This is the TEST I started a blog on a few weeks back. (It's long grab a cup of coffee!)
I am testing out # 5 ADMIRATION for myself.
I don’t always know if I am being admired from my wife.
So I am purposely trying the # 5 (Family commitment) on her list to see if they go hand in hand.
Nov 1 Sunday
I spent a little time with 17 son this weekend, I planted the seed in his head about going next door to the elderly neighbor who has spent most of the week trying to finish trimming his way over grown mesquite tree.
He usually has landscapers, but I think the do to the economy it has him doing more things around the house.
The weather is nice out here in Glendale Az. this time of year.
So my son went next door to talk to the neighbor.
He jumped at the opportunity to get some young cheap help.
So he got more than just a tree job to do. (lawn, pool, patio cleaning as well)
And the old man is very impressed with my sons work ethic. He feels he is getting a huge amount of work for little pay. And my son feels like he is doing a good job and getting some easy money.
This commitment sounded small but, from the stand point of not over parenting and me backing away, letting the son do things on his own was a good thing. Because the wife and I planned a hike with the boys and I was able to keep the plans and not hang around with the son in case he needed me. Witch was tough for me. I did want to make sure he did a good job. But I let him be all the man he is and let things fall where they lie.
Nov 1 Sunday
I told the wife I was taking my BS10 for a drive; I needed to talk to him.
This was Sunday night just after sunset.
He got the birds and the bee’s talk.
He was very interested. And very glad he had his dad to talk to, about the strange things happening to his body.
I wanted to talk with him about it because I gave the talk to my older son at a later age.
I think I waited to long with him. He was 13 maybe 14. And He learned some things on his own from friends and I feel it ruined the chance that I needed to set some good examples of what it means to be a man. He learned the way I did and I spent most of my life trying to figure out relationships on my own, with a bunch of mistakes…
I believe he was so used to not talking about this stuff, to this day he still does what he is used to doing. Figuring things out, on his own. I feel bad. That can and will be a frustrating road, and now he just feels strange talking to me about sex.
Anyways I can see in my BS 10’s eyes that he knows he has a dad that is going to be there for him. He has a new look on his face, He looks les confused.
Nov1 Sunday
I read a story to the 2 younger boys tonight.
This has always been LovingLife’s thing to do every night. She needed to go to bed a little earlier tonight, she was exhausted from our hike and laundry all weekend.
So SS8 sat on my left side of me and my BS10 sat on my right side of me while I read to them.
She got to bed earlier, but was up just after I put the boys to bed.
Her BS8 had an embarrassing rash popped up on him just after his shower.
And needed mom’s attention.
NOV 2 Monday
Had basketball practice for the boys.
Busy night! LovingLife picked up the boys from school today. She wanted to take them to the book fair at school.
She was happy and excited to do this. She does not get this kind of time with them, since I get off work earlier than she does.
I worked late and needed to go to the library and drop off the book my son used for his book report, so I walked in the door just as it was time to go to practice.
While we sat during the boys basketball practice we talked about the boys.
It was a bit of a touchy subject, She was explaining my son’s whiny attitude to me, and I admitted he can be that way, but felt compelled to tell her how she could change the way she speaks to him to keep the whiny attitude to a minimum. Which was not received that well. I calmly just left it at that. Told her I did not want this to be in a fight. I know he sulks and whines. I am just suggesting something that I do to force him into responsible actions instead of this poor one he is trying to do.
The time together was not especially happy; we were both kinda keeping ourselves at our best behaviors. We have had explosive arguments over topics just like this before. So we were being cautious. I wanted to add still one more thing to our conversation.
Part of my being “Family Committed ‘. I wanted to give a gift to her BS8 but it meant something different to my wife.
Showing my commitment to the family I needed to also raise her son like my own.
So it was time to speak up on a manhood topic concerning her son.
SS8 shows a level of unawareness that I believe is time to break.
So the gift to him is a gift of new independence.
I suggested to my wife that SS8 starts to answer the phone when his dad calls.
He can be sitting right next to the phone and he will not answer it. He waits for mommy to get it and tell him if it is his dad or not.
Nov 3 Tuesday
I had Men’s Fraturnity,
This class starts at 7 and goes on till whenever 9 maybe as late as 10 pm.
This class was especially good, I say that all the time, but it is always true. It just gets better and better. I made diner, stir fry & chicken.
LovingLife worked late tonight, so us boys had diner ourselves.
