How much do you know about BM?
Do you know a lot about BM? How have you found out information about BM? From your DH, skids, relatives, friends, your own knowledge, snooping, etc?
Is it beneficial to know what you know about BM?
Do you know a lot about BM and DH's relationship?
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Yes I do no allot about BM,
Yes I do no allot about BM, SO's family and Aergia informed me, never snooped have no interest in the woman\
beneficial - I have no clue cause I have no interest in her life or her financial things... she's nothing to me
Yes SO told me allot , cause it seems like he needed to talk to some one about it, I do not care cause she's history and I know they where married, so no new news and SO did not talk bedroom things,
but let me proof how much I do know about BM - just discovered the kid went to school with me, couple of years my junior lol, I have the school photo's to proof it and well age 13 she was already a slut....
Then a month ago I actually found out that we are family
, my cousin was married to her aunt...
I find it so funny..... SO almost lost it when he figured it out.....
I was talking to a guy, SO knows him, then SO told me I do not approve you talking to John, I replied with.. piss off it's my cousin (nephew??) he just looked at me and said HOW? I explained and SO said well it's BM's as well... from his mothers side...
I know way too much about BM
I know way too much about BM and that is because we were acquaintances once upon a time. She is an over sharer. I do know a lot about their relationship. Both good and bad from both of them.
I'm a super nosy and curious
I'm a super nosy and curious person so knowing that, surprisingly I don't know THAT much about BM.
I know what the skids have told me, even though that wasn't a lot. Because I wasn't asking questions nor seeking out the information.
I know what the in-laws have said, which isn't much. Mostly "She's always been crazy and can't stand to see DH happy."
DH has rarely spoken about her. I can count on both hands how many facts he has told me about her, or stories about their life together.
DH's best friend will tell stories back when they lived in their home state. It's a catch-22. I like the stories because DH rarely speaks about his past, so I get a glimpse into the younger DH. It's intriguing and exciting. But some of those stories contain BM and it's a little annoying.
I know stuff about her too from seeing things on FB and just putting the pieces together. Not a lot of stuff though.
I'm glad I don't know too much about her. I tend to focus on details, so the more details I know, the worse off I would be in this case.
Oh and I obviously know what I have seen and experienced first hand and that is that she is a crazy gutter bum. LOL
I know everything I need to
I know everything I need to know about BM. We had mutual friends that tell her business (why I'm not friends with them anymore) and tells the world about everything so it's not hard in a small town. SS does tell us things but they always have to be fact checked first because he's young. I find the information exhausting but useful in that I figured out she has a cycle of crazy. About every six weeks she gets quiet and it's because usually her and whichever boyfriend are fighting. She flares up before any major holidays or things like school starting, ending, vacations and such. We've learned that she is easier to deal with when she's single because she's too busy trying to catch a new guy to cause problems and on the other hand that's when she leaves SS with babysitters the most. Once she gets the guy to move in (couple weeks) she starts flaring up because she likes to play house which she apparently can't do without convincing her boyfriend that DH stole SS from her and she's fighting to get him back (doesn't actually do anything more than nasty emails and public scenes occasionally).
Knowing what her pattern is helps up prepare and know when to just completely ignore her versus when to indulge her.
I don't know a lot about BM.
I don't know a lot about BM. I don't talk to her at all. DH would rather not mention anything about her, but since she acts crazy, he has had to explain things to me. The kids, especially SD talks about her because she needs to get things off her chest. So, I know that BM stalks and cheats on her boyfriends and has boundary issues with everyone, not just with DH and skids. I don't like to hear about her, so I sometimes have to tell SD to quit it. She has no boundaries and DH has to deal with her, which he has described as thousands of little knives slowly killing him.
