I will be watching SS9 everyday, and no one asked if I minded
My husband called me today and informed me that when school starts this year, instead of going to after-school care, SS9 will be coming to MY HOUSE b/c the bus stops here. I will get to watch him everyday from around 3:45 p.m. until at least 7 p.m.
No one, DH specifically, asked me if this was okay with me. And surprise, surprise, it's not okay with me at all. The most NOT okay thing about it is that DH and BM discussed it and make a decision that impacts ME and ONLY ME without MY INPUT.
If my DH expects this marriage to last, he has to treat me as an EQUAL, a PARTNER who MATTERS. He wonders why I don't oooo and ahhhh over his precious little poopsy? Maybe it's because in all matters involving SS9, I am a second-class citizen. And now, instead of my 2nd-class status pounding down on me every other weekend, I get to experience it at least 5 days a week, while DH will be at work and I juggle doing school from home and taking care of my 1 year old BS.
Meanwhile, as I become basically the fulltime mother to SS9, we will still get to sign a check over to BM for nearly 500 bucks a month. Go to court and get that fixed? HA! We can barely make the house payment, much less get a lawyer involved.
Money is money, but I personally would feel like a real BITCH accepting money for a child who I rarely saw. He will either be here or at his maternal grandparents house.
I have really been working on my feelings toward ss9, and this just flushed everything down the toilet. I hate this whole stupid situation. Stepparenting is so hard, there just aren't words for it.
- LauraHelton331's blog
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I feel your pain. I to was put in the same place!! Watching SD everyday except tuesday! and we have JC so I was getting screwed and we to pay CS!! We have SD atleast 50% but with after school it was also 2:45 to 10 pm On BM's days!!
Needless to say I said "Hell NO, Not even if you pay me! Not anymore." BM lost her job. SD screwed up royally! & SD hates me now
All balance is right again!! NOT!
I mean GOOD GRIEF, if I have the kid until 7pm or 8 pm, and he goes to bed at 9 pm, I believe that makes me the PRIMARY PARENT. I don't want to cause extra drama and ill-feelings in our lovely little stepfamily, but HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL NO am I doing this. Now, how do I figure out my way out of this without looking like the evilest person ever? This is NOT a situation these idiots should even have put me in. I am losing respect for my DH rapidly over this one. He might just be as dumb as BM. Did I mention that NO ONE EVEN SO MUCH AS RAN THIS IDEA BY ME?? NOTHING!!! I work fulltime, school fulltime, and take care of my baby boy and am barely making it, and now you are gonna throw ss9 into the mix for me to take care of every day???????!!! R U KIDDING ME?!!?? That's what I get for trying to be nice lately. Gah. Give em an inch and they'll take a mile.
I want a decent relationship with my SS, but I don't want to be his primary care provider, especially without DH even being around. Is that really so wrong?
Hell No
That's not wrong. Just like my fiance informing me I was to go get his kids 5 & 13 on my days off from work. He works on a towboat and is gone 30 days at a time. Hell no! She doesn't work and i get to take care of my children and do laundry and clean on my 2 days off. He couldn't understand and when I say she don't work I mean not even at home. The kids always have lice which she is to lazy to take care of, so we do, fiance returns home to find kids have been ill for 30 days but it was easier for her to let it go (strep throat) and let us take 5 yr old to doctor when he got back. Stand your ground. I've been standing mine and I really don't think I want to marry this man after all, as to many decisions are made about me without me being involved at all either.
awww....I am so sorry
that happened! Did you tell him to find a sitter?
Not yet. I couldn't talk to
Not yet. I couldn't talk to him about it much b/c he was on his way into a golf tournament (he's a pro golfer) and can't have his phone. there were words exchanged though. They were not pretty. We will have to see how this plays out.
When I said I was not happy with this plan, he said,"Well then YOU can call BM and tell her you don't want SS around cuz I'm not doing it!"
Lovely, right?
Call his bluff and call bm.
Call his bluff and call bm. Tell her, hey, um.. dh didnt consult me on this decision the two of you made, so its unfortunate I was unable to save the two of you time. I am not available to do this, as I work full time, am in school and working on my studies, and have a 1 yr old that is my responsiblity. You are going to have to make other arrangements.. Oh.. and DH and I already discussed this and came to THIS decision TOGETHER!
I wouldnt even hesitate. She is ONLY working a full time job. She needs to not dump on you HER responsiblity.
If she wants to give up custody and CS for ss9, tell her you have no problem doing it.. as it would then be your responsibility, but she cant have custody and CS AND have you watch him EVERY FREAKIN DAY of the week after school!
