer game. I say apparently, because I didn't ask and DH didn't tell my anything about it.

I do know that he got 2 As and 2Bs in his classes last semester. I also know that he isn't living in my house this summer Wink

Monchichi's picture

I am glad to hear he is taking his studies seriously. Poor Sheba having to wait so long for him to get the hierarchy.

WalkOnBy's picture

My alarm goes off at 5:45 am each morning. The second thing I hear is Sheba - who is sitting somewhat patiently outside my door waiting for me. Depending on her mood, she will either head into my bathroom and demand that someone (me) turn on the faucet or she will allow me to go downstairs.

I get to put my glasses on, but only because they are on my night stand. She would never wait for me to put in my contacts. Once I get downstairs, she lets me pour a cup of coffee, but she isn't shy about vocalizing her displeasure in the delay.

At dinner, she will come sit next to my chair and stare at me until I cut up tiny pieces of whatever protein I am eating.

Salems Lot's picture

My cat has an automatic food dispenser.... She still wakes me up between 5:30 and 6:00 AM. She just can't eat breakfast without me being there to observe...