Crazy runs in the family...a little long but back story is needed to understand this mornings incident.
I cut and pasted this from another forum to give you ladies some back story. This is regarding the loveletters from prisonand how that all wound up going down.
So Grandma appaerently had read the letter BM sent DH and called us yesterday
evening to see "what he thought about it". DH was calm but honest. He told her
that BM's priorities were still out of wack and she was focusing on the failed
relationship more than what she needs to do for the girls. He also told her that
BM was out of line and being very disrespectful to me and to the fact he has a
family. Grandma did not deny the fact that BM is still hung up.
GM wanted to know if we were going to let her visit the girls. DH had to tell her
he still had a bad taste in his mouth from the stunt that she pulled. The stunt
being letting the girls talk on the phone to BM from prison when we told her out
right not to and then telling the girls to LIE to ua about it. DH explained to GM
that the situation is more serious than she realizes and the girls do not EVER
need to feel like they should lie about their mother in order to see her
considering how unstable she is. It could be very dangerous.
GM didn't like it but she didn't have too much to say considering J was
absolutely right in everything he said. DH hung up and we thought that was that.
We had decided not to send BM a letter back and just let GM pass the word and BM
will get the message. DH is avoiding contact.
At about 10 o'clock the phone rang with a number I was unfamiliar with. It was
BM's sister who I have never met who lives in Orlando. She asked rather rudely
to speak to DH and I had to ask who it was. She told me and I knew immediatly. DH
was putting Layla down (for the third time) so I asked if shhe cold call
backashe said no she needed to talk to him NOW reaklly nasty like. AT that point
I told her he could not drop what he was doing so she went off on ME.
She told me we had better stop upsetting her mother and I had no business being
involved in any of this because the girls arn't mine. She said BM carried those
babies for DH and she should have the right to talk to and see them. She brought
up the fact that DH was on the road alot and did some drugs himself. The rest of
it was just shouting out profanities and telling me I don't nkow shit.
My replies to all this was no one was trying to upset her mother and if they
wanted to be upset with anyone they need to call her POS sister. As far as being
my business I am RAISING these girls because your dumb ass sister is so F-ed up
she can't be trusted with the kids. I also told her it was more my business than
hers or her mothers becaue I was suppoeting them financially and emotionally and
they don't even know who she is! They have no idea who aunt_______ is. This is
the first time in three years she has shown any interest at all and that's just
because her mom and sister got told no. I also said just becasue she carried
them and squirted them out doesn't give her the right to endangear them and
expose them to dangerous situations. That being a mom doesn't giver her a free
pass to F*ck up her kids. I also told her state takes children away form unfit
mothers everyday and the rights of a parent is just as illusion. It's more of a
priveledge than a right and the priveledge CAN be taken away if the parent is
unfit. I told her all of the women in her family nne to move on from the past
because all that matters is BM is the one who is on all kinds of drugs and who
is ib prison. What happenes five years ago does not amount to a hill of beans.
As far as her saying i don't know sh*t I tolld her SHE doesn't know sh*t because
while we have been in the middle of it seeing it all go down her big fat ass has
been five hours away in Orlando completely oblivious except for what BM adn GM tells
She wound up hanging up and me and then called back seconds later yelling "tell
your punk ass boyfriend to call me bitch!" and hung up. This is my cell phone
number GM has given to this nutcase mind you...not DH's. I sent a text telling
her the phone number would be changed because of her audacity. The phone was MY
phone and she stepped over the line. I also said tell your mother to thank you
for her loss of phone contact.
Seconds later I got a reply that stated I ain't telling her nothing and I
suggest you had better stop harrassing her before your home wrecking ass gets
into real trouble. I see DH isn't going to be man enough to call me back. You
tell him I said he will reap what he sowes and vengeance is mines says the
LORD!!! (why is it that wack jobs always wax religious when they have an
episode???? Nutcase-ism obviously runs in the family)
I sent a text back saying I am not a home wrecker...the hone was way wrecked
before I even KNEW DH. No one is harrassing your mother and I suggest you stop
sending threats via text becasue these are going straight to our lawyer.
That was the last of it.
I'm thinkiong about changing my number saturday and no one on BM's side of the family is getting
it. I'm tired of the bullshit.
- goodmom's blog
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On to this morning
GM called my cell this morning after she thought I had gone to work. She didn't want to talk to me because she knows I am pissed about her giving my cell to CA. She wanted to talk about seeing the girls. I told her that we needed to get some things straight first.
Iasked her if she realized CA had called my number acting the fool. She said CA calls HER sometime acting the fool and she just hangs up. I told her that wasn't the point...the point was CA should of NEVER OF HAD THE NUMBER. Can you believe GM said she didn't giveit to her?? I ld GM to please not insult my intelligence because we KNEW she had been talking to CA right before she called us. She still tried to deny it.
I told GM this is why we can't trust her with the girls...she LIES. She boldface lies about everything. Just like BM, you can't take her word for nothing. I told GM I already have to deal with one of your crazy daughters and I will not tolerate bullcrap from teh other one. GM said BM isn't crazy. I said get real woman BM IS A NUT and everyone knows it but you and that's ANOTHER reason we are worried to let you keep the girls! You don't think BM is dangerous and SHE IS! GM tried to tell me I was one to talk since I was a homewrecker. To which I replied Yes I am a horrible person. I am raising two kids who arn't even mine because their mom is a dead beat mom. I'm clean and sober. I'm employed. I'm not suicidal. I'm not living with an abuser and exposing my kids to him. I'm not sitting in Prison. I finally told GM that I was finished trying to reason with her because obviously the apple didn't fall far from the tree. She hung up on me and that was it.