Tell them no
Your sorry but no one consulted you about this and it will interfere with your tennis lessons or Jerry Springer or the new part time job you just got. Sorry...
Seriously, I would just say no. Tell DH to figure it out for himself. Or you expect to get paid. You can use that to offset the child support you are paying. I would go ahead and call BM and say, you are very sorry but you have plans after school and are unavaible. Also, you really wish DH would have consulted you first so BM wouldn't have been inconvenienced. DH is way out of line here.
"Evil Stepmothers aren't born, it comes with the territory"
If you plan things without
If you plan things without me, then you plan things WITHOUT me.
"When I said I was not happy with this plan, he said,"Well then YOU can call BM and tell her you don't want SS around cuz I'm not doing it!""
Are you F'ing KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!!!???
Uh, No. Freaking. Way.
Laura, I would NOT worry about getting out of this "without looking like the evillest person ever." When your DH gets home, I would tell him in no uncertain terms essentially what 2Bloved said: If you plan things without consulting me, and they impact my life, do not expect me to participate. "You have planned for ME to take care of YOUR children, without MY consent or without even my KNOWLEDGE. I will NOT call your ex-wife and take care of a problem that YOU created. I am telling you right now, you had better call her and tell her it's not going to happen, precisely because the two of you did not discuss this with me before making this plan, which makes me this child's PRIMARY CAREGIVER. I warn you that if you do not call her and tell her the deal is off, you will have a surprise in store on the first day of school, when SS comes here and there is no one home to care for him."
Then I would give him the book Stepmonster, with the relevant pages/chapters marked, and tell him that if he wants his marriage to succeed, he had better rethink the way he is doing things.
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
I like Belleboudeuse's idea better
Yeah, make him call BM. Why should you be the bad guy??
"Evil Stepmothers aren't born, it comes with the territory"
Laura, I am going to take a little opposite point of view here..
First off, let me start by saying YES, YOU ARE RIGHT. YOU DO HAVE EVERY REASON TO BE UPSET at the way the situation was handled. Okay? I want you to understand that I agree with you on that.
Here's a few more thoughts I just wanted to add in..
Even though your husband is a bonehead and did a really stupid thing, do you think he did it because he didn't see it as a BM issue? Rather, he saw it as "his son's issue". Also, I noticed that you are going to school at home and taking care of your son. So I'm guessing that DH felt that "you would be home" and therefore "available".
I'm not saying that your husband is right.... but I am saying that those might be the thoughts that led to him making this commitment for you.
Also, if I am reading you correctly, again, it's not so much that this is happening, it's more that it is happening
(1) without your consent
(2) while you are playing BM child support, which should include day care
Am I reading you correctly? Your SS9 is a small part of it, but your larger issues are those 2 above.
What if - and just hear this out and try to see if it could be - What if by caring for your SS9 every day during those hours, you and he cultivate a better relationship together? What if by you being the person he sees every day as he gets home from school, eating dinner with you and then doing his homework, you do become the primary caregiver? There are so many women on this site who say that if they had full access to their step children, the children would be better adjusted and their family lives would improve. I know this is hard for you, but that is one possible outcome to your saying yes to this scenario.
Also, I fully agree and appreciate the fact that your home should not pay full CS to a home where the child basically just goes to bed.
Therefore, if it were ME, and I have had a similar situation here.... I would do the following...
1. Agree to raising the child with the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT on both parent's sides that you are free to discipline and bring this child up as you see fit. And if they even dare to question you, then they can find another babysitter. Then you can go about establishing your rules, your home and get SS to integrate into it.
2. Also put the stipulation on to your agreeing to same that CS will be reduced by $200 a month (or whatever the cost of his daycare would be). That PAYS YOU for your time and trouble. You are not a free babysitter and the money is coming back to your home. BM doesn't want to reduce the child support then she can pay for day care. I don't think that your DH should find an issue with that.
and finally...
3. Agree to give it a try for everyone's sake.... for SS mainly (so he is raised by FAMILY), for DH, and who gives a shit about BM... but if you agree to try... then also make the stipulation that if it is too hard for you, then SS will need to be put in daycare. That way you have an out. It's not a done deal, but you are trying. I also think that you could finagle SS going to daycare 1 day a week even or something to give you some time off.
The thing is, you have a 1 year old son. You may be surprised. I know that people get on me for being all butterflies and rainbows, but I truly believe you have a golden opportunity here with your stepson and also with your biological son. Perhaps 9 year old could help watch, play with 1 year old while you do homework, or make dinner? 9 year old gets responsibility and you are not in this alone.