BS10 brought a crossword puzzle that needed a book to reference his answers to, and he forgot it. He got consequences. So no anything tonight except he can read a book.
On Monday I picked up some audio books at the library. Got 3.
* How to talk so kids will listen & Listen so kids can talk
* A managing money one, Suze Orman the Road to wealth. (IT SUCKED)
She may know what she is talking about, but that nagging voice and demeaning tone got to me in just a few disks. I finally said Shut the F up! And hit eject and got it out of my truck.
* When Venus and Mars collides.
I loved it. Still listening to it on the way to work. LovingLife is listening to one on kids.
We both came home and were talking about what we learned.
We were excited. We talked about it, we told each other what we learned, we told each other what we wanted to try out. I was excited as all get out! I was turned on!
Nov 4 Wednesday
Nov 5 Thursday
Nov 6 Friday
Nov 7 Saturday
Nov 8 Sunday
This is now Nov 14th at 7:30 in the morning. I had typed in the pre set up days to write our week’s progress. As you can see. “Nothing”
I can honestly say I don’t know what happened.
I am 7 days past my little test.
Time has slipped away. 12 days of no writings. I remember that there were some good things that happened, and I remember that there were some miserable times too.
I did finish the Mars Venus audio book.
My wife has it now and just finished disk 1.
I can’t tell if I have exhausted myself to the point of withdrawing from our relationship.
Or if I am doing fine and my wife is on a war path with me.
Things have not been well with us.
I know I have been kind of doing things on my own and not involving her.
Some tasks I have my own way of doing things. My own way of order and reasons for doing things. If I try and do things with her. It seems to go real bad. If I go it on my own it goes bad.
Maybe the book helped me change,
Maybe those changes are foreign to her and it has our household on the rocks for right now.
Maybe it’s a season we need to go through to dial in our happy home life for the better.
I am not sure.
I know I love my wife with all my heart, and I pray for our paths to get back on track.
Sorry folks for this test going astray.
It is a test still.
You can draw your own conclusions from it.
Share what you want, add input, ask questions.
Did I get the admiration I wanted? No I didn’t.
Did I fail on my part?
Yes I know I did. I may have started out ok, but crazy ass life came in and stirred the pot.
- Jon-Boy's blog
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Jon Boy - The problem with
Jon Boy - The problem with tests is that we put too much emphasis on whether we pass or fail!
Sure, in school... we need those tests to see if we retain the knowledge that we need to get through life, or our career path.
But personality / relationship tests... well, those are a different story. I think they are fun to take and try. I think they can be a hint of something... But please don't feel bad if you feel you "failed".
You and your wife sound like you truly love each other. Sometimes withdrawing is the way to saving the relationship. Not for long term. And you'll know when it's really an issue.
In my opinion the best thing you can do for yourself, and for your wife, and for your relationship is to take solace and happiness from the fact that you guys are blessed. You have wonderful children and you both care about them. It's naive to think that there won't be disagreements. And disagreements are okay. You care enough to FIGHT with each other. You also care enough to "be on your best behavior" when you know it's tense.
As we tell so many women on here... admiration from your partner is nice. But you need to give yourself the admiration that you crave, so that getting it from someone else is the whip cream on the pie!!
And I think that maybe, if you asked your wife... I wonder if she feels that you give her the admiration or whatever it is that she craves. I don't think she doesn't admire you. I'm sure she just doesn't show it in the way you need it. And men aren't the only ones that can be dense!! (no offense!! eek) Sometimes we need to be told what you want too.
Crazy ass life. This will pass. I really believe it for you two. Relax. Can you get you and your wife out for a date? Something just for the two of you to reconnect as a couple and not a a family. To reconnect as the two adults and not my kids / her kids. I'm hoping for you two - some alone time could be what you need to get yourself back on track.
(( Hugs to you both! )) and best wishes...
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Thanks Stick, No I didn't
Thanks Stick,
No I didn't think I "failed" so to speak.
I failed to follow through with the jurnaling of my attempts with being more involved with the family.
And somewhere I got to the point of failing to follow through with being there for my wife.
I got myself caught up in my own stuff.
Ha! I don't want to fill my own admiration...
I want to see that twinkle in my wifes eyes that I am being a good husband and father.
It fuels my soul...
Am I Needy?
probably. I will try the self admiration for myself.
But honestly it kinda makes as much sense as trying to tickle yourself so you will be happy.
