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stalked on the holiday

WarMachine13's picture

Wife, stepkids and me got invited for bbq and boating on the 4th. It was an all day thing. We left our phones in the truck while we're out. Get back round 7 to see wife's phone got blown up by loser biodad. Left her 11 voicemail, sent 7 text. "I wanna see MY F!CKING KIDS". Even drove by our house to see if wer're home.

Wife text back loser that if he wants to see the kids he needs to let her know ahead of time cause we had plans and were already gone. He fires back he can see them when he wants. She's not sure how to answer him back. Any idea??


Daisymazy2's picture

I would just send a copy of the CO that states his visitation days.  Personally, I would just ignore him.  She already told him that she had plans and he needed to let her know before the holiday.

WarMachine13's picture

He can have every other weekend but hardly gets them. Last seen the kids in Janauary for their birthday so he could be the "cool dad" and buy them stuff.

CLove's picture

Are life savers when the parents are unable to communcate well with each other. Plus this man sounds very disturbed, and prone to rages.

Time to get an agreement in place, pronto, if there is not one. And then abide by it strictly.

WarMachine13's picture

He's a friggin asshole. Worse as he gets older, worse cause wife not under his thumb anymore.

By agreement are you talking about the custody? Got one he doesn't follow.

CLove's picture

For HIM. What a rat. For sure that messes kiddos up. They will be needing therapy to deal with feelings of abandonment, no doubt, but the issue at hand is how to deal - what the others have said is good. Ignore, ignore ignore.

We have a Toxic High Cnflict Golden Uterus BM to deal with, 50/50 custody agreement, but it is very flexible. However she is also prone to rages. And will take an extra day because she is feeling guilty about not spending enought time with Munchkin. Because she spends most of her munchkin time on her phone texting her different men. So, I hope, like you, that the loser man-child does move on before he does lasting harm to those children.

Good Luck!

WarMachine13's picture

Yup and its rarely convenint.

Both the kids are in therapy and have been for awhile. The therapist is real good and the kids like her alot and they talk to her. Wife and I are happy they can open up to her. The couple years have been hard and we know it's him screwing up their heads. Therapist told my wife (finally!!) that her Disney Mom stuff ain't helping. Been trying  to tell her that but you know I got no bio kids so.....

CLove's picture

For allowing bad behavior - yup, Ive heard that one too - its an oldie but a goodie, right? Yea, well, when things start making sense, or someone more QUALIFIED than you sais that very same thing, and you are PAYING for it, then it has more weight. That is how it is, period. I have a bit of Disney Dad, but since I was laid off and we do not have much disposable income, Disney Dad is quiet for now. I do feel for you and for those children. Hopefully they can work through things instead of falling into that easy trap of "child of divorce pity me the world and you OWE ME".

AlwaysSmiling's picture

Boundaries must be set. There is no need for communication like that. Those Court Orders are like gold! Follow them exactly! He can see his kids when the state deems he can. 

AlwaysSmiling's picture

I wouldn't respond to anything again then until he took me back to court.

The kids need stability and this clearly is not. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Wow, her ex is definitely overboard with his "communication" attempts. This is very over the top.

Is there any way you can use a communication tool? Family Wizard or some such thing? You may need to revise the CO.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

^ Our family wizard is supposed to be a life saver. Especially if he's sending harrassing messages like that. I would look at revising, you may even be able to get less visitiation if he's not exercising it... Regardless, stick to the custody order, if he chooses not to get them whatever, but don't give him his "whenever I want!" 

WarMachine13's picture

Thanks we'll look in to that. She won't give in. Last time he got them was January. Time before that was thanksgiving last year to take to his mom's for dinner. Had them 3 hours.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

We have and absentee parent too. I've had EXACTLY your thoughts. Where in or out, I don't care which, but don't pp in just when you want and leave them otherwise.

Of course now there are drugs and I want her SUPER far away.

I'm glad your wife is smart enough not to give in!!! WAY too many people do that! Definitley see about getting the CO changed, I hate that someone can do that to your wife and to the skids.

Survivingstephell's picture

Did she give them to him short notice in the past?  Or did she preplan it with him?  I would send him a copy of the CO, his times highlighted in Idiot yellow and inclue a short note that if he wishes to have the skids more, she'd be more then happy to take this back to court and let the judge decide this after looking at her documentation on his exercised visitation history for the last year or so.   You need to be firm with assholes like this.  Send it certified so he has to sign for it and you get a receipt.  Put that stapled to the copy of letter in your court file and forget about it.  He's either feeling lonely or trying to impress a woman friend or giving into family pressure to see the skids.  

WarMachine13's picture

No she don't. One of his problems is he expects he to still jump when he says so. Ain't happening. This is the first time he's pulled this crap. He usually just calls outta the blue whenever he feels like and blows smoke that he's getting the kids and never does. They're dealing with alot of rejection issue cause of him.

twoviewpoints's picture

The 4th was on Wednesday, not a weekend , not Father's Day, not Thanksgiving or Christmas. 

Per the CO bio-Dad had no claims to 4th of July. Even if the holiday celebration was being held on the weekend, does the man know when his weekends are as to was it last weekend? This weekend? He hasn't seen the kids since January.

"I wanna see my f-ing kids" doesn't cut it. 

When and if the man can act appropriately and request time, he can politely call ahead of time and put in a proper request. 

Does he contact the kids at all inbetween his lengthy times of forgetting he has kids? 

WarMachine13's picture

Haha yeah that's what he does is forget he has kids most the time.