I do think your DH needs a talking to. But I also think this could work in your favor. Please don't throw the baby out with the bathwater because he's still a little dirty!!
(Does that make sense??)
Yes Stick, I think you are
Yes Stick, I think you are exactly right. It (potentially) could work out. And you are exactly correct, it's that they just whipped this plan up without asking me that bothers me the most. I am surprisingly in agreeance (spell?) with your "rainbows and butterflies" plan.
I just want to feel like part of the team. Maybe this WILL help it overall. But my DH DEFINITELY needs a firm talking-to about picking and choosing when I am a parent and when I am not.
This could be the beginning of a huge change. Maybe if I saw him everyday, I would get so comfortable with being around him that I could actually make an impact instead of feeling like I want to run and hide from him. That is literally what I want to do. Run and hide. He is the type of kid that will follow you around and not give you a chance to breathe. He will suck on you like a leech. I feel "mean" to say "you are getting on my nerves SS9, time to move on and do something else." But BIOLOGICAL parents say that to their kids all the time and the kids aren't traumatized.
So if I am at least a semi-parent, it is time I act like one. I refuse to disengage. I refuse to hide. I refuse to be afraid of my own house every other weekend b/c I feel neglected and feelings hurt. I will FORCE my way into every situation instead of pouting that it is not MY precious weekend. Maybe I am the one who is the spoiled brat. He is just a flippin kid. I am the one who has turned this into a power struggle.
I like your demands.
1. Child support will be reduced. However, it will be reduced at a rate that IS lower than the cost of daycare b/c I am slightly nice at times. If I will be spending more hours with her child than SHE is, and feeding him his dinner EVERY NIGHT, then I get some extra cash flow. And no one needs to worry about her taking us to court over this b/c she's much too lazy. We could probably never pay her and she would never do anything about it. My DH is just so damn honorable. lol.
2. At any time, I have the right to demand to be let out of this "contract."
3. What I say, goes. Gone are his days of "Mommy has never asked me to make my bed, I don't like it at your house, Mommy lets me stay up until midnite." He is gonna get USED to doing things. He is not staring at the TV for 4 hours, even if it makes my life harder.
4. Any decisions made without my consent will NOT be followed/implemented by me. I will be included in ALL discussions (i.e. it's a half day of school so Laura needs to go do this and that OR Laura is going to go buy this or that for his school project OR ANYTHING).
5. The slightest hint of a lack of appreciation of what I do by BM or DH will result in null and void of my help.
I don't know that pouting, refusing to do this, and etc will help my marriage. But I will no longer we walked all over.
TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See, this is the other side of it. I want it all to turn into me magically having an awesome relationship with SS9, but after 5 years, I don't know.
I really CAN'T physically and mentally do all of this.
I will admit my husband has been kissing my ass and constantly apologizing for how he handled the situation.
I don't know what to do. I am the bad guy no matter what. Now, all of the sudden, SS9 is calling me just to say Hey. It's very different than usual.
"I want it all to turn into me magically having an awesome relationship with SS9, but after 5 years, I don't know....I really CAN'T physically and mentally do all of this."
Honey, those two statements kind of cancel each other out. I totally get that you want this to magically make things great between you and SS9. The thing is, this situation is set up to do just the opposite.
You've been TOLD, not asked, that you will take care of this kid -- an amount of time that will make you more responsible for him than either of his parents. You have a baby and a job, and you know that taking care of SS will put more of a strain on you. Now, imagine yourself 6 weeks from now, if you agree to do this after having been essentially forced into it by BM and DH (even if you eventually decide to agree to it, you were backed into a corner). Think about the many, many afternoons when he is acting up or just being a normal 9 year-old. You're going to feel frustrated and angry with him. Not that it's his fault; he's 9. But you will end up being frustrated with him anyway, because it's human nature: when we're angry, we blame the thing/person who is nearest to us. Because anger is an irrational emotion. So, this idea of you taking the kid every afternoon is actually setting you up to have a WORSE relationship with him. Because you didn't choose it, and because now is just not a good time.
I agree with Stick that there's a child involved, so everyone has to consider his needs. But honestly, he isn't going to be irrevocably damaged by going to daycare instead of to your house. It's not like it's a choice between him coming to your house and him being on the streets or home alone. Daycare was a perfectly fine option for him before, and it is now, too.
