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Was not on here for a couple days..........and I'm SO curious........what happened with "Ifeeya"?

WeddedBliss.sofar's picture

I just KNEW she had to be a trolling BM. Maybe MY skank of a BM.

I followed her posts and responses and she was CREEPY!!

She's probably still trolling around here.............

HI IFEEYA!! You low-life, nasty BM. Go get a life. Go back to wherever you came from.

Ya feel me?

Anyways, just curious as to what was the "catalyst" to her leaving.......


cant win for losin's picture

Yea, i was wondering where "shim" (she him) was at?
Man, i kinda secretly enjoyed gettin all riled up sometimes over them thoughtless comments! Sometimes ya just wanna shank a person ya know?!!! LOL

skylarksms's picture

I decided to call Ifeeya "IT" as in IT is a troll. Here is IT's blogs from yesterday (not the responses and shit storm, though):

why more women than men on here?
Submitted by Ifeeya on Thu, 11/17/2011 - 2:36pm

Because most women are either sluts or bitches. Furthermore, because women are dumb enough to pick up another man's mess by marrying the DH.

DH is a man with kids.
the key word is "most"
Submitted by Ifeeya on Thu, 11/17/2011 - 3:16pm

You all have not read my post carefully enough. I said MOST. I said most women.

It does not mean you.

Some of you are quick to judge, and have not the taken the time to carefully read the sentences. Again, the key word is "most".

Women marries men with kid or kids because women think they can change a man.

A man will only change to get into your pant. Once, they accomplish that they will go back to their own selves.

Pure biology.
Hi All
Submitted by Ifeeya on Thu, 11/17/2011 - 3:39pm

You all raised a lot of good questions. Maybe, this will save the time of replying to all your good posts.

If you look at the Animal Kingdom, the lions for example, the male will kill her babies before making new ones. If you have any more questions, please ask and I will try to reply once I have more time. Thanks!
No no...
Submitted by Ifeeya on Thu, 11/17/2011 - 3:51pm

No no...the implication is not that men--or women--will kill babies. It simply means that when families are forced to blend together, examples and the plethora of evidence from the Animal Kingdom prove that not only is it unnaturally, but that it is also very unhealthy.

And boy was Echo on a roll!

purpledaisies's picture

Wait first she tells everyone they are stupid for being with a guy with kids then she tells you to get your bf back that has kids??? :? :?

WeddedBliss.sofar's picture

And you KNOW she is still around here...............

She said that she was obsessed with this site in one of her posts.

AND she is obviously PATHETIC, AND a loser, AND has no life which = BM.

purpledaisies's picture

Yeah neither could I which is why i asked what did she expect these divorced men to do? Did she not what them to move on and be happy? or did she expect for them to just sit around waiting on the bm to say ok you can have your kids now and only this amount of time but only if you do xy and z and give me more money!

purpledaisies's picture

I asked her what did she expect divorced people to do wait and do nothing but bend to the ex partner just for their kids? Did she expect them to not be happy? Or did the ex partner take that away too and that is just expected?

I thought she was nuts too. I also told her she needs to read up on blended families and all the research before she made assumptions.

DaizyDuke's picture

Probably got booted after the post yesterday about how all women were bitches and sluts who just want to change a man and that men just want to get in a womans "pant".

(yes "pant") the post was mostly a big joke, because the idiot couldn't spell and had the grammar capabilities of an ignorant 2nd grader and wasn't able to get anyone riled up about it. Still probably got flagged for being offensive (more so just obnoxious)

The trolls and turd stirrers pop up on here all the time.. just treat them like BM... ignore them and eventually they'll go away.