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What a weekend!

wriggsy's picture

I didn't get near as much done as I wanted, but I'm not superwoman...after all. I managed to get our room and SS's room cleaned and ready for DD and myself to occupy for a week or so. Got all the sheets washed on everyone's bed (well..except SD's sheets...oh well). I got the house in order-pretty much, and started bringing over some of my "comfort" things that I might need during my little recovery (my favorite "softy"..a good snuggling blanket; my house shoes, my robe, a little salt lamp my DD got me, a bunch of books, and my favorite eucalyptus room freshener from Bath and Body Works). I wanted to get some dishes made up and frozen for DH to throw in the oven while I lay around the house, but I didn't get that far. DD and I went and got our pedicures Saturday and that kind of ruled the day for me...I couldn't really get anything much done before (although, I did get my house cleaned a little), and the pedi's ended up taking longer than we thought, so I wasn't able to get as much accomplished after either. We did get to purchase my (early) Christmas present from DH..a laptop! He wanted me to have one so that I wouldn't be bored senseless while I'm laid up. So, we all spent some time playing on that this weekend.

The weather was gorgeous enough to leave the doors open during the day and cool enough to have a fire in the fireplace in the evening. But, the best part was the "Skid free Zone"...they didn't even come home last night as they chose to stay at AM's last night. SD and AM went to Justin Beiber concert in Houston and the hag (AM) that can't afford to help pay for anything for her kids, had 6th row tickets to a Justin Beiber concert. I guess this boy chooses a girl from the audience, brings her on stage and sings to her...AM told DH and SD cried because he didn't pick her. How effing ridiculous. I try to remember being that way...and I know I was to an extent (crushing on my fav singer), but this is her 4th or 5th time seeing him in a years time (same broke hag that can't afford to pay attention took skids to Las Vegas over the summer to see J Beiber) SD is under the total dellusion that Beiber is going to fall in love with her and marry her. I just want to's pathetic. Maybe that sounds mean, but you should hear how hateful SD talks about famous girls that she has seen in pics with Beiber (ex: Kim Kardashian. SD says she's going to "kick her (Kardashian) ass" if she doesn't leave Beiber alone...and she's serious!) FREAK! was a great weekend without any drama. Last night, DD, DH and I sat down to dinner, and I just sat there and enjoyed the quiet, relaxing peacefulness of it all. Nice dinner on the table, a crackling fire in the fireplace. Then, after dinner, DD pulled up "Family Fued" on my laptop and the three of us played a few rounds of that. It was so fun!

This morning, I go for my pre-op visit to get pre-registered at the hospital and get the bloodwork done. It's really crazy, but I am excited. (I'm FINALLY getting my hysterectomy!!! WOOP!) My DD is more nervous than I am, but I guess it's the fact that mommy has never been in the hospital that she remembers, so it makes her nervous.

Anyhow...that was my weekend and my plan for the day. I am at work, but will leave for my pre-op visit and since I don't know how long that will take, I do not know if I will be back to work today!!!