I know women are forced into that due to us dumb dumb husbands.
We are single focused creatures that can't see past our feet sometimes.
Thanks for the viewpoint!
Jon-Boy, from your post, I
Jon-Boy, from your post, I think you are VERY involved with your family. Do you feel pulled in too many directions? Do you think you are putting pressure on yourself? And, where do you think that you could "cut" from to give your wife a little more time for just the 2 of you?
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
I have thought about
I have thought about that...
The Mars and Venus book talks about the serotonin and estrogen levels in women and the mothering/nurturing rolls that play a huge part in producing those chemicals for them.
I am taking to much of that away.
Maybe I am helping in the wrong area's?
As far as spending more time together, right now I think it is more about time needed doing the things we would rather do.
We have spent absolutely every available time together.
So going out for a diner is like a bad thing right now.
It can fuel a fight in a nano second.
If I think about the activities the book says she needs to build serotonin and estrogen levels. Which helps her educe stress.
She does not really get to do this.
She works in a high position at a global corp.
So she is creating testosterone, which does not help her reduce stress.
then she comes home, diner is ready, (Sometimes)
She eats, does dishes and is exhausted. And she is pissed thinking about her endless to do list.
And there is homework, basketball practice, and the hollidays coming, and her dog she had 14 for 14 years has died.
So I am trying to help in the area's that are needed, but they might not be helping her reduce stress.
And I am not doing testosterone building things I should be doing.
so I think we are exhausted.
I want her to get out with the girls and spend time talking.
She stuffs to much inside.
I will think more about what I can do to back off in the right area's.
right now I gatta feed the boys and get them warmed up for their game today at 11:00.
She is out running errands.
Jon-Boy, I had been waiting
Jon-Boy, I had been waiting on the results of your test. I think it was such an interesting endeavor, and I congratulate you even though in you didn't quite make it to the end as you would have liked because it sounds like you sure did put great effort into it.
Your results leave me with a couple of questions:
1. What is your definition of admiration? what would you like to be admired for? and does your wife have any clue that you see it this way or is her definition of admiration different from yours?
2. What is your wife's definition of family commitment? and do you interpret it the same way as she does? i.e. how would you know that the actions you took resounded in her mind the way you wanted them to?
Now, it seems to me from your posts that your commitment to family is pretty unwavering. You both seem to have a system that works - for the family. Which leads me to my next questions... where I'd scrutinize the test, rather than yourself.
3. Is the family commitment/admiration pair really a good match? Is it even applicable in a situation such as yours where the "family commitment" pot maybe full and the "admiration" pot may be empty?
4. Might it have been better then to GIVE where the wife sees a definite lacking (similar to the way in which you see "admiration" as lacking)?
So yup, the tests aren't always right! So don't be too hard on yourself.
Sounds to me though, like your wife needs a little help from you in forcing her to have a little stop-and-smell-the-roses-moment every now and again, where she can totally forget that to-do list and just enjoy the moment... like a good massage that eases all the tension and puts her to sleep, or a soak in the tub with scented candles and soothing music and clear instructions to NOT-think-about-to-do-lists, or a bit of her favorite ice cream and an hour to veg out in front of the TV to see that show she always wants to see but doesn't have time for... whatever it is that works for her, you'd have to figure that one out. That's where we women challenge our guys to really know us.
Hi C-Can,
That's a good question. I believe for me it is some sort of recognition for whatever it is I am doing through out our time together. examples; a special touch on the arm and telling me she noticed I did (blank). The little added communication gives me energy. Awareness that I am helping her. Or awareness if I am not helping, to give me a clue in the right direction.
I do lots of little things, but I don't know if they hit her in the heart so to speak.
Does she like it? Does she not like it? I dunno... there isn't much there in terms of communication if I am doing what she likes. So I get a little creative to try and find what she likes, but being a man I can loose interest fast when there is no direction at all. I don't get any clues. Good or bad. Well, if it’s real bad I do get that clue…
This is easy, it is best to give me admiration for most of it, but at "separate" times.
If at the end of the day I get a, "Hey thanks for everything." that would be disappointing.
I would eventually end up doing one thing, and at the end of the day get the same "Hey thanks for everything."
Every time I get admired, I am fueled. I have a burst of energy. I feel like I make a difference in our relationship. See my admiration bank is small, it takes just a small deposit and I am good for a while.
