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What is everyone Thankful for......?

Jenn330's picture

Is it horrible that I'm looking forward to SD8 not being with us for Thanksgiving? mmm what am I thankful SD won't be with us!!!!!!!! lol Hopefully I won't be bothered by her on Christmas either...its just such a pain in the ass driving all over the damn place to get her from her BM crack-headed family and driving all over to see my family and my husbands family!

What is everyone else Thankful for???


Pantera's picture

I used to feel like that but I refuse to feel like that this year. No, you aren't horrible, lol.

What I am thankful for?

I am thankful for having a job, a family, the best puppy in the world, and a roof over my head. I am also thankful that my ss has been really well behaved and that my DH isn't taking me for granted.

use_2_b_sane's picture

I am thankful for my family my kids and my husband. I am thankful that his crazy ex has not been able to tear apart our marriage or our family even though she try's her hardest.

I am thankful that we have a roof over our heads and food to eat. We have been hit very hard by the economy. Even if we did not have a house we would still have eachother to keep us warm in the box under the bridge.

It amazes me what our family has been able to with stand, for all these things I am thankful.

Jenn330's picture

AWWW that's great!!! It's so uplifting to hear what everyone's thankful for!

Use2bsane, sometimes I think life would be easier living in a box under a bridge! Smile

AlexandraL's picture

I am thankful I have a steady job and can pay my bills during these economic hard times. I'm grateful that my family, BF, and I are healthy and that my kids are happy and doing well in school. I'm thankful to be a mom and that I can love and am loved. I've been down lately but writing this reminds me I am one lucky woman indeed...

Amazed's picture

Thankful for my health. My son. My bullheaded,stubborn,obtuse viewed husband. My home.

An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind. ~Mahatma Gandhi

ChaiLatte's picture

You are not horrible. The stress and drama really does get to be too much at times.

I am thankful we are healthy. I am thankful to have companionship. I am thankful DH's job pays our bills and keeps a roof over our heads. I am thankful things aren't worse, because they always could be.

"There comes a time when you have to surrender the idea of what your children could be to the reality of who they are."

LotusFlower's picture

I am thankful for my DH, that I can pay my bills....and that my skids are all doing so well.....we are all healthy and are in a good place right now as a family....I am so thankful that I feel loved by so many people and that all my hard work paid off Smile

A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....

sadstepmom26's picture

Im thankful for my health and that of my family, my family, DH, SD11, my friends, my job, my home, my car, that Im about to graduate in less than 1 month, for food, clothes, and what bit of my sanity I have left.

Life is what you make it.

bearcub25's picture

Don't feel bad. Having to interrupt the day to get the skids, yell at them for a few hours and then take them home isn't what I want to do on Tgiving either.

I have been posting what I was thankful for everyday on my facebook, but in a nutshell....

I am thankful for just being here....right here, right now, and the journey that brought me here.

bearcub25's picture

That is why I am just thankful to be here. When my DH died 4.5 years ago, he had been unable to work b/c of the cancer (contractor so no sick pay). I almost lost everything and was at the point of walking away from it, F it let the bank have it. But b/c I am a strong person, I was able to work hard and keep what I had.

JustAnotherSM's picture

I've been posting my thankful thoughts on FB too. I just started this week, but so far I'm thankful for my family and my health.

You're right, all the shuffling of the skids can make for an unpleasant holiday. I hope you get to enjoy your turkey and maybe even a nap afterwards Smile

stepoff's picture

Ha! That's too funny. That's what I'm thankful for, too. SD20 won't be here for the holidays this year (with any luck). I'm thankful that DH has finally seen my pov and has set her straight and isn't taking any more of her garb. I'm thankful for my DH, my DS, the one on the way, and an in-tact family life, finally. Keeping my fingers crossed that this all goes as planned and agreed-to this year.

stepmom99's picture

I agree with you. I am glad my SD14 won't be here for Thanksgiving. She is going to visit BM in FL.

Just my DH and 3 biological children.

I am thankful that I have 3 wonderful children and a somewhat caring DH. We too have had a rough year. The hard economic times and my DH has been taking Intron A treatments(chemo) for the last year. At least for now, he is in remission and will be done with treatment just before Christmas.

I am also thankful that there are wonderful poeple out there like all of you who are here to hear us vent.