Funny how all of the sudden after all these years I am a homewrecker. I didn't even KNOW DH when he was married to BM. Why is that ALWAYS what they fall back on wehn they can't get their way. They are getting cut off. BM being on prison is supposed to be a break from the drama for all of us. We are not dealing with her nutty family on our damn vacation.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Oh man. Change your number.
don't even entertain them with the privelage of hearing your voice. They don't deserve to.
You are no where near a home wrecker, they know that. That's the only thing they can come up with to say! When other people start in on me I always say Look, there are pleanty of true things to say about me, don't lie!![Wink](
You keep doing what you are doing. You're a great mom, great wife, they all know it and can't stand it. Think where these kids would be if it weren't for you! I mean, their heads would be all jacked up thanks to wacko jail bird mommy!
I was hungry but this made me sick to my stomach.
~all you need is Faith, Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust...and sometimes a machine gun~
sounds like hell!that sucks for you AND those kids!
you have no idea.....
I'm pregnant and hormonal too so I really don't need this garbage.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
It ruined my day too. It really pissed me off that she intentionally waited untill she thought I ws gone to call. BM's entire crazy family just wants to act like me and our baby togetehr doesn't even exist. Like they think DH doesn't really love and respect us but just tolerates us as "second best" since he and BM aren't together.
They are so crazy that DH being BRUTALLY honest doesn't even sink in. They just think he's acting to keep me happy or something. It's nuts. There is no reasoning with them at all. They have the reality they choose to believe and that's just it. They are stuck at the mad hatters tea party and there isn't any talking them out of it. Total wack-o's. It's creepy.
They don't realize that BM is DANGEROUS. They think DH is just bitter because of BM cheating and is punishing her. HOW CAN THEY NOT SEE THIS WOMAN IS A TRAIN WRECK?! DH is soooo moved on and this is not even a tad personal. She is unfit and that's that's.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
Just wow. What's really sad is that GM and BM sister are that clueless about BM's behavior. Ummm the woman is in prison??? Hello! It just shows they do not care about the kids, they care about BM and that's it.
On a much much smaller scale over here - I feel dumb even saying this, ... but Bm's family is the same way. In their eyes, BM can do nothing wrong and it's all DH's fault. Oh! And SD is difficult. It's her fault that she's having problems with her mom. Not BM's fault - ever.
I even called BM's mom one day to get a hold of SD. This is our conversation....
Me... Hello is K there?
Grandma - Yes, who is this
Me... It's Stick. May I speak to her please? (I was being extra nice since the woman is 83 years old and super old Italian ways)
Grandma - No, you can't talk to her. You can't call her.
Me....(Instead of being nice and hanging up) ... Are you telling me that K is there and I can't speak to her.
Grandma - Yes. Don't call here anymore. You can't talk to her!!
Now, mind you, the kid lives with me. Even though her father is out on the road working. She lives with me and talks to me more than her own mom. Yet I can't call her to give her a quick message when she is visiting over there.
And BM and family just say... Oh well! They all stick up for each other like a pack of whatever... rats,
UGH!! I feel your pain. (as much as I can)
even BM being in prison isn't her fault. She forgot she had the pills in her purse and the burglary was a horrible set up.
The black eye she's sporting in her mugshot was the result of her being in the wrong place at the wrong time. An inmate just flipped out and popped her for no reason.
It was the boyfriends fault she moved away.
Not going to rehab isn't her fault either. She can't go to rehab becasue she gets depressed and religious based programs won't allow her to take her meds.
It isn't her fault the marriage tanked. It was ALL DH's fault and now apparently mine as well.
Now it's our fault she can't see her kids.
How can she ever change if she won't fess up to her screw up's. Unbelievable.
Having a baby does not make you a mother.
That's the problem - she can't
She can't change if she won't admit her own contribution (and it seems like her own family's contribution) to her own problems.
Unfortunately, that is one that I do have experience with.
SD over here is disengaging from her own mom. And mom is blaming everyone else but herself. It's SD's fault, she's so sensitive. It's DH's fault because SD is so much like him. It's my and DH's fault for keeping SD away from her. Everyone but herself.
SD is in counseling to learn how to deal with her mom. And I have been in on the sessions where the counselor tells SD, DH and I... that's just the way BM is. Unfortunately, she may never change. So we have to learn to deal with that. Instead of looking at it rationally, we have to accept that BM cannot ever look hard enough within herself to solve her own problems.
It's more than frustrating. And to hear the counselor tell it, it's even harder, as the outlook - for that particular issue - BM's behavior - is bleak. She may never "get it". And we have to understand that and move forward.
It's hard enough for me to understand. But for her own poor daughter... who is looking at her mom and not understanding why SHE HERSELF, her own daughter, is not enough to make her mom change. Why doesn't BM love her enough to understand?
I feel for your two little girls. They are going to need you so much as they get older and really begin to understand BM and what she is incapable of.
Sorry honey...