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$10 at McDonalds for 1 person- YSD

zerostepdrama's picture

DH had YSD the other day and they drove through McD's.

She ordered- 10 piece chicken mcnugget meal- up sized, Frappe, double cheeseburger.


All for herself. No one else. All for her.


I dont even spend $10 for both me and BS8 when we are getting McD's.

Actually it's quite possible that she was ordering extra to bring back to BM as BM has asked the skids in the past to do this.

As in "If your dad takes you to eat before you come home, order extra and bring them home to me".

Oh and DH takes pride in "My kids sure can eat!".

So over the skids and everything annoying about them.....


Not the Brady Bunch's picture

Chicken nugget nightmares! This brings back memories! When traveling back from the Beach with SDthen 13?, stopped at McD's. She ordered like a 20 piece or something like that. …don't quote me…The gist is: We said, "Order the 10, then if you want more, we will get more for you." Tantrum ensued. This had been the theme the entire beach week… "Beach Week of Skid screams" The only redemption was that 100 more miles and it would end soon.

Not the Brady Bunch's picture

Serioiusly. She even sat herself at a separate table after she was done squawing. It was just pathetic. Funny thing was…we said she could have more when she finished the first ten pounds. I expect this behavior at 3/4/5, maybe 6?
zerostep… I would be the same if DH bought that much junk for his kid, let alone the $10 bucks, but I am relatively disengaged.

zerostepdrama's picture

Well that would mean telling her NO. And he wouldnt tell his sweet baby girl NO. But he sees no issues with it. Because "my kids sure can eat" (picture DH with a silly grin on his face and so much pride that his kid eats like a fat ass.

zerostepdrama's picture

LOL I should ask that next time!

The skids ALWAYS eat like this. Or have when I have been around them.

This is also the same skid that DH will take to lunch then 10 minutes later to a movie and she orders popcorn and a XL Icee!

BettyRay's picture

I'm having flashbacks silly grin included. DH used to say this about SS16 all the time. Now SS16 is about 6 ft 3 in. and almost 300 lbs. He wears a 36x35 pant and is busting the buttons off those. This weekend DH and I were at the thrift shop looking for bigger pants for SS16.

Now DH is starting to notice SS16's belly is getting bigger but he still doesn't say anything to SS16. DH says to me "just wait SS16 is going to be chubby if he doesn't start exercising." Newsflash DH - he already is.

Oh and SS12 is what a lot of people would call "skinny fat" he's a normal weight but he eats lots of junk food, bacon, and iced tea. I can see diabetes and heart disease in his future.

I've given up trying to teach portion control and balanced nutrition, even though DH eats healthy he wasn't backing me up so I stopped.


zerostepdrama's picture

Yeah the skids so far have taken after DH- tall and lanky- especially YSD.

I have always been skinny my whole life but have always still ate healthy. Everything in moderation!

I have seen MSD eat a Sausage McGriddle from McDonalds and then turn around and eat a big bowl of chicken alfredo! Like one right after the other.

I have always been grossed out by the skids eating habits and how much they can eat in one sitting.

Oh and DH just laughs it off. Yet he bitches about my BS and his "snacking". Well sorry BS eats lots of little meals and not HUGE meals every time. And my BS is eating- yogurt, cheese sticks, pretzels, quesdilla, soup not 10 piece nuggets, fries, cheeseburger and frappe.

QueenBeau's picture

Omg, I am suffering from nausea from this pregnancy & this almost made me vomit

thinkthrice's picture

You are giving me MASSIVE flashbacks!! Daddykins and SD bragging about how much JUNK/FAST food she can swallow like a pelican!!! To this day (she's 15) she LIVES on mcnuggets, is at least about 50 lbs overweight but everyone in her family thinks she's "athletic" She's covered in acne with zero muscle tone/definition for an "athlete."

misSTEP's picture

You should show her that website that did the microscopic checks of chicken nuggets and found all sorts of weird fibers and other non-food looking stuff. What a pig and shame on her dad.