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stepmom31's picture

Jus hadda let it out:

1. DH agreed to help BM and kids move because he can get a truck from work and he knows how to pack and on/off load, it would save her a bunch of money. Stupid woman's lazy brother and friend really didn't pull their fair share, and my DH had to do a whole lot of it.
2. I'm very pregnant and I did help move her shit, then I stopped with SD to take a break and eat cookies (the only thing there was to eat) and there's nothing to drink. She comes in and drinks from the bottle of Gatorade she has in the fridge (right in front of me) and has NOTHING to offer to the people who are HELPING her move. I guess we were supposed to walk with our own drinks.
3. DH is back to smoking again *sigh*, but there she is asking to share his cigarette IN FRONT OF ME like they as best pals. I walked away. I think he did share it with her. I could have killed them both at that point.
4. It's getting colder now, so night before, she saunters into the house to wait for her C/S check and tells me DH is helping her move and she hopes that's ok with me.
5. It's Thanksgiving and she's dropping off the kids. Everyone's busy and I answer the door. She has a platter of something, but it's for DH's mom, who happens to be on an international phone call and cannot come to the door. Does she give me the damn platter and go about her merry way???? Nooooo. She has to wait to deliver it personally, sends the kids to get their dad, and still insists to wait and deliver the platter personally, so DH invites her in (supposedly because it's cold outside). I go sit and try to stay calm, while she's there waiting by the phone for MIL and then she's keeping everyone back, because we are watching a home-made family movie and she doesn't seem to want to leave.
6. SS didn't hug his aunt when he arrived and I figure it's because his mum was standing there. The two of them were never on good terms.
7. The worst part is that DH always has to walk her out, and then talks to her about shit, with her asking questions like she really cares... like about a problem with the truck - which I helped him fix!!!! - why the firetruck does he need to talk to her about it???!!!!

I really wish she would just minimize her intrusions... drop the kids and go her way... nobody actually wants to see her or talk to her in DH's family, but she just needs to make sure she is seen and heard.


MarriedwithChild's picture

*C-Can* I just read this thread and, omg- we should become best friends or something.I had zero idea that we had soooo much in common?

-What is the deal with the BM's doing that kind of shit?! BM here dropped off ss5 while MIL came up the day after Thanksginving to HAVE Thanksgiving with all of us, (2 kids)..Guess what the dumb bitch did?

She bring MCDonalds over!!!!With all of the food sitting out and everybody waiting on her ass to get here...?!! DH "claims" that she is way too stupid to think that clever to irritate me...bullshit!!!

These "BM's" "MIL's" are all just fucking nuts.(vent and breathe...)

I have PRAYED for BM to find another "beau". It's not happening.You would think somebody or something out there would take her.?

The goldiiging cow bitch ONLY wanted to have ss5 to kick dh to the curb and keep a free house and car...(venting again.)

My MIL, I could give a damn what she thinks.

I feel your pain, literally...~peace~(hope so)