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I'm on a so-called vacation with FH and skids n want to kill myself!

Manda's picture

I've been on their "vacation" since Saturday and I'm in absolute hell! I've been so miserable that I've cried every night. We are in the north woods WI and it just isn't my cup of tea. I'm not the "Hilton girl" but I know I'm not the "camping girl" either. My FH seems to have thrown out any kind of rules that we had for the skids this week which is pissing me off to no end. His son has been whinning and argumentative all week long and I think it's because of the sugar and soda that FH has let him have. His daughter has been an absolute bitch this week too...she's had attitude, mouthed off, been arguing with me and her Dad and brother. I actually had to tell her yesterday to watch her mouth because she was so ignorant. I just don't know how to get through 3 more days of this...any advice?


Endora's picture

Lots of wine and listen to music to drown out the kid noises.

My head aches just thinking of you-poor thing-you are going to need a vacation from this "vacation".

What is it with FH, SO, DH etc. -DH does the same thing with Zippy16.5 (oh Endora-it's summer let him game 24/7 (like he always does-only this summer with a sub woofer that rattles the china and a microphone where you can hear his loud disgusting sound effects to the video games).

Three more days for you!!!! Is there a distillery nearby?

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

Abigail's picture

All I can say is, go on vacation without them next time. DH and I go on vacation by ourselves. Vacations are supposed to be fun! I am so sorry. what a bummer for you. Hey may next time he can take the skids and you can go on a spa week with your friends??? Just do it!

Planning your little get away might make you feel better.

"Evil Stepmothers aren't born, it comes with the territory"

Snarky's picture

Take a nature walk, go sit by the lake, get any where they aren't. And when the kids act up, just smile and look at FH because if he made the mess, he can clean it up. Don't offer any advice, don't scold the SK's, just tell let him know that if he chooses not to create rules then this is what he gets and you will have no part of it.

A similar situation occurred with my DH and SK's several years ago. DH let the kids have junk for breakfast and SURPRISE, they began bouncing off the walls an hour later; screaming, yelling, not doing chores, and making plenty of messes. He then sat at his computer and claimed he had to 'work' and was going to let me handle it. YEAH RIGHT!! I trotted my happy ass outta the house and left. Needless to say, he was none too happy about it, but I got my point across. He later realized the error of his ways...LOL.

Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz

Abigail's picture

Leave FH with his skids and take your own kids to stay at some place with a pool? It makes a nice fantasy anyway Smile

"Evil Stepmothers aren't born, it comes with the territory"

Stick's picture

It doesn't sound like ANYONE is having a good time! Is it one of those things where you all will suffer through it just because? Can you cut your trip short or do anything fun?

I'm not a big camper myself, I have to say. I'm guessing that your DH isn't exactly enjoying this "vacation" where his FW is crying every night...his son is argumentative and his daughter is mouthy and whiny ....

So the question is.. what to do? Disengage and take care of yourself? Or talk to your FH and see what you guys can do to turn this thing around? Or go home? I vote for talking to your FH to see what you guys can do to turn this thing around before you all go home bitter.

Best of luck!!