So admiration deposits are necessary deposits. They are just one of those things you need to do regularly
If say for instance I pick up the boys, we get home, make diner, get the boys going on homework, and everything is ready for us to jet out the door for basketball practice, and while we are together watching the boys practice and nothing is ever said or noticed? what’s it all for?
I could get the boys, let them play, make no diner and we could all go to practice hungry, and then after practice we still need to cook, clean dishes, do homework, showers, and kids put to bed. I get no communication on either scenario. So does any of it matter?
Maybe not, I don’t tread in that area much, telling a woman constructive criticism doesn’t go in a man’s favor very often. I am sure there is a way to present that to a woman.
I am clueless at this point.
Sorry to answer your question with a question, But How do I do this?
It may be.
I can recall her saying, Oh, (ex husbands name) would never have done that.
So I guess by comparison she was acknowledging her admiration.
OR was it just better than her ex, but she is still not happy?
Without the attentive acknowledgment to me, I am still clueless.
Good question.
I think hers is different than mine.
I don’t actually know the answer to that one.
I did think so at first, there were signs of it seemingly working.
I think due to the bad week we had, (Oh man we were not happy with each other.)
I think it exhausted us, we could not do any good for ourselves, or each other! and man that make for a horrible week.
So the importance of doing what we “each” need is very evident.
My poor wife needs some female companionship time. I can’t supply her with all she needs. She is the only female in the house. 3 boys and one husband. She is surrounded with testosterone, Man I am about to run out the door and go shoe shopping or something! She has got to be going bonkers!
"How do I do this?" Simple.
"How do I do this?"
Simple. And yet not so simple.
ASK her directly what is her definition of such and such, and tell her your definition.
Simple, right?
But so damn complicated! Because we human beings have this way of wanting our significant others to be able to read our minds and fulfill our every desire without us having to say a word. Somehow it MEANS more if we don't actually have to spell out what we want, right?
It's easy to remain clueless without actual direct verbal communication that digs deeper to really understand what the other person is thinking/feeling or to make others understand what we really want.
I say that if the feedback you want is not forthcoming, ASK.
Did you notice I did such and such?
What did you think about it?
Was it up to your standards?
And what do you admire about me?
Every once in a while when my DH's admiration tank is running low, he asks me. It was a question that threw me off at first - What about me or the things I do do you admire? But he asked, and then he said, "I love it when you tell me those things". And so little by little he actually trained me to tell him without him even asking. But sometimes I can get caught up in other stuff when he is running low, and in those moments he takes the initiative.
I talked with her last
I talked with her last night.
Thanks for the advice C-Can.
I hope it goes well, were still working on things.
You know, I was realizing
You know, I was realizing something.
Last night my admiration tank was emptied.
It became empty when my SS9 handed me a cup and said, "Mom wants another drink."
I just raised an eyebrow and chuckled.
I made her a drink, but I did it way later. I was not understanding why I started to not want to serve her a drink, I just felt a little uninterested.
And this morning I realized what happened.
My tank was empty.
Here is how the tank got empty.
That morning,
I dug up the drip system in the front yard.
Asked the wife where she would like the plants,
plugged old lines and re-connected new lines.
dug holes for the new plants and covered them.
(If I may add, AZ is one giant rock, try digging here)
Got the 20 X 20 tarp and poles to set up a canopy for SS9's birthday,
Got picnic tables, chairs, food, ice chests, candles, lighter and other various things we could not forget to bring.
Drove to the park realized I left the tarp.
the wife is running other errands at this time.
drove back got the tarp, carried the stuff to the park to find out there was an available cabana for us to use so we did not need the tarp.
So I set up the kick ball field with bases.
We had a great party at the park.
Left for home, UN packed,
I asked her how was (ex husband) attitude at the party?
she answered, he was well behaved.
So in my mind.
I did all this stuff. and none of it seemed to have mattered.
Her ex husband shows up at the party and gets a complement.
Now don't get me wrong.
My wife ran herself friggin ragged! trying to make everything happen just right.
And she was very tired at the end of the day. She probably had nothing more to give.
I can say if she would have spoke a few words of admiration during the day.
I would have been fine making her that 2ND drink. My tank would not have been emptied.
I can take a whole day of admiration neglect. But after that? I'm toast. there needs to be something said.
Lets turn this around.
What did I do to show admiration?
I don't know for sure, I showed her some affection a few times during the day.
was it enough? Was it fine?
Got any advice for your hubby?