Lately DH's mom has been telling me about BM's crazy behaviors when DH and BM were dating. It's pretty nuts what she was doing as a teen (DH and her started dating in high school). For instance, she barged into DH's parents house uninvited when they were having a fight. She lied about wanting to kill herself when he tried to break up with her. DH's parents told him to call the police since she threatened to kill herself. The police found her, not distraught, but at home watching tv with her parents. I'm surprised that they didn't discourage DH from continuing to date her and eventually marry her, but I'm sure they did and DH was too young and stupidly in love/lust with his first relationship to listen. DH has mentioned that his grandmother who he looked up to begged him not to marry her - he regrets not listening to her, but he also knows that he can't regret the relationship because he has two kids from it.
Wayyyyyy too much!
Wayyyyyy too much! Especially considering BM1 and BM2 are people that I would NEVER have crossed paths with if it weren't for DH because we have ZERO in common
BM1: 5 kids, 3 baby daddies, no job since the ONE she had in her early 20's, arrest record, suspended driver's license, most likely a pill head/meth head
BM2: 2 kids, 2 baby daddies, has NEVER had a full time job, just works PT and then complains she doesn't have any money, married to a guy who is the same age as her son, belongs to some weird cult church that she attends like 3 times a week, yet still acts like an asshole
Nope I have ZERO in common with these tools, other than DH. I know everything I know about BM1 because BM1 and GBM are buddies with MIL, so they overshare everything with MIL, who overshares with DH. I know everything I know about BM2 because SS used to overshare and BM2 overshares with DH.
Like it always cracks me up the things that these people tell MIL and DH?? Like a. he doesn't care and b. why are you giving us crap to laugh our asses off about??
Yes, wayyyy too insane to
Yes, wayyyy too insane to share here...and she turned out a bunch of twisted kids just like her!
I know way more than too much
I know way more than too much about BM. Because she has told me. Because she is REALLY stupid.
She is an "over-sharer" by nature. She doesn't know when to shut the hell up. I just stash all of the crazy crap she tells me away in my memory. I am sure it will come in handy some day.
Yeah your BM is a way over
Yeah your BM is a way over sharer. LOL
Ladyface, I wouldn't even
Ladyface, I wouldn't even know where to start. It would be a toss up between:
- The demon rape
- How she contracted genital herpes
- How she gave some dude she just met at Venice beach a blowie in his truck
- The time she went to her "friends" house wearing a skirt and sat on his lap with a room full of people while he banged her
I could do this all day.
It's interesting to think
It's interesting to think about. Even though this is an anonymous website, here is a whole website where we share details about these women and they have no idea that so many strangers know so much about them. I probably know more about the BMs here, then I do about the BM in my life.
I'm sure there are a lot of BMs that have information about the SMs though.
LadyFace, that is NOTHING.
LadyFace, that is NOTHING. BioHo had 22 men move in and out in the space of 4 YEARS. One was there for 2 weeks. He moved out in the morning and his replacement moved in that afternoon.
A shower in acid... I cannot
A shower in acid... I cannot even imagine. And one skid complaint is that 'Ho is NOISY. Nothing like trying to do your homework while your mom is screaming and moaning. :jawdrop:
'Ho took payment in the form
'Ho took payment in the form of meals, clothing, and cash. DH hacked her email shortly after she left. }:)
GASSY is more like it. The
GASSY is more like it. The skids are constantly complaining about 'Ho's rancid flatulence and that a room still retains the stench several HOURS afterwards.
Fruity, I'm willing to bet a
Fruity, I'm willing to bet a bottle of good wine that it's because 'Ho is drunk Every.Single.Night.
"but what if you found out
"but what if you found out she just knew stuff about you? she was digging, doing searches, spying on your whole family, talking to people about you, asking kids for info? even if it was lies or jealousy..or just wanting to know for the sake of knowing."
Medusa took this path, even driving two hours to my county and going through my divorce file. She then contacted Asshat and tried to get "dirt" from him. She made up all sorts of allegations about me and even put them into pleadings, so yeah, she "knew stuff" about me. None of which was true and ALL of which was made up.
You bet your ASS, I know all about that stupid whore.
HER actions affected MY household. MY actions had/have ZERO impact on her.
Same for me, LadyFace. And
Same for me, LadyFace.