Honey, don't ALLOW yourself to be the bad guy. Cleanse yourself of the notion that you need to do this, and if you don't you're a bad person. This is convenient for BM, not for you. Don't let yourself feel like you need to take a backseat to her. And don't think it makes you a bad stepmom for not wanting to do this. Politely, firmly, say "No." And then when you DO see your SS, do one nice little thing for him every few times you see him. Work on your relationship with him that way; NOT in a way that's bound to make you feel resentful and therefore probably doomed to fail.
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
"I will admit my husband has been kissing my ass and constantly apologizing for how he handled the situation."
Yes, of course he is, honey. Because he wants you to do it, and he figures that kissing your ass and apologizing will make you relent. If he was REALLY sorry, and REALLY understood where you're coming from, he would have called the BM by now and told her the deal is off because it wasn't fair to you.
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
I agree with Vickmeister
I think this is setting a very bad precident. Once they feel like they can do this to you, what will be next? You already said
"Maybe if I saw him everyday, I would get so comfortable with being around him that I could actually make an impact instead of feeling like I want to run and hide from him. That is literally what I want to do. Run and hide. He is the type of kid that will follow you around and not give you a chance to breathe. He will suck on you like a leech. I feel "mean" to say "you are getting on my nerves SS9, time to move on and do something else." But BIOLOGICAL parents say that to their kids all the time and the kids aren't traumatized."
If you got along with the little prince, I would feel differently but since there is already this tension, I am concerned about you. You have an adorable baby (we've all seen the picture) why don't you enjoy him and let SS's parents take responsibility for their child? Your baby will only be this age once, why take on all this extra stress and rob yourself of your joy with him.
Regardless of what happens, we'll still be here for you. I have to admit, your Pollyanna view is endearing
"Evil Stepmothers aren't born, it comes with the territory"
I am so conflicted. This endearing Pollyanna view is fading into the background ever so..quickly!
Vickmeister and Abigail
It can work.... It's JUST SUPER HARD. And that means I myself, and for Laura, if she chooses to take on this responsibility, have to put ourselves on the back seat. Look at my answer to Catlover.
I know for a fact that if I had posted all that had gone on in my first year of marriage, I would have had A LOT of people saying the whole "OH hell no"! and "Don't do that to yourself" and "why should your career be put on the back burner"???? "Let BM and DH get SD the help she needs!!" etc etc. But I didn't do it that way. I did everything that I wrote to Laura above and to Catlover. I'm not saying that makes me a better woman.
I'm saying that's how I chose to work on my marriage because I love my husband. And it is paying off for me ten times over.
this happened to me
b4 bf and i moved in together, he lived with his mom and had sd fulltime. his mom would ask me all the time if i could stay the night and get sd off to school in the morning. i always made excuses not to.
once we moved in together, i was told that since bf left for work at 6am, and i had to be at work at 9am, i was to take sd to his moms b4 school every morning. when i asked why me, they both said that it made sense cause of schedules. so that meant instead of me waking up at 8am, i had to wake up at 6:30 because sd was a little shit about getting upa nd getting dressed for school. i didnt have a backbone then. obviously.
so that pretty much lead to a whole bunch of bs and i will never again date a guy with a kid.
The hard work can pay off
though even when it's for those rare moments when the skid calls just to talk to ME instead of DH... or when they want to lock DH out of the bedroom so we can all lay in bed and watch a chick flick... or when they introduce you to their friends as... "this is Wicked my step-mom..." and the friends say "oh SD told me you were soooo cool"
I have enough of those special moments that makes all the hair pulling and frustrations worth it for me. I dearly love my SDs, even when I want to run away from them at the same time.
The worst part is the decision was never in your hands
I would be LIVID if my DH consulted with the BM behind my back and put me in this 'just do what we want' position.
How dare they!!! It is your time and you life and the SS is not your primary responsibility. So what are your DH and the BM going to expect of you next without telling you. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
A Step parent is in a no win role
Laura, Have you always been
Laura, Have you always been an indentured servant for your H and his X or is this something new? Its pathetic that your H is spineless like an earth worm that he cant tell his X no. If you do this eventually you will be paying CS and he will staying over several nights a week. I can assure you if you start this its not going to have a happy ending and you are going to be stuck with the plan that was put upon you. Vickie and Abigail are absolutely correct and it will be the worse mistake you can make. Remember if you don't start it you don't have to end it and all the bad feelings that are going to go with it. Since your H is impotent while dealing with Bm you will have to be the one to say NO. If another person informed you that you were going to do something ridiculous you would say no and this is no different. The reason that she wants you to do is because she will save all that money that your H gives her for CS and not have to pay one penny for care.
