Sword Fighting
The other night after we finally got the bratty skids to bed, we got into bed and knowing I was stressed, my man said "Want to hear a funny story?" "Sure"
"This morning I went to the bathroom to pee and X (SS5) came in and started going and then X (SS3) came in and wanted to do it too so we were all 3 sword fighting. It was funny"
A) I didn't want to hear a funny story about THEM
Are you fucking kidding me?
I told him that was a little gross and weird and he got SUPER offended and said
"Are you saying I'm a pervert??" and I said "No not at all, I just think bathroom business is private. No one should see you pee."
Still, he didn't see my point.
Is this weird to anyone else? Not creepy weird, but 'maybe you shouldn't do that' weird?
- xtina's blog
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Too bad they didn't cross
Too bad they didn't cross swords and pee all over each other.
First, I'm not sure if he
First, I'm not sure if he really understands what "sword fighting" generally means...and second why would that be funny to you? Lol I guess I'm confused too. Maybe the details would have been better left out and "the boys wanted to be big like me" .....or whatever ....
Uh, no. I don't want to hear
Uh, no. I don't want to hear about people's penisis fighting for dominance.
In the bathroom or otherwise.
Especially a skid's.
Gross. Maybe he meant
Gross. Maybe he meant "crossing streams"? Cause to me, saying "sword fighting with our penises" makes me think of physical contact between the genitalia, which immediately does make me think gross pervo.
And yes, I still think that crossing streams is gross and inappropriate.
You were very right to feel that was weird and not something "so cute and funny".
With this: ***he got SUPER offended and said "Are you saying I'm a pervert??" ***
I would say something along the lines of "I didn't have to say it, you just did."
I hate that passive aggressive crap. "Are you saying I'm a pervert?" they exaggerate it where you immediately have to say oooh noooo not at alllll, then they can huff and puff and put you in your place. Instead, if someone says "are you saying that I am a xyz" I typically say something to the matter of "if the shoe fits" or "hey, I wasnt thinking it, but obviously you are".
hahaha my signiture phrase to
hahaha my signiture phrase to him is "If the shoe fits!"
Needless to say, that night we went to sleep without 'relations' and crabby at each other.
He did word it a little weird
He did word it a little weird "sword fighting"? That sounds a little gay. Obviously that's not what he meant. I just picture the 3 of them standing around a toilet peeing. The worst part about these little sshits? The SS5 doesn't shut the door when he goes potty so i walk by the bathroom and i look and have to see him potty. Really? Shut the damn door you dumb little kid
What would he say if I said I
What would he say if I said I was sitting on the toilet peeing and my son came and peed in between my legs? Would he think that was cute and funny. It's the same damn thing.
Lmao! Exactly! Bet he would
Lmao! Exactly! Bet he would think that was a bit inappropriate!
Ok, I would NOT want to hear
Ok, I would NOT want to hear this story.
That said, this isn't *abnormal* for preschoolers and their dad to do. "Swordfighting" is fairly common. Or so I've heard...
Are you looking for things to be upset/grossed out about? If so, there will be a never-ending list.
I don't think it's wierd. I
I don't think it's wierd. I understand why you didn't want to hear a funny story about them when you were just revelling in having got them to bed and having some adult time, and I can see why a toilet story about someone elses child is not very appealing, but I can't see that there is anything wierd about a father going to the toilet alongside his child. Let's face it men pee alongside each other all the time! I think if they were all going to the same toilet a lot that might get a bit odd, but as a one off bonding thing, perfectly normal and healthy. Different families have different rules when it comes to privacy and toilet habits anyway, and personally I don't think bathroom time is necesarily private when you have young children. I have a DS1, DS3 and DD5 and there is not a lot of privacy going on in the toilet department! However between adults it's a different matter.
Honestly, I just think it's
Honestly, I just think it's gross despite who it is or who would have told me this story. It could have been my BFF and i still would think it's gross. I think what you do in the bathroom is your private business and a grown man should not be teaching his little boys that it's ok to whip and out and pee in front of other people. SS5 doesn't even close the door when he goes. CLOSE THE DOOR!
You're not supposed to cross
You're not supposed to cross the streams. Didn't your SO ever see Ghostbusters?
Kids do weird shit I wouldn't
Kids do weird shit I wouldn't consider it "abnormal". I do think your husband shouldn't have played along, because it isn't appropriate. He wouldn't want them thinking that this is acceptable to do with friends when school starts in the restroom etc. Besides that, most boys, and men don't have direct aim, and ew, they might end up the target.
They are around the age where bathroom humor is hysterical. My SS takes his pants off and sits on the toilet to pee. He's 4. I actually did tell my husband that it was time he talk to him and teach him how boys use the bathroom to pee. No need to take the pants off, or to sit down. I am guessing it's because he lives with his mom, or maybe it just has something to do with his motor skills and it's easier for him to do this way.
Here's what I think is more important, if my husband told me what yours told you, I would tell him that he should start teaching his son bathroom manners, because they have to learn a peeing party isn't acceptable, but it concerns me that you are laughing, and saying "if the show fits" in regards to whether or not your husband is perverted. Do you think he is?
thats fuckin disgusting...and
thats fuckin disgusting...and not normal! no respect and no boundaries! sorry...
I'm pretty sure of my dad & 5
I'm pretty sure of my dad & 5 brothers no one ever had penis battles. The only pee game they played was aiming at cheerios in the toilet.
1) There was a purpose to the game. It was to encourage the little ones to pay attention & aim INSIDE the toilet bowl.
2) It was only done when they were little.
3) We were always taught that bathroom business was private. No pee-parties at our house.
I don't think it's weird at
I don't think it's weird at all! Maybe a little immature on daddy's behalf but not weird. Most all little boys sword fight or do crazy "sharing" things with their privates. It's the same mentality that allows them to compare blood or sores! And even show others the Un-chewed food in their mouths! They're gross..but I love them all!

Mother of 4 boys (2 sons & 2 stepsons)
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The need to train swordsmen for combat in a nonlethal way led fencing and swordsmanship to include a sport facet from its early stages from before the medieval contest right up to the contemporary age. http://practiceswords.tumblr.com/
Exactly what would he / she
Exactly what would he / she say basically explained My spouse and i has been seated for the potty peeing and also my daggers kid arrived and also peed among my lower limbs? Would certainly he / she feel that has been pretty and also humorous. It's the identical damn issue. :sick:
The Sword of Mercy, or Edward
The Sword of Mercy, or Edward the Confessor's Sword, is a symbolically broken sword that is part of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom.The sword has a blade cut off short and square, indicating thereby the quality of the mercy of the sovereign; according to the mythological history of the sword, its tip was broken off by an angel to prevent a wrongful killing.It is one of five swords used during the coronation of the British monarch. It is carried in the coronation procession between the Sword of Temporal Justice and the Sword of Spiritual Justice. These three swords are believed to have been made for the coronation of Charles I of England, and were among the few items of the crown jewels to escape being melted down by Oliver Cromwell. https://www.swordsswords.com/