And BioHo can do aaaaaaaall of the digging she wants. She'll find zilch. My only problem from the past is a stalker exH. Any dirty secrets I have will remain dirty secrets because I was smart enough to party MANY miles away from our hometown under a different name.
If BM does any digging on me
If BM does any digging on me she will just be envious when she realizes how awesome I am compared to her
Ditto, zero! BioHo has been
Ditto, zero! BioHo has been PO'd for YEARS now that I cook and bake from scratch. Her forte is fast food takeout and premade frozen crap. She DEMANDED that DH give her back her grandmother's mixer (that she hadn't needed for 6 years) because 'Ho thought I was using it to make homemade treats. Nope. Just MY hand mixer! LOL
Seriously I could give AF if
Seriously I could give AF if either BM wanted to stalk me. Stalk away... I got nothing to hide. I really don't. I could care less what either one of them think about me.
I've caught BM driving by,
I've caught BM driving by, stalking on social media and in person. In fact this past weekend she saw that I posted about going to the pumpkin patch with my son. We ended up not going because DH had to go into work, but lo and behold guess who was there?! Yep BM & co. This specific place is over half an hour a way and open everyday of the week Mon-Sun but that day at that time, she was there. It no longer bothers me, I have to see her on a weekly basis until SS turns 18 unless he turns on us/her before then which I am not hoping for.
I don't care if BM stalks me, I am completely and utterly boring. We do the same thing everyday because our household runs on routines. To me, there is no point in hiding anything because she is likely to find out so I just do what I want, share what I want, and go on with our plans and life like she doesn't interfere.
I'm nosey and curious too
I'm nosey and curious too Zero. I know way too much about BM and I've given her too much space in my head. I justify it to myself as a real life soap opera. I like to watch drama, I just don't want it to affect me.
DH and I have spent a lot of time talking about both our ex's, some bitching but mostly, I feel, as a way to bond and not make the same mistakes again.
I know a lot of the people that they went to school with so I've heard all the stories about what they were like then.
Most of their couples friends have stayed friends with DH, so I hear stories about what she was like when they were together.
The skids don't talk about her much and I'm sure that's because she's forbidden them from talking about her, but every now and then SD or SS will say something.
I am a gluton for punishment and so I'll encourage them by asking about BMs house and if she's found financing or if her BF is still laid off. Stuff I don't need to know or really care about, I'm just nosey.
I know all I need to about
I know all I need to about BioHo. I've known her boss for 20 years and 'Ho loves to talk about her home life at the office. }:)
SD20 posts everything except her bowel movements on FakeBook. I occasionally peek to see what BS she's posting/whining about. That's how I found out that Mr. Pinhead was complaining about 'Ho's drinking (drunk every night) and would no longer have sex with her. Guess he doesn't find it interesting to poke a puking drunk.
BioHo is fairly clever about being a Ho, but she's actually pretty stupid. Her patterns haven't changed in 15 years (has used the same excuse with every man she's cheating on).
* When she was cheating on DH, she claimed she was working overtime and always parked her car in the lot across from her work. She went to the same bar Every.Single.Time. Problem is, her work NEVER has overtime.
* When she was cheating on Spawn's father (her fifth kid by the fourth baby daddy), she claimed she was working overtime. Spawn Daddy called DH and beeyotched about 'Ho working all those hours and that DH should have the skids more often. DH snorted and told Spawn Daddy, "She doesn't work overtime. She's cheating on you. Go to such-n-such bar to find her." Spawn Daddy did that, found the cheating 'Ho, and broke up with her. 'Ho pitched a MAJOR hissy fit to DH about telling on her. DH told 'Ho, "I'm not lying for you."
* When 'Ho was cheating on Mr. Pinhead (less than 4 months after they married), the skids were at our house beeyotching that 'Ho was working overtime every Saturday and a couple of nights every week. DH looked at me, smirked and had to hold back the laughter.
Once a 'Ho; always a 'Ho.
