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Pigs must be flying- a skid wished me Happy Mothers Day--- but I know she's up to something....

zerostepdrama's picture

DH sent both his daughters that are mothers a text wishing them a happy mothers day.

OSD responded back with "Thank you" and that was it. She just found out the day before that she is having a girl.(Saw on FB on something another family member posted that I am friends with on FB). Guess she didnt want to share that news with Dad.

MSD responded back "Thank you and tell Zero Happy Mothers Day" }:)

Ummm okay... isnt this the same skid who couldnt even be bothered to read the message I sent her because it was "too long".

I think she wants her dad to think she is all sweet and loving and that she really doesnt have a problem with me. Even though in her last message to me, clearly she does have a problem with me and rejected my offer of a "truce".

She had her car repoed. I guess her car payment was $400 a month! WTH. And she had to be a few months behind before the bank will take it. I dont understand how a few months ago she was living rent free with BF's parents and she couldnt even make her car payment.

I think she wants DH to think she doesnt have an issue with me so that when she needs our help I will again look like the bad guy when I refuse to help her.

I dont trust her intentions.

**Those who dont know my back story- regarding the messages I am referring to- they are in my old blogs.


zerostepdrama's picture

DH didnt even mention it to me. I just happened to see the text.

Not sure if he didnt say anything because #1 he doesnt believe her. I told him about her message back to me. He knows she is up to something. OR #2 he just assumed I would say something nasty about it. Which is a possibilty. Just because I am so over the skids crap... I usually dont have much to say that is nice. LOL

whatwasithinkin's picture

I think things are easier to fudge by text. MY two daughters just had a whole conversation infront of me how to word a text yesterday to their Dad wishing their Stepgram a Happy Mother's Day but skipping their SM. One said to the other just say Happy Mother's Day it is just a text it isnt like you can tell by your facial expression you cant stand her.

My girls have a crazy SM. I dont deal with the psycho my ex does but even he thinks she is a mess