Laura, I have survived 4 steps and I know what i am talking about.
I'll chime in again.
I actually like Stick's idea. In theory. For a FUTURE discussion of a situation like this. But I still think that first, you need to make your DH call this deal off.
AFTER it is called off, then at some future time, if you are REALLY okay with taking care of the kid as long as you have a part in creating the deal in the first place, then I would say go for it. And let me say, too, that I do think Stick's idea that this would help you create a better relationship with SS is true -- IF you are open to it.
But for right now, make your DH call the deal off. Make BM find day care for the kid for, say, the first part of the school year, until Christmas break. And then, on your OWN terms, you can tell your DH that you are now willing to discuss taking care of SS after school. (Again, IF you are okay with it and would not resent it.)
Here's my reasoning. Your main problem with this is that you were not consulted and it was thrust upon you as a done deal. AND when you told your H that it was wrong of him to do this, he didn't get it. SO. Now, if you give in, you are teaching them that they can do things like this to you whenever they want, because you will eventually give in. You are REINFORCING the behavior you want to put a stop to. They will not stop doing this until it doesn't work for them anymore. That's basic behavioral training.
As Vickmeister said, " it would take a complete attitude change by DH, to make any additional interaction with the skid impactful." Therefore, you are setting yourself up for failure if you take this kid right now, with BM's and DH's attitudes that you should be a free babysitter with very little decision-making power. This will not change with more contact with the SS. It's far more likely that you'll resent it even more, because you'll have the same lack of authority, for longer hours. Your needs/wants will still come after those of DH, BM and SS. And you'll have a lot more time to think about it while you're watching SS day in and day out.
Until they stop deciding things as a couple and leaving you out, you will be put in situations like this time and time again. And if you agree to this now, you are reinforcing that it works for them to do this. You are reinforcing being left out of the process and reinforcing that whatever you SAY, your ACTIONS prove that you are willing to serve as the babysitter whenever it's convenient for BM.
So, to repeat: stop this now. Break the behavior, retrain them. Then, once they have learned to include you -- because it's in THEIR best interest to do so, which is the only way they will learn it successfully -- you can revisit the child care issue in a discussion where you are at the center.
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
DH did this to me . . . once
BM asked for help. On her weeks, she wanted to drop them off in the morning so I could get them to school. I agreed the first time. The second time, I said no. But DH went ahead and agreed to it, so I really had no choice. I was LIVID!! He had never seen me so angry before. I was so mad I didn't want to come home. But two weeks into it, she screwed up big time, and I stopped it. She asked again for this year, I told him no. I'm not going to be resonsible for her children on her custodial weeks. I love them, but I refuse!! So, he told her no. On our weeks, I'm more than happy to get the kids where they need to be, but I refuse to be her go-to girl.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
Ladies...It's not too often anymore that I try to re-argue a
point. I figure that I have either stated it and the blogger can take it or leave it... OR, if I am going against most popular opinion, I figure that I could be wrong. So I am trying to not go back too much.
But this particular blog and the responses to it, really bother me.
What really really gets to me on this one is the fact, that
YES HUBBY DID SCREW UP. But because of that, it's like nothing else matters. Who cares what he thought, or felt, or wanted? Right? Because it's all about stepmom not getting "stepped" on. It's all about her reclaiming her power and making sure that everyone in the relationship KNOWS SHE IS NOT TO BE IGNORED!!!!
The real concern for me here is NOT so much whether Laura fights that battle with her husband. To be honest with you, I think that by enforcing a FEE for day care, she gets the point across just as much to BM as if she outright says NO. She also makes that point without giving BM any "ammunition". I also feel that Laura probably knows better than any of us, if her husband would take her accepting this as the next rung in the ladder to being a doormat OR, If he would be appreciative and maybe the next time around give her what she's asking for because he sees her trying to help him when she didn't have to (as happened with me.) But okay whatever, we all have differing opinions.
The real concern for me here IS THAT THIS IS A CHILD WE ARE TALKING ABOUT. A child that could come to his father's own home every day after school... have time with stepmom, and possibly even DAD before BM picks him up. (Laura - would father be home for dinner?) And no one seems to care about that. Because accepting that means that stepmom has to swallow something that we don't like and that is giving an inch with the fear it will become a mile.
I get it. I get that we need to enforce our rights. But I also really really believe that we need to take a look at the bigger picture on this and in other circumstances. Maybe it didn't work for some of you. It did work that way for me. Laura - whatever you decide to do, I hope it works out for you.