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It's a Christmas Miracle or so SO wants to think.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

So SD is here because her running away, walking around in front of mom's BF nude, getting drunk and high, and being extremely abusive finally pushed mom's BF to have her booted out. ( I know exactly how he feels) the disrespect and abuse was enough for me to not want her here a year ago, I would not have even tolerated the other crap for a minute.

So SD is here being her fake sickeningly sweet, thoughtful, well mannered self. So we'll behaved it is beyond how any normal 14 year old would act. But alas SO is falling for it hook, line and sinker. Because it's a Christmas miracle his little girl is back, she has changed. 

I know better so does everyone else. SO has been sad because I won't be forced to take her places and bond with her. My neice refuses to also. The best was when DS came home and SO was trying to shove SD down his throat saying things like " look who is back, you two used to be such good friends" (not sure in what alternate universe that relationship occurred, but okay) DS just looked at him like he was a crazy person, turned around and went up to his room not saying a word.

SO is so delusional, we didn't do anything to damage that relationship. SD was the one who was rude, disrespectful, ungrateful and downright abusive to everyone in this house. We did not do anything to damage that relationship. We do not have to do anything to fix it. That's all on her. That's how it works.

He may be willing to be a human doormat, waiting on her hand and foot and spending hundreds of dollars he doesn't have just to get her to say a fake not heartfelt " I love you"  

But the rest of us have too much self respect.

I on the other hand have learned to adapt where I am never in the middle of Thier dysfunction. My new approach with SD is to always give the grandma response. Being honest in a kind and gentle way. It's great because SO isn't smart enough to realize anything and SD walks away speechless and leaves me alone.

The most recent incident was she called me asking to borrow one of my bathing suits so she could go out in the snow and pose for instagram pics. If I said no the neighbors would probably call the cops and ask for a mental health examination, she would want to argue and cry to daddy I was being mean.

So instead my passive aggressive response was. Oh I'm sorry honey but you wouldn't fit into any of my bathing suits. Which was very satisfying for me, because it's true and left her absolutely speechless.


Wicked stepmo.'s picture

Unfortunately yes, as good as he treats the ungrateful SD, he is equally as thoughtful and caring towards me. The only difference is I actually appreciate it.

The problem is he is just a nice guy, an easy target for predators. That how he got roped in with BM. He really has no idea when someone is lying to him.

Plus other than OSD my son really likes him and even YSD. 

tog redux's picture

I guess. But him allowing OSD to be there against your wishes isn't very thoughtful or caring. I'd have a hard time not getting resentful.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

I would be, but as much as I dislike her until she is 18 she is his responsibility and that I understand and I agree that his parents don't deserve to have to deal with her crap. Besides I anticipate she will only be here until February when BM gets her big, fat tax return check and just like last year. SD will do everything and anything to get out of this house to be there so she can help BM spend her money. Then I will get another reprieve until this time next year because she also wants to be with BM over the summer because BF has a boat and camp they go to every weekend.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

I kind of enjoy watching the show at this point because I am financially and emotionally detached from it all. This morning SO is trying so hard to interact with her and she keeps telling him to leave her alone he is annoying. She already got what she wants $275 in clothes ordered last night.

I can't wait til it gets here because she refuses to believe she is the size she really is so she didn't order her true size and it was from a company in China where sizes run smaller.  She is a size 12 and will not buy larger than a 7.

So SO just spent all that money on clothes she will not be able to wear and she will end up with nothing, just like on her b'day when he ordered her $250 in clothes from Hollister. He will not ship it back so YSD will end up with it. 

JRI's picture

You are successfully practicing didengagement!  I congratulaye you.  This is an example of how a step parent can live with a dysfunctional, aggravating child peacefully while maintaining their marriage.  Not easy but you show how.

Harry's picture

But ,  BUT,  you have to make sure...   That DH does not spend a lot of your money on her.   Make sure you move all the money you need to live on.  Rent, utilities, food insurance, savings, retirement saving, take out first.   Any money left over. What can not be much.  Catch my drift..  he can spend on SD.  That amount should then equally be spent on the other kids.  

Disengages from SD.  Do not do anything for her.  DH can cook, clean, up after her.   No taking her anywhere or places no buying her anything no taking care of her.   I hope CS has stopped that SD is with you 

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

We have completely separate finances that's why this is so amusing. He just gives me money each month towards bills.

Also  never took SO back to court so no CS he has always had physical custody.

stepper47's picture

I have seen it too, my DH can easily forget awful behavior from my SD17 and it's like the heavens have opened and angels are singing if she happens to act like a normal human being.  Two weeks ago she called him screaming and cursing him out, and then did not respond to any of his texts and phone calls.  I figured we wouldn't be seeing her at Christmas because he had already given her her gift.  DH was off work yesterday and wanted to take our boys go do something, and he texted and called her the night before to invite her with no response.  SS21 reached out to her and she did decide to go. Apparently it was as if nothing ever happened. I asked DH if he was going to talk to her about this latest incident, and he said he just wants to get through this week.  He called her today go talk about Christmas plans, and evidently she is done ignoring him because she answered.  He came downstairs all full of glee because she said she would come over Christmas morning.  I get it, she is his child, but as not the parent, I am not feeling gleeful, actually what I am feeling is dread. I need to take some pages out of your disengagement play book. You seem to have it down!

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

SO has been stressing all day at the amount of money he has spent. Yet he continues to reluctantly spend more money. Since it isn't my money I just let him. I can't wait until she turns around and starts verbally abusing him again because it's coming. I can see it starting. He just spent another$250 on an iphone because she is too good to use the galaxy 9 she was given.

thinkthrice's picture

"DS just looked at him like he was a crazy person, turned around and went up to his room not saying a word."

Some of the delusional revisionism that comes out of Chef's mouth leaves me speechless.