The skids hate her. 'Ho treats them like servants. They are expected to wait on her - get her cookies, get her a beer, get her a glass and a bottle of wine.... The oldest has always been the babysitter for the younger skids so 'Ho can go out and party. Once SDthen16 got her drivers license, SD became the fulltime skid chauffeur and drove her younger siblings everywhere. SD no longer lives at home. PrincASS got his license last Winter ,but refuses to drive. 'Ho has tried every punishment imaginable, but he simply will not budge (one thing I actually LIKE about PrincASS). 'Ho is PO'd because she has to drive the skids over to our house most of the time. Unless she can talk her brother into it. Mr. Pinhead absolutely refuses. Good for him.
I know plenty of people who know 'Ho. She is too stupid to realize that our towns are not that freakin' big and gossip spreads from town to town. Which means I know what's going on in 'Ho's life long before DH and often before the skids do. Mr. Pinhead... well, he's a pinhead!
I always knew way more about
I always knew way more about "Twat Waffle" then I was comfortable with. Happily, this is now a non-issue for me. }:)
Crap on a cracker! I'd kick
Crap on a cracker! I'd kick my DH in the shin if he did that with 'Ho!! I told DH from the get-go to not tell that ho ANYTHING about me. Not my job, not my family, not my favorite food, not my shoe size. IF there is ever a problem between me and one of 'Ho's offspring, she can ASK DH if I will speak with her. Of course that means Hell will have to freeze over, the stars and planets will all align, Eisenhower will come back to life and retake the office of president, and I will stop cooking.
Yep! That kind of cold!!
Yep! That kind of cold!!
BM and I used to be friends.
BM and I used to be friends. I was friends with DH when he first started dating BM. So we all hung out. That was 15 years ago. I wouldn't know so much about her now, but she insists on telling DH her entire life story any time she can. She used to do this at every drop off or any time she could get him on the phone. DH changes the subject or hangs up on her. But, we still learn alot from her. And of course, now she is divorcing SF so he is telling us all kinds of things That is the only reason we knew that SD12 spent tine in juvenile detention (a blog coming on that in a few days). Also, we found out that BM still has a thing for DH. I didn't need to know that.
So yes, I know WAY more than I ever wanted to know about her. Apparently, her and her mom stalk my FB page, even though it is private. Apparently, they search for my public posts. So I think she is more curious about me than I am about her.
A lot. We run in the same
A lot. We run in the same social circle, and I coach her youngest child's (not my hubby's child) sports team. Because of that we're Facebook friends. She's not a bad person, just not a good wife for my husband.
Now, my ex's current wife, unfortunately I know way too much from our court nightmare. I'd prefer if she never existed in my life and I knew nothing of her.
I know enough that, "Ew,"
I know enough that, "Ew," became part of my vocabulary.
No comment
No comment :O
I know enough. Maybe more
I know enough. Maybe more than I care to know.
DH was very transparent and forthcoming about BM when he and I started dating. They were starting divorce proceedings and he was covering his butt, I feel, in case she wanted to get dirty, I guess. BM isn't on FB or any other social media that we are aware of, but I've had my share of IRL run-ins with her to know what I'm dealing with. The first few years, SD talked about BM all the time. She was, and still is, like a loyal mistreated puppy when it comes to her mom.
Since we resided in her hometown the first few year we dated, I also heard about her from co-workers, former co-workers (she works for her family's greasy spoon restaurant in Southern California), high school friends, husband's buddies, and the parents of their daughter's friends. Apparently, BM had no qualms with showing her ass (figuratively) with anyone and everyone.
When we moved back to my husband's hometown, longtime friends of his had a lot of side eyes and eye rolls when she was mentioned. DH's family played cool forever and then slowly started painting a picture of just how bat guano crazy BM was and still is.
I'm pretty sure BM is too much of a narcissist to even worry herself with trying to find anything on me (there's nothing), or seek me out on Instagram (I don't use my name anyway...) to stalk me.
I'm friends with my MIL on FB, so I will get notifications when she likes or comments on a photo of BM on the restaurant's page. It's the only way I ever am faced with looking at her ugly mug. She looks like a shrunken monkey head with clown make-up on, or... a poor attempt of a Latin man in drag.
Only her current shoe count.
Only her current shoe count.