Don't know what his deal was this was the first time he's pulled this. He's a jackhole but never been like this before.

elkclan's picture

He was probably drunk or something like that. Maybe drunk and egged on by some new woman. Who knows? You know it's completely unacceptable. Just document this stuff and be incredibly strict about a formal response - you know. These are the CO weekends and the conditions and these are the acceptable ways of contacting me. 

Harry's picture

you are suppose to sit home everyday of the year to see if he was his visitation A hour before he get there.  Big NO. If he want Viaitation he has to ask a few days before !!!!!

lieutenant_dad's picture

"Please refer to the CO."

Done. That's all that needs to be said if silence just doesn't cut it for your DW. Though, after saying it once, I'd go silent. Then, at the next tirade, I'd amend:

"Please refer to the CO. Also, I am no longer comfortable communicating via telephone. You may reach me via email at [email protected]."

Silence again.

WarMachine13's picture

Thanks that's what she's gonna do. Keep it short. If he text back she'll send that next bit.

WarMachine13's picture

She's gonna text him to refer to the CO and leave it at that for now. Likely won't hear a thing till almost thanksgiving.

qtpie013178's picture

If there is a visitation order, and he barely gets kids, he’s probably in contempt of court. I would keep a journal of the visits he misses. That way, if he ever escalates the situation, he will lose and you habe proof that he is sporadic and power-tripping.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

The BD may not be in contempt of court for not exercising visitation. OP is correct: it's a privilege. The BD is not required to get the kids and is not. It sounds like he gets them when it's convenient (rarely) and to "show off" by dropping money.

WarMachine13's picture

Your right he ain't in contempt. SUre he's got visitation be he doesb't have to exercise". He doesn't have to see em ever again if he doesn't want. Can't force him. No laws broke.

hereiam's picture

I would definitely ignore him. According to the CO, he cannot just see them whenever he wants and, in fact, does not even see them when he has the right to, so....

Just another idiot, talking out of his ass.

Thumper's picture

I will assume bio dad pays support. He also went to court with your wife and has a CO for visitation. It is unlikely he is a total jerk, crack head or drunk or you would have told us dipshit seldom pays support and he did time in jail for xyz.  There are non custodial like that and custodial parents too.\ So please consider yourself very lucky. You may not feel super lucky right now because this dad wants to see his bio kids.

. But this is not so much about anything other than, you report dad stalked your family on the 4th to see his kids. That is not stalking.

Did he call several times? Yes he did. Was his calls and text unreasonable. Not IF he wants to see his kids and it maybe difficult for him. Do you realize many BM pull that crap...ohhhh we had plans, didnt trurn the cell phone, didnt KNOW dad wanted to see the kids..HE hasnt seen them in 8months..happens more often than not. Its in the play book actually. Funny thing about cell phones getting records is easy if needed. AND most people have them with them even when they say they dont.

It sounds like your wifes court order was specific about most holidays. To also speak on "on years off years" tells me this looser you speak of was present in the kids lives enough to require a Judge to order details. Not just eow. My experience is many Judges remain silent, your wife and "looser" did not.

Strange the Judge did not discuss the kids time with dad during the summer. You may want to look at your wifes court order.

Sir, I would like to assume your wife is a stellar ex wife AND GoldStar Mom who would never play the typical games too many divorced women play....IE----dad is a dead beat who does not want to see his kids unless he has nothing planned OR is drunk on the phone.

There are countless bio dads who are called as such and BM toys with them in unscrupulous ways using the kids to traumatize them (dads) over and over again.  READ HER COURT ORDER...maybe dad was to have his kids. Chances are high that bio dad should have more time with the kids over the summer.

IF your wife was a decent mom she would have called him that evening or the next day to schedule a long weekend for him.

As much as mom and you may think dad is a looser and as much as you and mom may think the kids shouldnt see dad...I highly suggest you work in a more positive fashion with bio dad.Courts are changing, custody is shifting towards 50 50 custody for fit parents. 

Dad may have indeed not been scheduled for visitation this 4th of July. BUT as custodial parent, your wife IS required to bridge the relationship the kids have with their bio dad. That requires HER to call her ex (this time)  and make sure he can see them. IF he tells her no. OK then no it is.

He could very easily be a 1 caller and crickets for the next 6months. On the other hand he may very well be setting mom up for a modification on the basis that she is prohibiting him from spending time with the children.

Also, having the kids in counseling for so long would raise an eyebrow .....maybe the kids are not doing so well inside your home and possibly would do better with dad at his home. You see I have been at this for close to 20 years, I have see the best of them and the worst of them. IF dad is so bad ie looser he would not have eow. Sounds like he lives close by SO,,,, I suggest to kiss his ass just a tad or your wife could be setting herself up for a court date.

IF dad is an awful man---request that he give up his parental rights, and you could adopt them. Current bio child support ends though. Then you would be on the hook/How does that sound to you...OR would you rather see if this can smooth out before something bigger comes up.

You might be very surprised to hear LOSERS side of the story...I bet it is very different than your wifes. Usually is.

There are Hundreds of Thousands of men across the United States labeled losers, who are not. Moms make sure their ex have very limited time one way or another.






WarMachine13's picture

Think what you want. I SEEN the court order. Only holiday mentioned thanksgiving, christmas, fathers day, mothers day. All other stuff is who has kids that week. That's it.

Jackhole lives less than 10 miles away.

Kids in therapy a year is bad? Says who? You a therapist? They hve gotten BETTER with the therapy. I known people in therapy for years with NO improvement. Taking the same meds, seeing same therapist, still depressed, 10 years later and nothing has changed. Not one damn thing. One year maybe ain't cutting it in YOUR book but that's your opinion. Like a nose. We all got one.

I DID ask to adopt em. He won't give up rights. Can't make him.